OFFICE OF THE A'ITORNEY GENERAL OF'TEXAS AUSTIN ~OnoxablQusi.J. Lawson secretaryof stQte Aumtin,TooaS Dear Mrr Attention; Ihank D. Keex, 8eourlSiesCaumissioner 0plnienBO. 0-3097 Rea Does the *GoopercltiveMvanoe- meat XmorporateP have authority to isruemeieb~rrhlg aad fnvert it8 funflsin the manner eet out in its Gonatitution, and related queetions4 Your ltiti3rof August al, 194l, requeetingan opln- ion of tbia departsat upon the quertlonsrtatodbereinbar beon reoeitad. il6quote from four htter ae folltmsr Ym Jtme 50 194l the CooperativeA&QMS- aent Innaorpoxate~ ffled a charterdth the ofiioe of the Secretaryof State which containedthe rollowinqpurposeClQUSW w’The gurpoaefor whioh SQfd aapwation is fommdis to organloelaborers,worklnmea wage earners,and farners,cdl busineespeople co protectncd edvencetheaselvemin theirrerioue glrault 8.* *You will note that the capitalatock of this aorporationoanaist8of bSOO.00divided into 100 rrbaraoof $5.00 eaah, “1 am enolosi~ for your ez.amineSlonand Oon- ai&erationof the c&ecrtion8hsxsinafter asked a copr of the ohwter of 8ueh Eerporatioil. "The osrpnation has tidoptada ocmrtitu- .a: tion and a plan r0r eelline:memberships as distinotfirm the oapltalrtoek, the aost of suoh me~lborrbipsb&x$ $la&O per par, Of the W&O0 aollseted,$6.00 shall be depollted in a trtxstfuud for the purposeof puroha&iag owmon stoak in differantindustries. mlaing $6.00 of the first year’s duer sre to be oaredfor expenses, praaotionsand mainten- aaoe o? the or&an.nisntionr The swond year Pa&G of the #l&O0 Qus shall be usad for expsnrrer, and the other &10&O depositedIn mash fun& "$1.00sf the tblrd tsar shsll Ea us.4 isr expu~sss and OU.00 shall be depod.~e~ ia sash wAttaohed hem80 is & 80 of a propwe pzespeotus and ooastltutlba whPT eh the oerpow- tiolr PkIS t0 iB8Uh The oorpontion has ap- pUedtottialMpak~e~tfor krulingaa b wmthsr or not suoh mambershlpmeonst,ltuts a saourity within the pro~irlsnsof tks !lWas securitiesAot and beforeidYfsl4 them aa to the podtloa ef this B artmeat with rs8proO therstows vmld kppreos ate heving'thebene- ;;t$: your opi.nloa a# to the folltning y- ~1.) tr swh oorpmtion ruthorissats i8sw mambemhips on the plaa 8Uggestid”l "8.) Are sush ammb6nhipr sesuritiu within the meanla~ of ths Ten8 Eeewitlss Aot? V5.) May stmh aorporatisnlegallybarest its fund8 in the IoBfUNr 6et Out ilI 8U@h Ph&?’ Vader the CosstitutianSt the abws nntiomd ODE- pemtion, the run48 OS u&id o~2wrstiss ara to bs~iave+d as aet out in your let8rr md the swmberrbip'fe8s arcal*b to bs used as msntionedtheFeln. Bsr ths third y6ar sf the SQEUIsmnberehip @l&O shall be plaoed in t&S ti8arv6 aa- I oouat,Qnd 61,Oii in ths Operatingaoaowt, as Stated by youa year thersaftsp. an4 i,nthe em14 ratio a8 ths t.hlrd Artisle~l90E, Vernon~8 JinnotatedCivil Statute8, reta forth the 4uxv0888 for whfoh private ooiQ?Mations may ba Somad., and aeotlcn83 thsrsoS,.aB anendsdby House Bill No. 16, kStS~Of ths 47th &?&83.@tUCe, 1941, lWld8 118 fOl- :~.. 1-r ., i 'To orgaaia~~$ .laboriwanorkingmen wage tKMleT8,aad fRd&S 'tto p&'O#tWti th4lWSlY;,in 1, theirvariow purruit8; pmia04, however,no aharc ter shall OS issuedhereafterto labswrr, work- ing men, or 'wagesarnars~, or Qiendmsntgraatsd to a cbarter of a sorpomtioa prutiouslyors- ats4 to or(panitslaborers,~uorkisg msn oarnars, or that ‘iusy be hm&!6gftarc&~h~t! under to ~~g~ite~laborers, work1 ma, or -8s eammrs, by the %ao~~ttwy of "fs tat, to say pernon, askwdutlon or 60 oratitm,for ooeh pnrpos~s rithout aa Iaver38 ation filw haYl?q boon mde by tbr Cdsrlonrr oi Iabw Stat;Lr tie8 ao~smlc~ meh appllaa*tioai and a Taror- lbls rsamumemlstion made thereor)by sa$,dC&a- mlmsioasrto tha0eoretarjr of &ate. 3t 3.8 apreeely. prwldsd that'aoimert&*cion @r reoomnndatfonby th6 Oolpmicrrioaar of,Laboe Sta~ti8tiesshall be.rsqulm4 or made o? appl%- :- oatfonmfrom faxmin ior a abar8errR In OOMiaering your fix8t questiona8 8tatsd above, we axa f,irst aonoernsdwith the prspasitfonrhsth& or not the aboos ntmtiimedoorporationhe8 ths~powsrmvler it8 chsrt6ron4 the law8 Of thi8 mat. to iSWM me&ershlps en the plan hurotofore9asntionsd~&umWall~ apss]rSx&& tbs powers or the corporation are thooe osppnssl Oonfsrrsdupon it by its ehartsror the atntutssaSd thoes LpUed imm the %Xpxae8 powiars or the eqtStesOsOf thS corporQtion.The oo~pomtion ha8 no powsr to 40 an aot where it la not uithln the express,is&31104 ST issi4Snta1 ~snorsresultingrroz the charter,or where it ir pfohiblt- ed by the ohaster ar 8oiue sp+miel8tStute, or WbmJ it $S prohibitedby a Banera 8tatateapplioable $s bcbthmtttpal, an4 artifioialper6ozus.Thiweioxo, In detedaiag *rtretbW a oopporaticnha8 the power to 40 an a~$, it,%8 Bstissarg first tc irefer to ?iheoharterto m.61) whatbarthe power~ls .acnrsrredexpressly or by lzplioo~lon,thm ta sxa~iimthe ohwter aAa the statutestblaclng to acrpomtlons twsee it the a& ie pro+ibitrd,and then in some oared to~~ooaeult the r;enerurl lrtatutsr to eeb ii the aNi is illegaleven in QC:X3 Of AAt- ~0~001111~ $; f Xtwillbs noted thr'bthe langwi~soonbaSne6in the tamose elatme ret forth 2A fha ohac~-erof iha above Pi men?,oAed oor,noration ir rabskntially the 8ame a~,the ! j( lmguagb In the firat alatuieaf Bsotion83 of Artiole1302, uurra. It was statedin. tha oas6 of Ehnith7; Worth, .;:-’ 157 fJ* w* 740: ;.... &’ The crtatutory rapuisaaeatt&fitthe pur- &: para ai the so~psnbton shall ba statad in the ohartsr ww Lntindodtcr the pretebtionof k; the Looorpxatoru and etoakh~labn, awl the publ.10, in ordar that they,‘w b* adTl,eed a# il to tha obaraot0rof Itr o@#p#r~~:aot~vitler, and to enablethe f&ate;t.qM~@~%ta propor !~. orfll?ers, to ooubot ri1iAfj:t*m and frarjblr8 % tare&,and to lupervlm zu#Ieontrol~theAm I an& punlehthe adn-areof it8~tm~obioe~" ;~., I: It Is atat* in *q JhrZaprudonoo,, -Vol. lo, Q. 8848 "Xn oonrmotion dth'the 8tatrmamli of tha purposes of the oqrgoratlen,t&a prinois&l proporltion is #at t&u3MOQO of thb purpoaar enumeratedfn the statute taunt bo'eweti- to nbt atI. it Ia oonsldsrwl bs the poliop of th; hia8 law to lhdt the rf@i6 of inooc- pporationto tha spaolflaptuporaaauthorize? by atatuta. Obneml ruler of rtatutcryoon~ atructionare followadIn asterarinlng the ~oc;peof the variouspurpomrrem&mated in the atatuta." Ho doctrina of the lar of corpooratioA8tramsoend8 in iZI~O~tPId.thatwhlah ~A~OUAOO~that the kiAQof tr:8M- aUtionain which the cOTi.OZWtiOA arayema56 ard 14B5all.yltiit- et%)nor is any policymore flrm.Ijsstabllilhed by the Conati- tution,eratutesand judiolaldeo;taions of the State. The conceptthat,:aoorpc?mtianWM lnvaatbd with only llmltad legal powers 1s not a doatrho of the 064180~ law. (Moosr'r. 453 BpnorablsWm. J. Unman, Fegb 6 a, w. 179; Texas ;hlrlmrudbnco, With to the 00~8tr~uofion of obartrr power8 rdsrenoa it Ia atataetn !&x&s JuFiuprUtlbnoe, Volt LO, p. 8781 "The pri~9ipQl rt+b that has bebn to~w- latea for the lntorpretetloa oi oharterpowers is ,thatonly uueh powan are glre~ as am clearly eabraoad la the word6 of tbo sot or oberteror derived therefromby neoeoaarylm- plioatlbniA ~ibW oi the ,objeet,oithe ptrnt. Anoah% cardleelrule apgLying chartersunder rhioh speetrlprIlsst-rly rilb$erera to clb.lmed$8 tOst any 8mblguity oc doubt must be resolved in,iiwor oi ths pub110as agdnut the!grantees ef tho chart&r.' with retbna?r to inalU6Wl powerr, it is dated In 'Abram &rl8prudenos,Vol. 10, p* 879; "In e+ary gnat of corgonte pasts, there Is impllod a powor to do wbatrrer ir neabssary or maaelurbly a?proppriato to the exwol~s of tho authorlt$ lxp~w8lp oonferrbd. This state- ment of thu prin*lQltJasstamo8that tha pwer 6xbruised~l8irio%dentaf.~to an ezprmsed pwbr; tnasaotionr dlfrer~ la kiad from those whioh the oorp?ratlon Is binpowrsdto sntnr into oannotbe regardedas iAO%dSAt& “A 6btbPmlningfootOPin dsoldindwhat&W thu asser6idparer 1s pewees@d by the 8aQpora- tioa a8 inoldqntal to Its srpr*SS@kdputpoSb8I@ wbatherthe trandaotlon18 tU\tpLin the 8 era- tion of a bueinese of that kind, grmat we Peht being given to the dominantptrrpO80 of thb aorporation.,rA the laLgUag5 Of 5 hadit% at+ thority, -'If ths mmmu be such 88 am u8ually resortedto and a din-sotlesthodofacooa- puehlng the puqo8b of the incarparation, they are within it8 panore~if they be Un- umal an6 tea6 in an indiraot axmnur 0el.y to promotofta iAtbreB%8,they are held to hb ultraTlrbs.'* It 1s well establishetl that a oorporation may *it or restriotthe aaope of it6 parersanilautheslty ocnferred by ths statutesas a generallaw,,b~I;p~gog.le j~' ,, n~nrlalcnrIn the artlolesat laoomoration. e It lm further stated in the abweimentionedVol. 8, & hi,' ad&her Cyolopm%a Uorgbratlona on pq 1968: *A power 18 'impliedwhen *reasormbly neo~ersasy!to enable the aorporatian to ao- ooqllsh the objietrOS ft. oxsatlon.* It is rwther stated ,., ticno rolums by tlatfhsr in the abbots~men- ,A.’ : on 0. 1990: :’ “A ROWBS WhitOh the hW till. SttgaF6 *S crxietlng by l~:gUcmtion met be ona in a nenae nboerrasy, - thet is, aoedful, rultmble, and propsrto acoonplishthe objeat oi the gent, - kanti oae that is direotlyand ime- amroprirte diatrlx7 to the areoution of the npaolfiopower@ and not ene that ham but a 8Ught indin& or smote relatfoa to th8 rpeoido purpose of the oolrperetion. V,n Term the rule is r ta ta dls tollowa: 'Y& 8host if tha maann be such a? 8z% umnlly rii#brtad do, and a 4lrwt mthod oi aoeompliah- ina;. the gumone of the ihefarporatloa, they are Qithin itO PC!WO?lBe If they ae ummaml, an4 tend in an indiraat maanw only to promoto ita .,’ ! intemmt8, they ass helA to be ultra r%rw.' *A lmdla~ tsxtbooltwritsr lay8 down the rule:eafollcmm: Wmteter bo a oomg+$r lsgitisataibusfnss8,the ampan my tostsr it by all t&s usual means; but f t nmy not go b.goriQthi8; It may not UpdsZ'th6 prOtens cf fostering,oHm@e Itsallin proewdlng8 Mth whioh it has ne lsra;it$.aato~oon,Omm. In the next place, the emalltrhaoo h-et, deGesmlnod that &ah mnann n&d be dlrwt, Bo!.wnbleTQa.JI I+Llbon,Page 7 With r.-terema to the above nantloned rules ard set out by Fletcher In his work on acrporationa,It ot.parcs 1s etated on p. 1776, Vol. 2: *The rules laid down abov4 84 to inrplled powers are qell osttlad end are, st the prs- sent Qay, not c~en ~usstlcnedby oourts or wdters. The dlificulty oomea in apglylng the ruleah It le efasyto say that a powor is lmplled if it 1s ‘reasonably n60essarjc to the exercise of express pfzwer8,but there is no teat to 4aeiar whether a pertiaular aat, done by a ~rtfoular corboration umisr particularalroumetanow, la kaot&y 1140ollaary.'OS couma, many aota are olearly, on ona side OS tfimline OP the other. But there are lllan~ 01054 to thu dlylding lfne, which oaea8loalr mar0 ox 1088 aontuaion in thm dmalaiona. The result la the mls that *futhsr 4.naot ovmea with&a the bapliod pvwpa or.4 oorporatlon Qmst be deter- nine4 in eaoh earn frcm all ita faotm 6nd 4lrotlDM)tnn048.'* ft ia clear tbitttha pumoae o&m44 aa stated la the obartar of the aboy leentionsdeorporatlon and the ,atrt- utb tmlar whloh it ma lnuorpratad do40 not vxprerrly eon- far upon the oorporati#+the power to ierur mezubarahi~aaa aboy mmticned. ~tYado cot thl& that'thr iaa~ing of tha mmbsrrhipa herrtofom mentioned.fs a dimat mst;llaa ol aooomplfahingthr purpose of the inoorpcrationof aeld OOQI py or eq +eam ~subh a8 .are urwlly resorted to, but that aua%msthod8 and reet?m~ are -~~a1 and tend in ~1 fir- dirmt man&r only to prC!nOte the intrrWta Of th4 001pOm- tion. 'fherefora, It la our opinion $hat thr Coo am::: Adwmo4zsent fnooraorated ha8 no loss1 4uthorltY PO the abora mentlc&h mkbarships on-the plan he%sinrbovo stated. As we have answered your first yueetic@in tha negative,pour seoond snd third puostlona raqulrr no dis- aus.d.onr Trusting that Inquiry, we are
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion