Daar 8lrLrI opinml Lie. O-mM
of Braalay olalm aaa
Rar ~q$<& 6uttlataatt
lm IN in rauaipt or four lattar of 6aptwbur 60,
ltt rhluh you npuaat our oplttbtt upon the fououlttg qoaationt
.Dooathe Bat0 TW8rkum 8**0 autbmity to
pay to Olamu9ta Id4nard*a~~4ddlaUXay8n(Uay
wm sum 02 $f,6w.W, whluh$4 haldlm tha 6attl4-
aattt of zatataa nua by oh. 6t.t. Traoaurar 4. tha
ttttttlrfwa ~4~itta4~ or th4 44ta4 or we a. xttttt,
aa4aaa4a+ of J4.k aottaty, hasat
~A 44@.at4 atatamont OS fast. tog4th.r
; i
aupiaa4r -ocrrkln
Ita p #4 rtint a lo ma ’tlm batr#a 1919 aidl9er
u. a. atid ai4a itttark 004ptyI ~4.444 2447ittg 4 will *iah
0ooaty ntttt,a444444a.
8444a4aitt4dt4p~4b4t4 in04~44~4.&33inth4~44t~a44rt
0r wit w44, 40 244 ~4iia~f we a.
ma du p~~ia4a itt p a&
=ma r..Id.* ot y a.9.y .ha~lb. dirM.4
lnta 6 equal aharaa, arid .ahali ba dtatributa4 by
g lmutttoar . ---o l
h- to tha h&r8
or 444 ma*y, a444444a.-.a
als7.iLor dowananMinthew¶llaaexmuo-
ia rwa r l
nppoint.4 *ai.zilm
trator4vith-thwwlll-Qnaared* aad
a4 auuh 1Lta~~iual a40ount.waa a pra741L On the l%h d8y af
~52, i91c1, th0 40w 4-a I t4 014~ for fia*5 aiawbtt-
tlttu of tha artata whluh ordar ma. irn ~at’t a. ioU4w.t
. .~.eta wart ffnaa thatthe al-
1~~ taam.4 poreon. &i ;tttltld to aaak in th.
r0u4dtg r44petin f.ttt4r44ta 4r pawm4, ta-watt
. “‘; ”
*. . .
..: .,.. ‘;, ‘:_I: 1 ,, :
TQon thi Wtilamat of thm fb& aaknt &
say 4444utor or rhlal,atrator,lf tha &lra, 64-
rsawa *I:~toar of tits utat4, or aaa&uaa~ or
any& thaq 40 not qppau or asa not r@raawia6
tDt4reminla~ ln the haMa of th4 uawtax or
46mlnlatrator, ftaltallbe tk
"dir m ldmlaiatmbtir
At thla polttt7m0aU att*nt%oa to the followltq
statute8 under Tltla 54, ahaptu 86, Rerind Civil Sta%uWa
~ii988,8hs4hpr0*ta4 twp046a~~ fo,b4 r0llwat0m-
oovor wwy 80 paid to the Tr4aafmr.
~AlMole mm. wRwrtataaofansatataba*r
baon~ldtath~8tata9raaasnr, aayhdr;at
risooor lOd;rtw of lwh lat6t8, or theirseal&
naaa,or 4f tham,may ruo7ar theportbtt4S
auoh fa+b60
7 4 whlsh b or they r&al6 hro bum
ent lima. *
"&tlale sms. Tha puaon olatsia$aueh
funds rhill inatitutrhirrsuit tharator,by pet&-
tIioinflW snth444unty 44urt or thoo44zity in
taatay ta do .o,y
*Art1$010'%680. IYiaeoanti~or~~r%ota~
tokmy,,44 the ‘0440 w b4, shallsttaad t4 ana
rep4aentthD lat4u.t.OS wt. 8tDarin.ttll a.*
tar. Drirlttguaau any &trodRioaOf thla -@ax.' -'~,.:
Haoonbl4 Ohuley L00$&4rbi Page 4
Of ¶Waa,’ t0 zw0vOr th0 8bo+a aer4tfaaad lumaOp00it0awith
the TroaaoraronM8y 16, 1981. ServIeo or oltation uaa h4a
. upon tho Oottnty
Attawy of Seek Oounty, Texas who appoarad
and auauarodottbehalf 174dafammta. Said pothn ro24~4
bth0 p0u4af~8 in u~40 x0.688 s4t4t4 or~w. a. xttttt
aawaua., ana allegr8the tranaaot&ma fttmtnwtfatt thora-
rlth aa above daaorlbad ap4 tht the am.of #S,aW.Bb wea
oat4apo@itrlth tha TrOUtUSx 84 ahom by tha ~0~4s ef hIa
ottioo. Vlthout ntlawing in d*taU tl~ oontentaof the po61-
tloai, it wan alla& that pleIntI2fa um* tha mola aurvIvIag
dtl.ldn&~ cpf Dntid O;lfntot'Rradloy, 8ll 0th~ ahll&att ha+-
dira~ithorit 4mbg+gll~~idl.~1a rith0te ~WW, u,t
and giv*.:the dates of ~.tho* daatha) that the reamn Dar
au0t00 mt4l.oy :had not 4gp04r0a to e&air 44 an hair of. 44~~
Rradloy 'm%i! 4ihb~,MlU ti% :?. 'Smnt In 1081 we that ba %a
Ronorablo C9!iaxloytedklvt, Paua 8
40044446;ad thol48ful4wmr44f aaIdaatata*a4krte&to
the Stats of Tams la the aomaf #S,847.821
pmttu22~ az0mmamnara ziroa3.4~
Md aoak sftty
*darrdohnan&raoovarof~fm~theTmaatsrerof Th4
8taU of Tans OS Texas, as tho oaaaam be
w the 8tatie
la Sho.ayaof $6,dl(‘l.96 harata$oreaaohaawd to the i&d
02 Tax44 ia that oar8altt Gawa Bo. 8811 a*yl.ed Eatato of
w. at IFIuIo, d04~44, h0m0rol~ pttalng ftt th0 maa
ooort af JO&k Uounty, Tans, arid am r4007u0a, houavar,
to k rlthmt Ixitareat or oats.”
& far a4 m am ld7fao4 a0 appeal or otha at-
* taok ham boo& wdo cm aafd $t@wnL
~Ema.8.s The ia* that the oum abwo sot
forohahoula preporly ha74 bun plitood ln the
Sottlkmnt at Batat. ?m& bat Warm& .mox ‘.” “~
raot that th, 13tam fruaurex old stat0 awp-
trollardo aot havaluthmltyto trwafbr tha
monayattnloaa auuoxs~ by tho x@alataro to
do so, arraU8 m’~moy utt ast~hparative~
pubI& naoaaaltytihattb O4nutttutlmkalRula
roqo~bAllatak~r#d~oai thruvawrrl~
s Y& ~a~zrz~&%~~~h~-~
.a oaaqtaa.~"
A3?PRom WT. so, 19dl
(8) QCOWP @d.U8
7~lr8t AulH8ntAttamiey