Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

,. h. -_ OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUrnN fronorabla 8. Jude05 Iklah gouaty Attorney , Biylor county Seymour, Taxer DSU SIT1 OplnIon so. o-3977 Rat Sal; o? land purohnrecl by * hmIag unit within the two j-bar porlod of rbdeptloa. ‘lour latter reque*tiag our oplnfou in rarateao~ to tax **la* by a taxing unit contains three queatIoa6 which we uI11. aam*? In the order pra*antad by you. Your flrat quartion read* as follower ~(1) tray a taxing unit purohasar of ~l*ti at a tax sale, before the period Of redauptI0n g~a:~pIrad, sell at prlvata sol* luoh tag prop- En Opinion no, O-1999 thla dspar&*at ruled $hat the purahaainq taxing unit at a tatiforsaloaur* sale oould sell it& Iatereet la said property withIn t,ha redemption period. A oopy of luob opInIoa is en*lo*e4 Sortpour Iator- . station. ~8 to what Interact I# thur oonvbyad we call your attbntion to CpInIon Ea. 0-980~ et thla d*pmt&ent Id whI*h we held a8 iollowrr “ItIs our opinion that a taxing unit pur- #maw o? land at a tax aale mar, bbfore the period or radmptioa has expired, 8811, aon~ay or assIgn st private sale It8 rit$t to ra0aIV0 tke re6amptIoa money mm the ownerr toaather rrfth the title rhIoh Ml.& ra8t UpOn failurn to radeeaa within tha otatutory priob.= Tee first quartion Is th8mmm8 umrara6 in the arfraatlra and a oopy ot this opIaloo la al80 laoloaad r0r your &rcamatIoa. Tour rbeoad qtwbloa raadr aa follaa: ., I ..-. '780 Honorable R. tu48oa Beloh, P8ga t *( ll) rush a u - ‘Itl ta x la g u nit b o a r h & a th o r ity, what I8 th e k lld o r ohuaotar or dea d lxoouto6 by the tulag unit8 axaauta8 and who the dead for tb State, Couatyi City a& Bohool, an& what I8 tha naouury prooodura thorafor? Yor a a mp le, If th eCouaty ha 8th eluthorI8y to 8oll tax property bid la by it at a tax aala baiora tha radaaptioa period upIra8, end et grimto nla, do oxooutaa the doad in bahalf . or the Couey?* In Oplaion Ho. O-W0 thlr dapartaaant ruled a8 r0ii0w8 I *It I8 our opinion that the right to ra- oaIta the radamptionmoneyllheuld be ooniaya4 by a, quitolab dead to the land ooatalnlng an ~aa8Igrmaat alauaa by lrhioh t3a graatas is ape- olfloally 8roIenafl the rig& to oollaot the moaay from tlm (imar and to Iaaua to hIa a ra- oalpt for the raar. ‘;?I8ltahta doer not pro- vi&o that the purahaaar shall axeouta auoh a no81 t but the waar ahoulU hare the right to dean8 lad noaIra mesa atIdaaaa In writing that ho had radaemaa hla 1-d rithln the time and amnor prorlaad by law.* x8 to who should uaouta the doab it la our opla- Ion tht aaaa should be lxaeutad bf the goveralng body t..ho of either the aouaty, olty or rohool dirtriot. Our leloaad OplaIoa’Bo. O-1939 prararIbr8 the maanar ot lxaoutlag wash a dead or ladgnaant In a oaao whora the Stat0 I8 the pur- ahaBi tulry unit. four thtrd qua8tlonread8 a8 r0um88 "(8) Whrra a t8x aid raoIta8 that tb prop- lr8y war bl1 la bl the Btata, Ccuaty, City aa4 8ohoo1, la it naaa88uy that all rush taxing unit8 jolo in tbo uaoutlon of the 6aaO where the pro rty la sold a8 private ado mnd baforo the pa,r r d oi ndamptIoB ha8 upload?* . ,, ’ Eoaorabl.8 R. Judaolr D&oh, raiis3' ;&icla 7345b, supra, pro&¶88 that ona taxing unit aha .l puraiaea the property icr Itoalr and ror the ~8s and banarIt or tha otholr taxing units. %owevsrPI whom ttr dard reoltea- that the propartf is Bold to tho State, aouaty, oity and lobcol dietriot It I8 our opia- ion that a?1 of aald taxiu@ units, an to-owners, would 58 required to uaouta a joint deed or la a ig n8entto the purohaaar. !:a trust that tka rowg0iryt fully aaswora your Iaqulry. &ovm OCT23, 1941 ?3ura wry truly ATTORNEY GiQUBG .