OFFICE OF THE AITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonerable C. B. Pattermn ceunty AttonieY &wmter cmmty Al$aIIe, Teas mu bArI letter alMerusatut Honorable C. E. Patterson, Page 2 We ahall 8180 fsaaumethat there nov exlate 8 vaan- cg in the board vhlch the ~emalnlng trustees are authorized to fill un&w the provisions of Artiale 2?77. Section 40 of ArtSale ?iVI,of the Constitution, prohibits the holding or more than one ofriO 0r emomment. Bovever, this seation does not apply to the office or trustee of an independent school dlstriot since under the ap&zted statute such truetee aerveblwithout caqpenrratlon. Abmnathy County Line Independent School Dirt., 278 3. W. i3 (revered on other grounds, 290 8. U. 152); p Tsx. J’ur. J 9. .It Is the settled law ln thla State that a poreon oarlnothold tvo Ino atibis orme at the sama tima. le v. fflenaRose Inde t School Diet. Ho. 1, 50 8. W. (24 7 375. HoveVer, ve klov Of no ZeaBon vhy the dutiee Oran la- dependent school dintriot trustee should in any vap be inoon- aletent or Illoonfliot tith the duties 0r a county attomley. xt 18 w ~piniosl,t.h0l?br0r0,the th0 ~0 0rmk38 m not lnoumpatible . In vlev of the foregohg you are reapeotfully ed- vired that a aotmty attorney lasyat the oaue tima serve an a t~h30.,0r en independent aahool dietriot areated under the gammrl lav. Saure very tmll~ ATTORHEX C%ltRERAL OF TRXAS -v Glenn R. Levi.8 Amrlstmt
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion