Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENE&& OF ,-Ems AUSTIN Deer Mr. Jonset opinion Bo. O-3982 i3et Authority of LegleZature to lsh o r ilt* th rm3.e OS Texas Tsohnologlacal Cot laga land. It is the opinion of tihioDepartment that the Legislatureaen authorigs~ a 8alo or the Eale gt (LlOaIm of a portion or the empar of Texts6Ttmhnologl.et2 Col.legenot ~the~~~fesneaeeeery for the use of the oollege to the City of Lubbod 110that t&e ei.trrpaf sreet aa autlitoriun.thareQn. The LoiJShtUlW aho~l.6 pmrtds the aondieeration to ba reosbivedfor suah sale 81:dtrlee;ate the determimtion of the oond.&eration to an 0rti0ihtl 0s orriaials af oh* oollege . The fs&d.aturs is oldhad Wsitih all g@*aZKi* I mental Pravda which reside in the p@A, subjeat to Su4h \