Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN jZomrable W. A. Davis, k'. D. Stete Registrar *s~Stete Board of Reoltb :Au8tln, Texee Daar Ear: your letter or A&pet lea furnlehed me lowlng,6atRs on4 and ii. 8. 9741 888 Bills repeat Beot,lon18, but Bills oarry the amendment found in ffect will the paeeage of one Bill have 3y omitting Prcatthat Bill the other aorndzent h%ll both anerximcntebe oiieotive, or dcae the passa@ of onc B5.llwithout rcpeetlny the other cmcn&ent nullify it?* morabla W. A. Davis, II.D.,Page 8 prOvlsiOlI8 df the OrigiAal, 59 'Per.JUr. Page 147. IA 6llOh $mtaAoe, the repeal UJ by implloation, aomi~g about frcm the eubetitution of the enmndatory aot ror ths origlAa1. oflinarlly, In order to deternIne the queetlon of implied ~peali~ it Is neoeasary, at the outaet,~to disoover ahioh of two iawt3involved represents the last e~rOBBtOA or the ~eglrlatite Will. In view of the psoullar olroumstanaer iAtolVS& in the pZwaAt h%6tQIIOe,holever, vfetiad it meaessary to determine the question aa to whlah oi' the ~0 laws involoed 18 the last exprsselon of the legialatlvcr will. Aa we view ths situation, rogardlese of ahioh, if either aot, map be regardad as the lest axpreeelon of the legislative will, the oha~ge In the lar msde by the other aot is not thereby repealed. The aoption of H. B. 684, ?Orty-BeVent& Legirrlaturcr; reada an ioll0wr: "An Aot Amending Seation 1.8,of 8. 8. No. 4& Chapter 41, Page 116, Aate of the Fortieth Legir- hturs, ~irirstoti 8eorio~, a8 amended by 8ootioa 8 of H. B. so. 614, Chapter a, Page S46, QenWal Laws of the Forty-Birth Legislature, to provide for ualtorm few to be charged for the lm~~anae i(, of delayed birth and death oa%Mfioatsa by the probar- oourt, the olrrk thereof and the state regiatrarl and Beolaring an emergenay.” The aaption of ?I.B. 974, Borty-seventh Legislal+ru, read6 a6 r0im6t *Aa Aot to Amend Sootion 18, Ohapter U, Aatr oi the Fortieth Leglslaturo, First Call Session, aa amendetlby Seotion 8 o? H. EL fo. 614, Aots of the Regular Se661011of the Forty-sixth Legtislature,to provide thet any oltilreno? Texas wishing to file the reoord or any birth or death ooourr5.~gineide tiw State ot !#3x~3~not previously rsglutered, may eubmit .euehrecord to the probate oourt in ti.eaoUJlty where suoh birth or death ooourred, and to proviar that any oittien of the state of Texas wirhing to file the reoord of any birth or death oconrriAg outside of the State of Texas not previously rmgia- tered may submit euoh reoord to the probate oourt In the county where he resides; and deolaring es emergeAoy." ~orsbl8 Ws A. &Via, IL I).,P-0 S 930 Con8titutioa a? the State o? Texas requlro8 that ev8m bill oontaln~but a 8lnglo aubjeot, and that that sub- j88t ah.811be expressed In a oaptla to the bill. ihn~tltution, *iale 9, Seotion 38. A naoe88ary oonsequenoe of the applioa- tion of thlr aon8titutlona.l provitioa IS that the body o? the biu mU6t oOXlfOlV6 t0 the 08pticll,8nd that pl’OV$.8iflM OOn- tabed la the body O? the bill whioh amnot supported by the 0aptlOn are la4??4otlv4. *In addition tcith8 8tatukmatoi a purpo88 to 8mend a #en law or provislnn, a title a89 8peoiZp th8 natum O? the mendment, and when it doe8 80 the body o? the aotmust ocul?orap. A title that . . . Stat48 a purpos4 to make a 04rtd.n change In the prior law, . . . limit8 the mandatory adtto th8 making o? ths ohango d88ignatcrdand pmoludes 81~9addl- tional, oontrarp or dltrerant amntient. . . . Th8 amandatory aet 18 void t0 the 8xt8nt th8t it8 pm~l810n8 go bepnd OX- praer limitation8 o? the 8ooN or thatitle.* 39 mx. Jur. Pager 103-1011;Lone gtar Ga8 Co. v. Birdwoll (O.&A.) 74 8.1. The oaption OS saoh of the bills Under oonaidention herein 8xpmeees the thought, ol8arl9 and unequlvoeally that the aot m?srrsd to in the 8aptioa 18 to be ammend& In a ringlo ap8olried partioular. In H. B. 684, the aaption . state8 that the amendment will *pmvldo for uairona ?se8 to b8 oharg8d ?or the i88uanoo o? delay8d bf,rthand death oer- tiiioates by the probate oourt, the olerk thereof and the rtate rcglatrar. . .* In H.B. 974, the oaptlon otat88 that the amendment wlll.apmvlde that an9 oitleen a? %x88 rlrrhlng to ille the reoord.-of'*9 birth or death* ooourring lluid8 or outaide of Texas not pr8viou8l9 wgiatered may submit suoh rroord to the probate oourt-in the oounty where the birth nor death odournd, or in oa8e birth or death outeldo o? mx88, to ths pmbate oourt o? the oounty where the person reside8. Both o? the88 bill8 repeat th8 seotlon o? the aot ameaded~ae It read prior to the amendment thereof by either Of these bille, adding thereto, in eaoh iaetanoe the ohange amounoad in the caption, but neither o? the bilis under dlsousslon bring8 roruard the amendment made b9 the other bill. In auah olmunmtanoes, the Sallure of sither~bill to bring ionvard the ansndmnt lnoorporutad by the other do48 not work an implied repeal Of that 8mendaent for the oaptlon of eooh bill tied theoe reepeativs biflo to a &l&e change, and dfd not give aotiae that any other ch6n~~6 *cd& be effected by the body of the bill. tiAE9qU9Atly : my change in the sxl8tlng law rade hy the partioular bill, other than that stfptbt4d in the caption, is inaffeative. I~ Tours vary truly & ATTORNEY GENERd OF TEXAS