oosrpatwlon thin baris a~rsrag+kta
mm-third o? th, 1iabIlItyruaerted by the Fad-
tml 5omrnmo~t.
-In effwtlng thi8 mqmmI8~, thlr De-
portment hm not rdmlttcldltblllty, but in-
rrtm44ha* wiif0nnly dmlI&d llabllltyana .rofwad
t.0pay thQ tax 8u.lw.d. The DQpartmult'8'Rotlve
In eirwtlngthlr aompmlaisa la not tear of
llablllty,but rcurl.IsatIonthat tha daposltom
arm oreUItor8 01 the mweml lcoolvent corpora-
tiOfUWOIdd Rlff@r :?Orb fZW thb PrOhUQVa
utbhi0n ~MOL~U~J~t0 z~opliyaianxfm
llablllt - lrmrpwtive of the outocab of
th~.wotiaby ~24~ iit9sritf0n - tbrrt3
the miBprwIu arbmuntl8 et thle t lzae.
Faberal C!=wsraw?nt,
on-the other hwx%,
br eooopting apptori-ttatdy
O~Q-thirdof th8
amowtWhi8h uOU3.4bm due it liability had beon
sstbtbllsha4,has olwrlp la8fcntm3 that It doa8
n&ogg~ter the clxlstcmao
OS Z.labllItyfrro
awurs *fat this Ra-
when an8 If ruah ltibllity Ia s8tabll8w.
G~v~ou~~~, ii"in faot ~,f~bfmy aid not air*,
WQ hardDO ff&ht b mid5 thi0 L$ Rd haa thO%V
beon a final adjedloetlonduryin$ lhblll%y,
mrwould hum bean bound to payfhiafrutiwa
t.0the ~,-l0pu rraa ~hhoat itwarr 2ebma.
%arin(~ oampro~An~4the oontrmway, am%
prdmmml any wa~ibilfty of evatr harlnnga flal
ad$xdlestlonai llobllltj we GWI now In doubt
as to the properdIm*orItion of thlr trust
TUd. CorteIdly the ampmulse mumot be
cwiwiys6rsdas a atmrdmtfon that liability
Enlthttrths Cmmlssioaer nor the
ssvarai Dietriot Courts could, through E cc+
praal8~agreamont,make a a0t~~~ti0n of
Uabillty \ilndI.ngupon these osvom1 c~@oyr+s@,
ao thr,tthslr trust funda could be utlsdi
paying the co~pmniro amount. It 18 lnter-
estlog, too, to note that the 11eivfma1
mad. no attcapt to dlmot paymnt or m&la1
of the ooaprwlse awunts
papylpent out bf
thseatm3t fi22iaa. l?ioorder eruth.~rIma the
to eiiect tha ccaproals~,cand
papaant of the ccmplm~ae m¶mArltout or the
asset 0r the llqula8tIon.*
*Xn the 11&t of the*0fasts, I mspaat-
f'ullysubmit the followl~.qucrstlonr
Wmuld them trust funds be paid to the
fedem Oooernmnt a8 a tprt of the can roi33Is~
amwnt, or paid to the ~rmplojlrmm
fmm wL**
mlaarlasthey were withhold?"
Ycur r6f~mMo to our opinfo~%FJo.3048 la a mfe~~rne
to cpinion Ho. 0676 (wx~f.rMw opinion 3049). In #ueh b IA-
loa, we held that you were not liable for the Soolal SeeuxPtp
tcmm ~88~~4 underthe Fedenl Soulal4ieourlty kt on am-
ploys06hired by you to asaLt In the lIpul(latlon of defunat
banlrS.Xt ioflwo assuming auoh ogleion to be afcreet, tht
YOU Maa ~10author 1ty t0 a0tmt OIY p0r centfml~ the 158tarl88
or those uz@oy~oa. aa+inp: ma0 SUO~d0awii0nouti 0f pro-
omtlon a~ e ;IrotectIon a&n& poe#lbl.r adjudioatioo of
liabllIt]r,rruohfund0 oon8tltutea trust fund in your !mnda
Sor the benefit of the employ~eewho aontribut@dto 6uo2rfunds.
YOU aaviatithat tbo tam or ordersr:teredby tha
vtlriouedlatrldtaout. hnvhg aupsrvl8d,on ot the msveral
ba:~keIn liptllatithdlraotsppsnt aP the nemml anomts
ngim3*t:ng the total ccinyroz.lsr amuM.* wt of the asset8
of the bedcs I:;llr~uldatiocrSuch balnE true, and the ;~osslble