‘i n;; h :: * . . .. -. z GG6 : : ^ .’ .. I .“... . OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEY GENERALOF TEXAS AUSTIN -cwuw -ouRa Eanorab1.eLbrvln Xi.Drown, Jr. crizlinolDlstrlot Attorney Fort \Yorth,Texas . Deer Sir8 328(3.) provides a in suite for dolin- 107 now in ?oroo Pa- 3uad lLlciva1 oa303, or tho opinion thst the no supcraoded tho fom to bo uooa in olloction of dolinq.lmt taxco, ltatlon. ie apeoirically sot forth ’ (1) Soot.ion j, assi:;tUS In this rmtter with an ax- Upo!x reoolpt of your lottor the writer \szoto you a0 f0110:16I "It is our u~domtnndin(: thnt tho poinl; you inquire about hao bow cnllod to tho uttontion of the SKp~Wo Court and that the court is no?t pre- y5ng ar. axiGcd rule to taka cm0 of this acming . ., . , Honorable LWvls I?.l&own,iJr.,-pa&o 2 lnoonslat3noyr Slth your pemkmibn, thOref@o, WC will mit the aotion by tim court which tra+uide~G stand will bs in the mar future boforo answifcpfq~ yam. roquostIn Fe novr oOl?~yf5ursttcatim to Ruls ::o,2 a0 azwnd0d by thb Suprme Court; tJse smo provldo3 a3 folloxo: nThoae &lo3 ohsU &kern tho procoduro in the justioa, county, distrititncd~nppa+to court3 of tho rtato of Texas in '. all aotiom of a civil nature, with 3uch Oroaptions 33 my bo horoimftor Bt3hi .. :,:horo any ntatut3 In offoct,lxzodistaly . prior to %pttmbcr 1, l.$!,J., proscribed .a rulo or procoduro tn'lumcy, @mrdianOhip, OY 03tatos of docadontc, or any other probato Jroo3odingn In ~. tho oounty court diff3~5.r;~ fro3 the30 rulon, such statuts 3hOll ag;:ly. :~iiatatuton in tmmi ia- mediately prior to SaytcmbOr l.,1$&l, p"o3cribi.r~ ~ulos ailprGcodw% in bond oi' reco~~izsnoe ~o~~oILu~Qs ;Cncririlualcasas era hsreby Ooztlnuod In affect 03 rules of yrocodura covorninL; but whore such oa303, auuh crtatuteoJroscribod na rules of Jzoseduro In 530t103 5, of Artlolg 732%3. amtiiino. a form : of al- totlon to bo used in t3;%mite. ft 13 the o>fnion of this dopnrtzmt that Artiolo 73~8-1’ ~3 still in force and effect UII~ aold attltuto hm not been ropsslod oz Ononded by the no? rulOo of praotioo end pro- Qoduro in oivil notio:i3pronulcated by tho :uypocleCourt of this zt3to. Yours very truly
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion