Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OFTHE AlTORNEY GENERALOFT~ AUSTIN Honorable George Ii.Sheppard comptro11e4ror Publlo Aooountr *urtln, T9U8 Dear sir: Your h3ttw or sept partnmat ior an opinion a thl right8 or the Eonorable Frank or tha Zlth Judiolal Di he St8xtsror oom- panaatlon and expmlsee during the tlmr he 18 engaged in the ae of th6 Ijnlted Statea, haolng bee eti0m c0ard 0r y ool8!aunleated to us, Dlstriot Attorney or to hia salary an Dlrtrlot Attornry uotod Into the aotiva military mrv- down to Uaroh 27, 1941, the effeot- 65, kote of the 47th Leglalature. ThSa question la anmverwl by our opinion No. 0-S77S, copy of whloh la enoloesd herewith. Under the provlslonr Of Boure Bill Bo. 427, Aoto of the Regular Seaaion, 421~4 kglBlaturo, whloh wan in tull iOrOe and sirmat during the Honorabl8 Oeorga H. Shrppard, Page 2 per104 or time involved in pour inquiry, Mr. Yartlci.88 a member 0r tha Tara National Ouard while angag a8 suoh in the aotlva military servlcs of the Unltad Stataa, in rlrLd or coast dai8as8 training, ordarad or authorized undrr tha pro- ~lalons or law, 18 not antitled to oompsnaatlon during th8 period or time ha la so sngagad rxoapt ror a par104 or tlae. not longer than twelve days during ang.ona oalandar ysar, 8uoh twslro day period to be in 118~ of any an4 all other taoatlona with pay, As haratorora advlsad, Mr. kfartlni8 an- tltlrd, 0r oour88, to oompenratlon for thoar day8 when h8 18 not absrnt from the diecharge or hi8 but188 a8 Dietriot At- torney, en4 engaged in riOi or ooa8t derense trsining. The amandm8nt of Hourr Bill No. 427 Act8 Regular S888lon 42n4 Lsgisleturr, by Houea Bill No. 745 or thr 47th Lsglslaturu, R8guler Sa88lon, made no ohangs in th8 lau 80 far a8 it8 sfreot upon Mr. Martin 18 oono8rn84. Th8 only purpo88 or the am8ndm8nt, and tho only ohangs mad8 in th8 Aot, ia to rell8ve member8 of the Leglrlatura froa th8 r8- atrlotlon limiting leaven of abaraoa with pap to tualva days in any on8 calendar gear. The othrr provlslon8 of ths Aot; 88 they apply to other Officer8 an4 amployea8 Oi th8 Stetr. or Texas an4 to any county or polltloal ~ub4ltlsion thorrot inoludlng menlolpalltlae,ware 8lmply oontlnu84 in rull roroa 6nd 6rrO0t. Yours very truly APPROVEO SEFT. 23, 1941 AllPOI?NXYGENERALOPTEXAS /.s/Gerald C. Kann ATTORNEY GE!JJRALCF TSXAS By (8) R.3. Falrohlld R. W. Falrahild .besi8tant RWF:lIQ APPROVED OPINION COXbfITTEE3Y BQl3CHAIRMAN .