Onidon No. O-GO02 63: Arrests - sczrchos vrithout w?.rrazlt - probable cause - , faes. Pcur request for ogdd.cm hm been redeived'azxl ~~~~s'ullg considor~~;bythis &psrtxezt. id quote frcxu y:. .Qi‘ rs!&st 2x3fOllOix38 Y3evaral questionshave arisen in this county relative to the,progorprocadtie to be followed with ,refcrenceto'the ahacking of triicksfor tha.purposeof ascertainingwhe- the= or not the ro&stntion papors are being .'.'. carried in the truclrs et all t-es, as re-. 'quire8by Article 827a, Sec. zj, Pi DC 1936, ~: ~. an& also forthe purgoae of asc@dining whetrrJcor oat the @xiv&s of said tmcks have ,qbauffe>urs licenses,es roguired by law, am.!tlrolo@l.ity of the procedure bein$"rol- lowe by the polioe officers of th5s county ~. in mk5ng those routlne cheeks. YI6 that you my be ~05~ fe!+iar wlth the~quostionothat hnve arisen we will state' a.caso, which co believe involvee every point on wh5ch we till ask your o~~inion: "A deputy constcblestaticfis h&self on : one of our busiest thoroughfares,the 8-e boinc!n iZt,ai,o highxmy between the Citic8 Of ljeau&nt, Texas, and,Port hrtlmx, Texas, an& flag &mn each OE~ ev&y truak or COI?imrCial notor vohlole paasing'alongsaid hi&my.~ (Xt t _. ..,._- ‘d i DoEonorcble J. C. VOYLOS, X?~QCI L7 ! ~15.11 bo noted hero t!22tth03e trucks and coxmeroialmotor VOliiCl?3 are cot ononly violzltin.; a5y'of'thels\:isof t?As S',ate, such CL.3 s-kOdi.?#&run5i53 7:ithvutoufii- ci-c: claaranco li::hts,ate;, but are be- in; 3to;;yu for t&3 6315~:)tlr~>oce of 3 rv*u- tl~o check to act if the ra:istxtion papers' ax-3in the trwks CC? wketk~r or not the Crivars am In'px73oa3fonof n cbnrffcur*s licoaso to oportitotha came), wAfteb the truok ia ato,;p!cd it io s~x~xhwl tv 800 v&thor tke ro~s%m?t?tir;n ;>2poroare .io the n&c and t5o driver lo hsk- od whathoy or not he hna 8 chouPi"our*s license. IT the.re&stwtion pqcrn are avt in the truck, or if t&e driver doss nz-thave a cheuSfeurtsIiocnue, as reQalr%a ,by law, then and in thnt event the driver ~. Is give5 a,ticket, such as is &.vcn in i s$eclin~ cases;requiring the drivar to a:Denr at a named Court, on a ~rtlcular. dc.ts. The'oSficer'maklu~the arrest then zc.csiato the JuctlWCourt an& in several instances the drlver’of tSo mtor vehicle, iVh0 has bce5 given a ticket, appears in : Court on the eate named theroj.n,~enters his plea oP,&ilty on& pays his U.50 an& L costs. IE mm instancesno warrant of arrest 'isever issued by the Justice of the. Il:=ac'a an6 in S&?m instmces the Justice 809s 5ot fswo a sub::oe.za Sor the w2Cnes~aes. It is oftea the case t?xitY~!IEJ~ the Bol'cndant qponrs he ;loaciqg.iZQ before the Justloo ol"Paqoa jjlthe dbsanca US the arrest.- 02icer or any other Attne,saor wLtnesses. "The qu8ntionsarinluy,.out of the abtm stata pf facts,,and on rhich your opinion . 13 raquosted,are: "(1) Does a Sheriff, Zm~x&y Sxwlff, Con&able, Deputy ConstabLe,City folice, Cffioor or IIi@xjapPatrolmen hcve the legal right to sto3 any motor vahicle, . be it a.comz~crcialmotor vcbiclo or othor.vlse,~unlonstha &river of said . Eor,orabls 2. C. Voylos, l'aze9 .' -0tor vohlclo 13 o>clllyviolztir;:: sczo la? 3.hv.lcwof the arrcstlr~ officer, cr unless t,hoarrast:il~office? !x3 ~robt:bloCQu.%¶to axto2the oarnOaad sc::rchthe rchiclo to ascertain.x~hethor ox cot rc&3tration ppers em hei2.r: mrried, as requiraa by Article f327e, Sec. 5, ?. c. 199S? *cur e_Di-?i on: W0 find no ~rovlsfor ir.the l:lw:.ivk~ a~.;r sf the P,aca OPficers.zUmi:above the leg1 rf,+i to stop coy n5to-rvehicle uu1333 thq hzwo arobablo cause OCRunless a c?rivor.of tlk3scmo Is violctic~ 3x33 low in their pp3- senqo, such 'assp3eai22, r~z2i.C~TJithCUtClear- . li@lt.s,atc. In Cornelius 03 2enrch ucd to..23 5eizur0, Sooond Edition, Z,rgos41-42, the author ~80s these words: n"?!ithouta doubt, the abolition or constitutionalrestraintsaC.ninst~un- masorx~blo searches ana oofsuros would be of assistance in detsoti~* ati appre- hem¶ing violators of law -~~sosz3thing~ 6&e:,tly.t0 be aesiroa; Buti on the cthor hand, if 4:.o'fTlcarsof the law ':.ore given unlizAta& license to search parsons; homes, ofilces., eutmobiles, aa& effects mhonever they aeaire, the nzt.ion vioaldbo sa%dlod.vAtha nui3ance of the first m&tude which, in it- ' mlf, woula.tt?ndto brir,!: all 1m.s in- to~disrep.ate.If, for exkm$.e (es has Srequeatly beeh tho caso),~an over- zaclous oifiaer shoulclotation hiasol~ on 0p.e of our trunk ~~&mc,:~s, ovar which thousezds of &utozobiIwYtravel each &y, stc? every oar en& search the occupants, goatly to tha nnnoyama and huzallietlon of mny innocent:peo:le,would not awh a pcctioo tend to briJ:gunneoessarypro- judice and oiliuaU~OC the low itself?' .~onorabloJ. C. Voylc3, I'eg 4 Tlmro%3ro, 3.5our o_sinior. Police offi- ems have co l-g?1 r$:Lt to sto,;) trucks, notor vohiclos or ;ws3enAgor cars la the vlayoutlin- ed cibovo. "(2) Cozs zay Li:?!icF: C$$icor, and xiore c3pcially t2030 .~:~~0ds::jov0, ksv0 th0 ri.:htundsr t&o 1:2xns it 13 :aJ'witton tc .:ivef:tiY+?t w?oroin the flrivoror t.h3.zotorvo!:iclois required to apgenr ir.Cyrtczt a later riatc,orce_ntthe via- latioo for sgwdinr;P "Cur Opinion: T-l!0 find no ,orovisics for thi3 proceaure isthe Statxte3 for any violation of the hl@~ -cz:y ISY:S other thnn spobinc. Artic'lo792 :'.C. reads a3 folloxs: .*'In0830 of a&y proon err&cd for violntioq of.tbs.prcoedir~ artiolos ra- .P.ttinzto.s:aod of rbhTclos, unloas such mmon so 3rrosto& shall aci29cathat fit3 50 taken forth?TitbSaZo'ore a Co;urtof c~~Faton~.j~~iedfctior:~~or aa imodiate:. ?x%arir*~,tho arrostlnC o~f'ica~'5hs1l take tho liceme mmber, nazs.8 and'mka of tho car,'t?.o r,om and address of'the ..'~ operator or driver ,theraof,u=a notiry rich oprator or~ariver in writing to e?pear before.a dez,l::antati Court of cozsetent ji12l3Biction at~a tine and : olac0 to be slmAkfod in suohvrltten .;lotioawe+*. "TS.9 ,$rticlc,i,lour o~inion,.olesrly.atatas that a notice to a>sear~only a>>1103 in cpoedilig 02SQS. "(3) If a ticket 1.3~ive.afor any vfolatlon of the tmi'fic laws of thio x2t0, otnnr tiii;Ll.for O~CCcliFl;, t.0 C.r:- nesr in Court at a mm& &ate tharain &cl the driver fail.3to end rofuaoe to .cm.r~into Ccsc;;-t on.:~.id &to, will hi3 failure to tqr,enrin Court be the basi3 OP th3 fil5.2; of.awthor co1+aint, for’~ fetiro to a?,car? “Our .opition: I **Ifw'I08r8 Gorract'in our opinion on .2uStfCin,:;O. 2; that is, that th0 firIY%Stin~ officer ha8 no rl,#itto t7iv.efi~‘tlcket for any. traffic 1aW violatim, other than for speed-, i;e, thes it.ls our opzLaicnthat the ayrast .is illo~xd and tiaximctiaa co varrant of arrast is ,&sued the Justice of Peace could :mt clxrjo for t&8 sa!ze,txr would~the ar- rilstil?i,: officer be kmtitled to an arrest fee. "(5) If tho dof&ilant appeers in COUi%, in rx%_?Ou3QtG n tiCkGt ,$Ven .' to him for my troffia law ViObtiGn, othor than spaeaing, and zhe arrestin;: oirfaar 81s~ cppoars In Court at tbo srh tim,.and no sub>oana has boon is- saza by the Just&c 0: the Peace roqAr- 3.4;tho proeonce of the axresting offi- CBY?, or anyother v:itnessos, weld the arrest&q officer, m3el.y by his presence in Court, be entitled to a WitaesS fee, evan thoqh ho wns remdy a& wllli~~'to testify in the case? "12 GUI'OTXhliGLl th8 ClT!lBt MiZSillC&, T.G&b:-,osnah&qy bsgrtissu.:drequiring the ~xosGnco.Githe armsting GffiCW, OP ailg 3tl:m i.litncss, iids~033 wi33enc8 in Court xould not 8fititl8 hb (t&e &rreStinG OffiOor) to e v:litnoss fim, avm tkc~~~h to stooa ready end v~Uli.in~,tto tostlfy in ttc case. Arti- cl0 iO80, Cod0 of Cr%insl Procmiure,retdo as follo"xf3: n%o"foss Call ba allovwd to a par- 3Gn aS~'iiitne32 fmS IUllt?SSsuch person kas boon sub?oor?od,attached or racog- .nihd aa d ~vGtJieas in tFLecasf3,9 "(6) iMk3r the facts.'atstsd in *es- tion 5; if the do,"onda?tis'in Court aad has..notbefore bo'enso-god with a warrant af arrant and a warrmt of ar- rest is Lz the officar'*ahazds,~oan he leglly serve tho defem2ant u3oq his ..ap_=ocrance in cwrf and then ohar&e an qrost Pee therein7 "Our'Opiniom "If the warrant of.arrostham bean is- ~srlodend ls.in thahmC1R of the Gffictir,then . ttio aur opinion th=:t'!lacan mr'v8 the same . upon tko a~f&mt at tlmt tine,,vðer 216 b8 ilJCOUXt'GX &it'GUyOtht2l' @.a@c8. . "(7) If ycu hol@,tbat police offi- cers do net &IVO the.rin,htto stag notor-uehioles,as cmtlined~fo Qxestion Xc. 1, theo en&-in thut event woul& the . officer so sto-r,pfng cna sezmZxl.n~ the t.rucks~endo'+er cotor.vabiclcobe &.lt~ Of'tht3GffWX3a Of US&WfUl q- ' rost?.~ "Our Opinlont ~oGorG.Sls J. C. Voylas, ?Gee 7 '_ wArtic 1169, mm1 Code, roads as fol- 1OWs: "*False iqrinorzxentio the wllful detention of ahother e.gain3this ccn- rrcnt'and whora it is uot eqressly Gu- thorized by'lav;,?.hethersuch dchontion bo effect& by an msault, by octwl violenao to ttm 176r30~, by tbzents or by any other which restrainsthe srty so detained frm reuoviog fro2 oae ?l.oce to another as he rcay3ee pr0;er.l. . TLn view of this Sto.teit is our opi& iGE tl.xtt the orfiaer would be guilty ot.tho offense of fnlse inprfsonmnt in clakingthe' arrost.as outlined in~QIe3tiGnEO* 1," Seotion.Ba pf Article 827a Vernon's Annotz?t,ed. Texan Paal Cob, (tsamended by tho,Aats of 1941, 47th,Le@- lature of Texas, reads as follorrs: "S6C. 5% Upqn application for ragis- 'tration of'any ao?xmrcialnotor vehicle, truck troator, trailor or seti-treilbr,the . cippllcantshall deliver to,bhc Tax Collegtor,' or.one of hi0 auly authorized deputies, an .. affldevit &iIy sworn to berore an offiuer.au- thorizea to e@.ministerocths, showing the walefit of said vehicle, tha 32ax.imm l0ca to be.tmns- ported th5roix2,end the total gross wel@t for +hich 3nid vahiale is to bo rtqiisterod, whiah nffidovit shall be,~lsapton.fiLe by the Col- lector. The license reoeigt issued to the. apglicnnt shall ~130 show stlidtot31 e;ro3s wei&t for which 3aia vehicle 13 regiStered, A copy OS sairlreceipt e&ill be anrried at . all tines on any~such vshiale whil.8s&m ia u?on the public highwxf. .. rrPhacopy of tho reciistrotionliaense re- colpt above reqtirad shall be admissible,in evidenaain any cause in vihichtho gross-regis- tered reiyhbtof such vahlolo is-an.ijSUe, 3od s&311 ba prima facie eviUonce of tha gross weight for which 3uch vehicle i3 re&stGred. Suah,aogy of the rogiistretlonliaense receipt 'Donorable3. C. Voyles, Pege 8 shall be 8isplaycd.toany officer authorized ;;,;;Egrcathls,Act, upon reciuestby suoh . : The driver, o~mtr, cpomtor, or other parson opc?atinS or driving cuch rehiclo, fciliq to co~gly tith this provision of tfiis Act, shall be S-uiltyof a xistdazeanor aud . u2on conviction shell be fined in any sun not ercccdln~ !%o HWlred (:~200,00) Dollars.W Article 827a, Sactiou 0, VerE,on*sAnnotated Texas Peal Cc4a, cs czeuded by the Acts of 1941, 47th Legislature of Texas, treadsas folio-mr "Sec. 0. Any licons0 ale wi3lghtinspec- tor of the DeDnrtmontof.i%.ablic Safety, any ti@:ag patrolma or ary sheriff or his duly authorized deputy having reason to believe ths% the Cross woi&t ai'a loa&ed.vehiclois uulaprfulis 'authorizedto neigh the ame by . mans ,ofportableor statlohary scales fur- nish& or established.bpthe Department of ?ublio Safety, or cause the sane to be weigh- odby tiny public weigher, aha to reguire that such vehicle be driven to tho oearost ~. available acaies in the dlreotion of uestiha~ tlon, for the purDos0 of wei&ing.. In the event the &ross Wei&& ai any such vehicle e bo fog& to exceed the mzim.m gross weight authorizedby km, such Uxmse and weight inspector, .hl@~my Eatrolmn, bheriff, or his '~ ._ ,$ulyauthorize&a.eputyshall Emand anilrc- wire the operator or ohwer thareof to WI- ( lood such.portionof the lead OQ my be.nat- esscxy to deoreaso the gross w&&t of such vehicle to tho.mzizn& Cross w&&it authorized by law. Drovided, however, that if such loed. cocsists 0%'livestock, Derlshablemerchandise, 0::Mrcbanaise that may be &maSed or daotroy- e5 bythe weather, then such operator shall be pamitted to proceed to the nscrest ptic- tlcal unlontiingDoint in'tho &irection of dssticationbosom discberginf; said excess qcrgo. ?he officers nix%& heroin are the only officers euthorized to enforce the pro- visions of this Act." zonom3la S. C. Voyles, ?eae 9 Prior to its irzx&:ent In 1941, the above quoted s;otutsresd GS follO?vS: '"Al%. owe, sec. 0. s&n:' liccnee end ir;s?octorof '-;hc -.73i;ktj StcrteXI.~hczyde- ix-ir~~~ ,-,:xt2a-rt, rsz3o;ito boliavo t.?xttba :rOSS Y,X3i;+t Of (3 lOSk!d $6%C16 iS Ur?hV;- ful, is Suthorized to xei~h 3~ C-ZX?G either .bY93nns of aortz&le or sts:icci:ryScales, cad to~reqcirot&t swfi vehicle be driven tc '*h,s Lxa-ffS$scslss La t&J ovsnt GUCb scales SEc Within tv:O miles. The ina;cctor f!zythen rcquiro the driver or operctor to unload Izx&ictely such portion of the load tismy be neceSsury to Qccrccoe the gross xekght'ot Such vehicle to the maz&uxrngross w&ht SpecIfIod by tl;Is>&,.* The courts have not yet construed the 1941 amand- ncntsto BoctIonS :.aSnd 6 of Article 02?r, supra. EO%6V6&', tne cc,urtshave construed t.henbove quoted SeotIons'.whIah ~::'c)re in effect Drier to the 1941 ~33ndi3ents. '.: The c&,Seof DeShonyjYotor Freight LIneS, Inc. v. EogaLs, ct al, 99 Sl %L (2d) 1033, held thnt n trucking corn- wny wcs entitled to nn,order rcotrziningeheriff,~deputy Sheriff,hi&:tiy.offIoer,~ 0onSbcbles, deputy oonstsblea, zcd cousty otto~rneyfrom czraS;tieg~truck drivers and Leigh- ins end'c~usfn~to be mel~hndtraoks for the >ux-goaeof aa- certa5niq wheth& they vrcrelixded in 0XCCSf3Of 7,000 ?OUndS s-iccothe Ste.tuta(t!lenin :orco B 327a, Sec. 6, prior to the 1941 amondmant).conferredSuch.euthorityon 1IoenSo and ?!irii::;ht: insspectors.The cs.m ix-Bnsd v. State, 96 3.~W. (2d) : ~&91,wnS aitad in,tha court*s ,ogis?ion. In the fic~daSSo, the arrest w~a mado by a cocntxblowhom Judge~?5orrow of tho. ~'0x23 Court of Crizinol .&pgaels held v~cSwithout eutiorlty t,o.azrcct without~%vcrmnt,~fc.trofuoel to drive truck to sales to esc~tinin whothctrthe truck vz%ooverloaded,under StetcteSvesting paoce officers with right to arrest wIthout~ xarr%;otIf breach of tha peaoe Is being co%I.tted in officers* -preeezxe, the oporatfon of an overloadedtru’cl: not being ?or se % breech of the peacen. < . '?!O qUot6 l'rOI2 JU&p Chrp'S .OophbQ (!?QXSS ~U~nms6 court')In the cnne of Dew Way Lumber Compeny v. ZUIth, 96 s. ‘i7. (2d) 290, as f0110wS: honorableJ. C. Vdyles, P@e 10 "The dcinnnt pur:,oneof the lams on- acted on tf;issubject Is the safety of the y.15110fro21injury ma 103s of life through the operstion of motor vehicles on the!sub- lit2hl&?rep. it is n zettitrof CO2?OIl~ ki3cl~~eago that nany parsons are injured, and mung liv03 lost, thrsu::;h the operation of notor vo!d.c133 OII the ;:ubllchi$r.z%ys. Thio l?iT::.~OlSO b.23 for its ru~:sonable:urgoss the potcction of the highxsys frozmthe opera- -tion of ovarloadodtruaks thereonl~ Under tl-clclw,officers d33igtsr:t3a to enforce the rrcvlsions thereof shoul.8hzve the right to &zzuxI that operators of motor vehicles CM?I their yoraits fcslaod~byvlrtue of arti- . cPe QJlb, v@thout a search warrant. ,tfit x?re necessary that a sewoh,warrr3ntshould b.erequirollto obtain such information, one of the ~main~urpossu of tha law would . ba nullified. ~If an ofi'ice~r authorized to enforaa the lawapyroaches the driver of o motor vohfole fox the pu~?posa of csaer: teinlng if he has a per;ait.tooperate the , c'sm on the zublic hi,&~tqs, ana the driver declines or refuses to show such permit, it losic~iig r0ii0m that tie 0ffmr psOtid hav0 probable cause to ~belIevethnt tho motor .' vehiole is being operate& 03 the ?ublia high; whys in violation of law. Liketise, section 6, art, 827ai Vernoq*a Ann+ P. C., authorizes 831fnsgcctor to stop a vehicle and weigh ft, ,if he hns reason to b&love that its load ex- oeeas that allow& by law; and, if the load fs excessive, require the operator to roduoe. it to the amount praaoribeaby the eat. It clearly appears that this saotion of the stat- ute aoes not prohibit the use.of motor vehl- oles on the publio highways, but is merely Q regulationof their use. Tlmrofore, iI the offioer should have probable CQUSO to b'e-2 Ueve that a motor.vehlcleis being operated withcut a permit, or tbat:it Is being opcr- ated tith'an un&wi'ul:~loud,he'would hnva the r&&t, without a search warrant to stop the driver ana @restIon him about his ri&t to operate a motor vehiole upon the publio - 3s no.?,orabl.e J..C. Voyles, pege II h:.&~ays, and, if need'&, asco?%alnwhether the opcration.oSthe rzo-;orvohtcle is in violetioa of law; ariOif such driver is oger- a,tingthe rzotorvehicle ir:viel-tion of lav, ar,-$sthFn,:Mlthouta menrrmt.~ To hold othardse would recder iwffoctive the rea- mw.ble and vho1eso.m LI;XGemctea 'fortho pmO0tiOn 0f tn3 FJS~C ma th0 high~O~-~.~ ?':e quote fro& the case of 2001:v.'3tate, (Texas' court tt Csinlug;lATpeals])EXI S..%. (26) 4C);as Sollowsr *Vieflnci:roznthe tastiz.onythet this IlEgector, c&tar hemi:;; tbZi3truck c.ouing, flsshed his lisht anit?.irsctc~the arpellnnt to drive to the side of tke rczd end be- wai-@aa up] which the a~>ulkat readily ax, nod.tifter~~~$h vk?l:.hbt ha& been psoer- .: talncd a>pellmt tqreab to drivs into .",an * ': Xarcos, a short distance amy an?3be there col&~oiionestntfooary soaloo, where then cape result wan obtained. That thfs in- sQector had authority,EO to do, 'a3find to '~ .be,h&I by.our Supeme Court in tho oaae of 1Iew::'ay Lumber Co;v.'Sxisith,12B 92s. 173r.96 8. w.%2a 232, Ona in an ax- ’ .’ ~. h.zustive,opirion by Juotioo sharp it is said, : oh nce 290 of 96 9. i'l. 2d thoreof: '&ee- vlsu, section.6, art. 8270, VpMon~s Ann.. 3. C., authorizea on irs~octor to.stoD a vohicle.fr,B veir& it, If ha has raaeon to bsllbve that fts load exceeds thct oll.Wed: by lam; and, if the load la excessive, re- g&o the .operatorto reCuoa it to tho ozmunt pesoribed by the act.. It cl3arly anganrs that this seetion of the statute cobs not'prohibit the use'of uiotor~~h.iolos ’ on the pblio PQhmys, but fs Eerely a regulation of thair 1.133. Thorofora, if the oiffoor should have 'probablecause to be- ,liovethatEa&otor vahlcle is being OPCtrQt- oa wlthout'a portit, or thkt it Is beiw 0,33mtaa with an unmmiL load, hc would- hme the r.ight without,u smrch warrant,. .to stog the driver ana gu03t;iochim about his right to operata 8 sotor vehicle U94n Doxrnble J. C. Voylas, Fa60 12 tks gublic highways, artlib, if mod be, as-. czrt;in whothor the cporatitn of tho r?otor vckicle is in violition of lm; aad if such cLrivcris operatins the riotorvehicle lo violation of law, ccrsst bin without a .m: t.v.? ._-_ Et . To hold othlcmlsowolil0romlor *.- inoffoctivotha IXx3Gnzblt3 sod v?holasono law anacte8 for the 7rosoctionof tho sub- lie aildthe h.tf$lrxp3.' "T&s court has hold In TIaadVW-~Btato, 131 33s. Cr.,& 96, 96 9. Ii.26 5s1, thnt the lo~inldxareho9 Avon th0 above txmtionob Domrs as set forth in Art. 62?a, %x3. 6,. cu,srz,to llceilseOna woizht inspeotorsof thu ?:i&xay Departnmt only, au&that a ccnstabla or other gabo officer ot the estatehx no suoh powar. This opinion in the l?oa% case ms cited and followed by tho &??rillo Court OS Civil.Ap2aals in the c&se of Do Shong Motor Proi&t Lines, ICC. V. Bopkins, ot al, 39 So,a. 2d 1033, vhore the freight lines we?.%saeklng an ' injunctioncgaainstHopkins, a aeppty she- riff, mho xas tiei ing aa cauSiag b be xvdghhe8appellantPs trucks for the pur- pose of nsoertainingwhether or not aaPB wars ovf3rloadeacIt tvaatherein held that-1 such officer Bid &ot have that powor, saB!e huving bean lod@H alone.in guoh inqmo- . t0rs.n 5% call your particularattention to the followLng portion of Section 3s of Article 027a, supra, to wit: *Such cozy of l&o registrstionliaense roceiat shall bo disPlayod to any ori'icer authorizoi!to enforcrsthisaot.lV Ohvl&sly, the officers outhoZ%zed to enrorca the have the:authorityto flag down or slgoal the. act'17oul.d o_caratorsor such vohi~lea to stop in or&r that such 0rri-' ., cars could have the opDortun.ity to request the operator to ~. display the re&strotlon reoeiDt for suoh vehlole. viehave oonclude&that Soctiona Ba cjinb6 of Article 02'?a,Vr .L.I. P. C., sh~ulu be construed to&tlriaran8 that the orrlcers hamed in saatfon 0 art3the drricm3 authorized to enforce Section 5a. x?ocorable J. C* Yoyles,:Pa$o I.3 Conference opbion Eo. 3058 of.this .dogar&tent holds, anong othor things, that a constable is not entitled to a foe for sumoning witnesses uselesshe actually -oned - nalc?Y~ltnosses. Ye a_uoto.frm o&&on No. 0-QG3 of this dopsrtmnt as :0110ws . %I answr to ymr TLestions (a) and (b) of w,astion X0. I, the dotorzaination or whether or not tho mtorid wan under orrsst by the constable dapondo upon the Sollowi5~issue of fact: **If the rcotorliot' had attempted to loam at the tim the ocnstable stopped bin, would tho constabl,lo have pamltted .' .hirz to loavo?? You am ret aoLfullg n&vised that it is the o inlon of th8s dogartmat that if the abova 'questPon be anawared in tho mgative, the.qotor- istwas under arrest. ,Sfthawabove question ba anmxmd in the affirmtim, tho notorletwas ' not under arrest.. You am rurther respeotfully a~¶viasdthat it is the opinion or this.depart- "gent that if tho above guostion be ahswerad In tha negative tha dzivor'was urrOorarregt, re- &arKloss of whotfieror not the co56table took the notorist'o bomLn Tiequota fro3 ~opinionfib.O-2104es roiiowi3r *It is a rga:unstLon 'offact as to whatliceOF not thchicense and Esol~ts Inspootorarrested the truck driver at the tium he stocped him and . gave hlzna ticket,. If tha'truck &river was,ar- rested by the License and W:aights&ispoctor it m3 tpe d,utyof tha Lioonso and weights Inspec- .e tor to carry the truck drivar. before the near- est magistrate an8 thla duty oould not be par- formed by the &vin,",oE:a 'ticket'unauthorized by law. It hey&i& not arrest ths truck driver thnre~was no~nocossltg or lnwful reason for hipr .attomptedoffort to requlra the truck 8rivar to appear in court at.a luter date upon the pur- . fibnorable Y. C. Voyles, Page 14 portea authority,oSa *t$ckot'. IS the truck driver was arrested and relecsed without author- ity of law, he would psrhaps occupy the same status 0s *an escaped prisoner*. Eut regara- less of whether or not the truck driver V.U an 'escaped prisoner' IS the co%a'tzbleexec'uted a valid warrtintOS nrrost l?gal-lyissued by the Justioe of the ?eace by.ar?estlngsaid truck driver at a later date he would be en- titled to an arrest See an4 his groper mll’e- E&e. IS he executaa vella subpoenes for wit- ness& in the case lawf'ul~yissued.by.the Justi'oeOS thenP&ace he would be entitled~to his Sees ana mileage for-executingsuch pro6 oess.* owe enclose herewith copies or said opinions Sor your iniormiition. ..~ Xe respectfullycall yoUr attention.tothe follow-' lngprovisions of-House B1l.l. 20; 47th Legislature OS Texss, known as the Drivei@*e.Lioense Law, oobified as -4rtiole~6687b, Vernon'sAnnotatea.TexesCisil Statutes, to wit: : '. '.'. weotion 1. .DeS+nition of ~ras,ana. : phrases. ,~~.: . w(m) *Ope&t&;r ZTery peYr.son, other than a ohauffeur or oolt?ntsxcial operator;whn is in actual physioal control of a,motor vehi- cle u?on a highway. w(n) WommerolaJ.o;lerator.*Every per- .~ son who is.the Urlver of a motor vehicle fle- signed or used Sdr the'transportationOS pro-' perty, inclutlinfj all vehioles used for delivery purposes, while da. yTehicleIs being used for commeroitilor aellvery'purpose~.' w(o) '%hauSSeur~&f.'~~ ‘EPeryperson'whois : or for the driver SOT wage~c%~~:oompensation, fare, OS,a motor :y,ehi@le ., :.trf3nsporting passe?- '.", gers. L:- ” . . . ,. . ;, - : HonorableJ. C. Voylea, Rags 15 Weotlon 13: License to be carried and exhibited on a-a. "Every licensee shall have his dperator*s,' coznorolol operator's or chauffeur'slicense in his inmediate ~ossssslon et all times when OD- crating a noto; vehicle and shall display th; szme. uuon domona of a magistrate or any.ofSioer OS a Court of coaoetent jurisdictionorany oaaoe oSSlcer.W Itindersooring ours) Article 36, Fernon's Anootatea Texas Code of Crim- inal Rrocoaure, reads as follows: "The following are 'peace ofSic'ors:*the sheriff and his deputies, constabls, ths mar- shal or policemenbS an incorgorateatoxm or I city, theofficers, non-commissionedoffi- '.i / cers and privates of the State ranger force, ana nny private person speciallyappointed to .exacute.oriminalprocess.* Tho case-of Xllson v. Stcte, (Texas Court of Grim- irtalAppeals) 36 3:-W. (2d) 733, h01Os tht a acputy constable Is a peaoe officer. 'Thiscase holan~thatalthou$ deputy constablesati not named In~Ar'tiole 36, Y. .I.C. C. I?.,supra, as peace offioers, they are goace officers by virtu8.oS Article 6869& Revissd'CivilStatutes of Texas. Ue answer your questions as follows: i. In your first question you.reSer to Section 5 of Article 827a,,1936. Undoubtedly,you mean to refer to SectionSa,.~which was amended by tha 47th Legislature. It Is our opinion that a consttible,-deputyconstableanQ city police oSSioar a0 not have authority to st0p.a motor vehiole for the purpose of aeman&lng the motorist to Oisplay to such offiaer the registrationlicense receipt for suoh auto- mobile required under Article 827a, Section Sa, sugra, re- gardless of whethar or not such officer had probable'cause to bel.lsvethat such motor vehlole or motorist had no such registrationpapers. It Is our ,Surtheropinion that under Section 3a, supra, the other officers named in your request, to wit, sheriff,aeguty shertfS~an&highway patrolman,would have the authority.to stop and request o?orators of the vs~olos namsd in the statute to show or display to such officer the,reglstrationlicense receipt for such vehicle, '. , HoxC8ble J. C. Voyles, Page 16 * . an& ‘l-trzouldnot'be necessary So& such officers to have. ,probable cause to believe that such motor vehlole or motor- ist had no such registration-&]!ers. IS the motorist re- fused to display such registratfonpapers to the sheriff, ds;!:tysherlSS or highway patrolnan be would be subject to a fine and such refusal would, xe think, in a proper case coxtltute probable cause authorizing such officer to search tke vehicle. It is our further opinion that all peace officers, Including ths officers named In your re- quest, to wit, sheriff, dapgty sheriff, constable,deputy canstsble,city tolice officer and,highwaypatrolman have. the legal right to stop and request motorists to display to any of such officers, their operator's,caqerclal ogerator*sor chauffeur'slicense, and It would not be recesaarySor.such officers to.heve probnble cause to be- lieve that such motorists did.not have such licenses...IS the motorist refused to dls:lag,suchlicense or licenses to a peece offioer and cozld'not produce his license in court at ihls trial he would La subject to a Sine and such refusalwould, we think, in a &roper case oonstituteprob- eble .causeauthorizingeuch peace officer to searoh the motor v~shioX0. IS a~constable,deputy constable or city po- lice oSSioer.shouldstop-an operator&~oommsrolal.motor vehitile-to aemena the display of his commercial operator's license,and the operator proal;loss his proper license suoh officer.has.noauthority to demand.thatthe operator display his registrationpapers required..under Section Lia,supra, and would have no authority to search the operatorlsvehlole for such papers, OS course, suoh,peaoeoffioers would alao have euthority to make such other searches an8 seizure8 _, upon probable cause as the -lawauthorizes. 2. We agree with your answer to the second ques- tion. '3. We agree with your answer to the third quee- tion. . . 4. Th~"'a~sw~~ to your fourth questionwiil aegena upon the facts 8s ,to.whotheror not an &rest was made by ths officer under the rule.&aid down &inopinion No. O-963 and ,upon the further question as to whether the arrest wlthout wcrraht was authorized py law. Is the oSSioer.=a6 an arrest for an offense u&es oiroumstsuoeswhloh the law authorized him to make without warrant he would be entitledto an 82- rsst See. IS nQ.arrest was maa? 05 IS en illegal a.rrest,was made no arrest fe:?would be &ue ths,uSSloer. <. .:. ~,. \ : I EoaorableJ. C..Voyles,Page 17 5. In ansimr to yaur fifth question, it Is our opbion under the.fncts stated tht the officerwould not be eattitladto a vJitnessfee, reg.ardless.ofwhether the alp- rest was legal or illegal. -(Ue do rot pass on the question of i?hetheran arrest was made aud if made, mhather legal or illc~al,as re.do not Save suSficlcntfacts.to.passon these questions.) 6. In ansmer to your sixth question it Is our opinionthat if the officer made a le;;al.S.arrestrrithout QZrritnt he would have already earnap-hig'arrestfee and it : v,ouldnot be necessary to serve.tha defkaknt with a warrant in order to earn h¶.sfee. If &heoffitier.made'noarrest or made an illegal arrest YJithoUtwarmznt, he;kould,.ofcourse, not be entitled to an arrest fee; bowaveg, if he subsequent- ly made a legal arrest.heiiJould be.entftledto an arrest fee. He zould, however, in no case,be entitled to more than one .~ arrest fee. : ./ .’ 7. .Your seventh..qu&stion is rather broad and we pass on same. The innocence officer v~ill'dapendupon all In each case. .', . : .I "Very truly yours .
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion