OFFICE OF THE ATI-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN RonorableY. B. Qampboll couhty AlaitQr Xaaagdodms County Xaoagdoohe8,Toxar Dear sir: Be1 cgdnionx0. C-3934 Tit10 to bridgeon by h I g h nalbya na o nea -~~~~~~R QJtwa y . X0 aoknowle~e reootptof you]:IOtterof Iloptrbmz 5, 194l, requONlWtho apinionat thfs a0~0rhupon tho tolloringfaot nituationwhbh im p0tea ha8 your lottort *I mud like to knor if the old bribge 18 the property of the State Him Deput- amit or waoogaoahesantlAngolinaCo\mtiea.w -. 615 Honorablelb.B. Campbell - Page 2 The roiioning provision appears In Artlole 6674Q-9 Vornon*6 Revised Olril Statutes of Texas: “. . . provided, howover, that nothing in thla Aat shall prsvent the State Hlghusy Comlaslon rran ohanglngor abandoningsny We aasume from your stetamentor the mot sltuatlonthat the bridge in question was oonstruotedjointly by.Angellne and !?aoogdoohee Countlee on the river uhloh is the boundary line between the two oountles. Under the above quoted statutoryprovision the OomufsslonersOourts of Neoog- doohea and Angellne Counties may eseume jurlsdlotlon orer the bridge desorlbsd in your opinion remost, and the bridge till then oouupy the s-0 status as any other property belongingto the Countleaof Hactogdoohes and Angellne. Yours very truly ROIFS 0. APPROVED OPlNlON CoMMnTss t+!E2$
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion