OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorable H. L. Baukai(ght Acting COUnty AttOlXUy Travi8 County hl8tin, Pm8 Dour Sir;' 8 a0 kl. . You rwpuurt 6n dsp4rtz64at on th4 r&&t or th8 Comai8slon4r Vi8 county, TOxa8, to approptiato +dOO.OQ for f wrehaol~ng readlng roan sgulpasnt t tormurtsr CO-8 O? the blstioaal , nOW8tat%QI#Bd in Browa*00d, T4 that 8Wh 8’3ti)- Ip8ELttf &XAMha8 mp Es bry upoti tha retUrn ot 8siOh Z'P8d U&WA tbb,Doadb8tQ5er8@ &8t3@ of tlhs %ml88b Civil 8' court and th8 COua811 itY Or t%VFItI5 this 38d fc th4:r df8f?i'OthUt, oi8fdt IIlIp,not otherrise 0 pIJT.thS Q404884lT 4q4li848 Of iV4 Whit8 bi th8 ~tiQKi81 (kurb (@oo.~f D&&W8 p8r BlO<hfor 8Wb %T3bfi888 from any on4 awb Ceurt, C~tmcil or C0ma&88~on 'fer any 0114orgarritatlon~ . . .* our opinion t&t t&r uao of saob laobpiafj4 aadtert~ * 14&8- 14tiV4 fAttItttfOAthat 8U4h mOtt8y i8 to be U0.d tOr 4dU&li8- tratfre 0r4rh66a and not fox t&8 purpose8 her4 8ou#tt. It i8 our o~in:o&l th4t your QU88tiOtt nrU6t be aO8- asrsd in tiao as~stlv8. -fOUP8 V44 tti)r
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion