.... . ‘..,:*.- OFFICEOF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF T’EXAS AU8TIN Dear Sir: Iiort0rabl.s oeorgsH. sheppud, page E We quot.fma yourlottoT’ of 4lgwt. 88th a8 rollowi “lb qumtion ha8 bean pn~antod to thi8 DepwBLenta8towhotbertbeGomptrollerwould to i88W WUX'Mt inpyaunt Of thi8 bo authoilS.6 oldm iinoo R. J. MoLoan,Court Repxtw, I8 an ofiiobl of thm Stateof Tear ud that ho would bo pmhibltedtrim &r~ing thi8fee Imder250~ tlon39, &t&01* 16 of tha stat* wnst5mtlonw ‘Iho further quertlon ham arlmn eventhou@ ho 18 authoricod to drew oompwmation tee thi88orv- ior a8 to wbthor ho ocul6dmr pay foro?rrbon oqlea of tMtluony and ror prepmlng iam8 88 lietedin thisdl@ir. Illthi8~6tio: f 0d.1 yourattmtiailto Artlolu 8384,eaa3,es36an4 Immb" 3oatlon83 oi ArtloU XVX 0r t&o 8tatrtbautstution Of th. 8btO Of %-UM W&B, in 08*, 88 tOlhW81 “2hoAooouatlng ~mou8ofthl8 8tete~JuZl no ith adr a nor w pa y l rarmnt upoatho Tru in iuor of any or oaponqe“fI on perun, for ralat~ a8 agent,offieer of qqolntu, who,hol4L8t the nma tk8 any ether orfieor of poaislon of honor,t,rqt or profit, under thl8 Stat. or tha Wnita+l 8tatr8;a%~ upt U. pro8orib.d ia d8 O~t$WatAon.+ + +” .Youdo not add80 thLldopertmant that “WJ OtherOrtip. Or pt38it%On Of hOlIOF: tSl8t or th18 stat.or th* unitedSt&U." It'& whiahYOU bare ~~8OUatcrd, indlUdill& Oh8 8lBtWAOllt crb m. .WUZ’, Honorable George Ii. Sheppard, pago S that ha was aati& onlyin hWaapaaliy am offia@ cburt Raportar of tha l.ebthJudlolalDi8triot '&ad8 Court~~~of Oounty,TUM and ttn foe8 aoh he hr~ah8rga~~m4$wo- 8Ontsd him blil' for aY@ thoseprovided fOr by tha Statute8 Qf this stete. The offialalocurt reporterof a Qlrtrlot oourti.8 an offiolal of the State,Duhn,at al r.;+llm,rt al, 6s 8. w. (aal857. hitappeerlngthat Mr. War‘ha#r&&d hia bill for ~nution 80 providedfW by the Bktuf.8 of thi8 St&a a8 the offiolel hurt Importer of the'186th JWal8l Dirtriat Court Of Tr8vie County', !bX@88 ih fua3h.r +p~~er- lng thatthen ha8 besnm dopsrturcfrom the proOe8a pm- vfdldby law for thr flXl~$mid ahUgfnS:bfthe80 f808, .azullt~furthw not &ppearlng that woh oourtrqmrtor holds at the 81~0 tlnm%nyother offloeorpo8itionofhoner, ‘~ tSZl8t or profit, un4er t&III Stata or th8 anu8d stat@8,' $t $8 fb OpbIiOn Of~t)lb.dqmdWnt that ywr pyI8llt a? thd whant rendare b Mr. Wear will -aat br la viola- tion of 8ootion 33 a? ArtI al0 XVI si the Wutitutton of- fbi8~8ktern dt.a&~ 18 the Opi@On ,Of fhi8 dOR8rtMnt that swh doount ahoul& bi~paid, By (81 Awry D. L~6erdale HenryD. LwAderdala Aulatult