Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUBIIN e3c Soaorebla C. J. Wilde, Pege 2 &aid for the tine.servea in eueces county on the basis of.tha re>ortars of both the 94th and 117th district'courts. 'i'here- .?ort%rfor the.l28tk distrlot court haSa period of iorty we*ka in Nueoes county. -The repxter for the Crb&ial t¶i3tfiot coart h&s 8 period of fifteen vreeksin Mlacss ~County. '. "Is it &r oL?ini& that the saloriea 'of t&se court reporters be'@.d on th0 .baais of $3,0X.00 3er almuuizfor the tfm' served ln,~uoces Couqty only. This, of .~ - COUlYi%,would not affoot the salaries paid these r%gorters fro.3the other oountioe in whiah they serve. Vhe -miaY ~trzkmlly believes 33 stated above t!xatthe rqorters should bo gaid on.t?l%sebasis ot5arxk~s it would b% discriximtizg to yay the r%;rortnru of t&se courts, who serve in IJueces Coilnty' full ti=leaxi roceivs the salmy of G3,OCO.OO end to pay the rej7orters'in,Shose ooarts Miich ser~%'S~f;usce% County only aart tise on the basis of ..$,?CO.GOfor the time served in Eueces CoUKty..” titicles~232Sb and L327a, V&sn*s~A&otatea civil Statutes,‘r%spectivaly,resd a3 follow: . : : *A%.& The 'salaryof the official l f32Bb . .ixhortha&rqortco! in eaoS~Judiaia1~Iiistziot i:?eny coo&q of this Stats which al.oc%..con-~ ~~atitutes two 'or~cra~Judi~ia1'Xistricts,inky. addl.tioato~thn c~pells%tlon ior l';ctulscrfpt :. fees,+sprovidea br law shall be .$3,COO,OO .~ por.:anni~~,~t+o $8 paid as the zmlsry of,othsr COL~t:repcrtersare pia, out of t.lls'general i'und.~~~ Ethelcounty." . .. ,. rArt..2327a. In eacb~JudicialDistrict J 09 this Jxste.conposed,ol one colmtj-only, arS, ir.?:hichcouzty thsro is oniy one District. . court, and sfso In 'anvilJudiclEg 3i3triat coqogad of two (2) Or Sore coultias, snd.also 3.neach Judiaial District co=$?%sd of onescouaty, ,. . ..:.. Dxorc!Ae c. 3. iViilde, ,2?age 3 wdch cougty c~aqosas ak30.8 prtion of an- othar Judicial District~i',thesalary of the official Court Sie>ortershall be Wenty- seven ii$ndredDollars ($27CO), c;erannum, it additioa to the cosp3nsationfor tram-. crigt fees aEd allotsames roz enpilses 50% providsd.by.lsw;said saltiy td be gaiU nmthly by the Co~&ssit.aersCourt of t!m 00uct.yor counties, out of the Ceseral ?und of the co~uutyo~countins, upo.nthe certi- fiqata of the ijistriot~ Judge; p.zuvidedth&t via acy Jufi.cialEstrfct c~