VT---- ‘766 OFFICE OF THE AH’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Iionorabla J6m4s E. Xllday,Dimotor, pess 81 A t?&lfidb & ‘ttt#Rrcmi4& I& &#@88%8jrh&*tng’ b.en ‘rantedby .omp.t.ntf4d.s.lwthority for.op.r.t&oa over 1rr.&kr roqtor to ..ad fmm paintrr ri%&fn the W.$. of Texw ad othar~rtator,the 1~8wawo~0~ring publio~00avois- S.A$o~. ana Aoourlty hew buA 8itbl,dind thu. %8 pnD~8.d ‘to th6~,&iilraad-c%md8aSan fork dotrrmSaattunr ugoa prep** a~~l:O~t&OXl, th. quiatlanof whothot’th.qafOty of tho travub ia(tpublfe.ndth4 grssWvationOf~& h&hway.wiLlpsranait . . bu.h.addi8Soa.lburd4na. l&w propar #howla@before tb. .%aSlr6adCQDIILlmfon,the Owaiwio~ plight ibid that epW.tioM ovu say wd all routu wlthln the terz5tw to b. 8.n.d by the urriar uuder ft8 interstate Wrt%fLoato~wOU.bl 048 ad- ruwly’af’hot th him8~ rubfeotto the u.., or Q&o pub110 mrety, Wwhloh .t.& 18 i. oe, apinionthat th. ,f%m&abia would bo aothorioed M i+auO 188 eutlfloata in lowardknoe with mob tindin& X8 a&h8 ‘be tha0 th. lrid.no.befor. th. ocwmiillaawooldsharrth.8 .nly oolrtainoftb4 .raUablo ‘rout.edthlath.terr$t&ry 06ulff bow th. addltioxulburd.a, or that Qhe voltma of tiraitio or ether airourbmora would rvquir.t&at th. operet&onao? a mrrior~holdfne.uoh a ..r- tiftoate la fnteratateoommoroeshould be prorated or divided -.... 769 Hononbla 3amu 8, Bllday,D%.motor,Page 4 b o twun 6o w~x dlvaQabh r4Ut.B hd -1Oa.d.. t. Oth4x6. Although the '19zlra~tax CuPlet Aat 4448 aot lutborlaoth4 i86M~60 Oi 6 0.X’tiiiO.t. Of ..8V.ll$~nOO lfbd Zk#OB~it~ OYW Smgular ~routu in puwly intw8$ata o~oi,‘tha raUdlc)y: oi the lRtu88680 OutitiOato i6RIti. by tha I~tomtuto Qca- wr.0~86hn~.~6Witto WA~tof Oo13@'+6~uBtb.N~ 0piB.d. fti8 oaly iathi8 thattbh, ?OB@O~tir.~Wi&~~~ tions.mayprop*rl*fuotioa wit%A tho roepe-of tb luthorZt$ ocanittedl to uoh; I.i~thlB .OM.otiOn ft'8ktid b4'point.d Out the8 meation 10 oi t&o %x86 ilotor Uuxhr,Aat r4q*ru~th4 ap plioatiohPO rbw the Vomplote m&e or route&OTW whioh~ a lieant $061r46~ to op4r4taw aid loooapnny6m4. ulS@ “a 3 at or Wg shod&g the route Or~reqOoa ovaf wBi& lppliauit dO8iX.B $0 operato.w .'fbOrO wwld IbW Cb'bO LlxI rOW@I&WkRPtJ 4n l ppliouptholding8n int4r8t.80 .4rtifio.ts of uli* ohm- actor rhouldnet k Mqutrad to dotigaatoin 186:rppl~wtiw the 1.ri.48 iXH&UhX rOUt.8 whioh it ~~OW6 te Oh UUdOX it8 int4r8tat4 oextlfSo6t4,In emjar? tkmt,thq~asrraf4~lon cy be fully infom+d aad rsy'haarusd dataa~a tlwQuoat%onr- lrS6iugOOA042111flpc8hO 1164 Of all or any paxtSoularhlqhmy ritaotbd. . Your fir88 qurrtioni. answeredip the diimmtiro, 'Bu ragond qtio.tlen la uww8nd inth. ~1 tiv.. LTattampwtabdqg t~publio ~~nrenla&~~6nd IYW#S rby End the •UT~U to be pcrrt0nn.d ln intustat. owra. uu4.p .A intuatata wxtitloato iuued by th. IntoratatoOaaaarro@ Oim- mi68ion ax0 govornadby the Yodar& Yotor aBxder A& 6f 1985 and thexubr &nd rq@latlona of the IRtu8tata ~maroa Car- Ri86son. In uim.r to yo\trthixd questionit 16 our opinion &a under the .ltuationpm~ontad no additionaloortlfioata or authority wmtld bo naouu~ under the @bX68 Motor C4rri.r A.t by orbor to u8e tha~Bighwa~8 at the atata of T4u4 to operatein iatar~tata ecmnarm undu a valid intorotate oar- 8 ifs0.t.. The Bailroad 0~1~100 having Issuedit8 oarti- fioato to u64 tha hSghwa$*md ho appeal having bun taken tharofrom it would be pammod ,thatthe CowS68ion had found that uoh hS@iwaywitbln tha~tsrrltorJr oaarad by the lntw- ,’ lk t*..r)ifiOetO o wld b..r t&4 8bd:thlid Of tnii~o . b nr den
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion