OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable 0. P. Lookhart, Chairman Beard of Insuranoe commlss10ners Austin, Texas Bear sir: ted al cult d xerolsl- em enumera ill 2 by oomplging with ments or that Arti- iole 4983P And re- n on the above question and other quest t proper to first set cat the reots 0 etter (substituting a ilotitioue nsme d), and then take up eaoh of your qu ote given are aa roilows: is a dome&lo anin- rganized amI operat- or Title 105, Ohapter Statutes of Tens, 1925, neoeesary (if It be oonpetent to obtain such prir- r operation under, and holds llanoe with, &tloles 4982 he Board of Insuranoe Com- Question Ho* It "Is said U. J. 8. Company a legal entftY, snob as is oompecent under our Stjate Constttu- txon and Statutea, to qualify for~eutroisl43 the powers entlrnerated In &Mole 4982 by OOmPlYbg Honorable 0. P. Lookhart, Page 2 wI&the requirements of that ArtIole- and ” ArtI 4982 is as rollows: *Am Demon or aasooIetlon or mmom, any State Eankihs corooration or any th r domestic oorooratlon. or anr oorwra$oneor- g I ed under the laws oi any other State, p%Ied ch rorei II corporatl I with the l?&s of th ‘ss State rel%&Wfl “g- suranoe other than lire, pay exerolse the foxlowIng powers by oomplying with the provi- eloms of this subdivision: “1. Qualify as guardIan, ourator, exeou- tor, administrator, assignee, reoelver, trustee by appointment of any oourt or under will, or depository of money In oourt, without giving bond as sueh. “2. Beoome sole guarantor or surety In or upon any bond required to be given under the laws ot this State, any oiher etetute to i:sytrary notwIthstandIng. (Underscoring Artiole 4983, Vernon’s Annotated Texas UIvIl Btat- utel, provides that those Ineluded In this subdl~ldon, In order to exerolse the owers granted In Artiole 4982 shell: (1) meko e deposit of $ 50,OCO.CO In the State Treaeuxy; (2) satisfy the CostmIssIoner of solrenoy; (3) maintain speciried premium reserves; (4) tile annual sworn report; (5) pay taxes on business wrItten. The U. y. S. Company Is an uninoorporated joint etoak oompany organized and operating under the provisions or Title 105, Chapter 2, Revised Civil Statute6 Or 1925. An *unincorporated joint steak oompanyR has been derided In Allen v, Long, (Tex. Sup. Ct.) 80 Tex. 261, 25 Texas Jurls- prudenoe 171, and 20 R. C. L. 32l, ae follows: *An unincorporated joint stock company may be derined as an assooiatlon of IndIvI- duals r0r the purpose of pmit, pessesslng a common oapital oontributed by the members composing it, auoh oapital being commonly di~vided Into shares, of which eaoh member Honorable 0. P. Lookhart, Page 3 holds one or more, and whIoh are transferable by the owner; the business of the asaooletlon befnng under the oontrol or oertaln seleoted individuals oalled direotors or trusteea. Suoh an organization or assoalatlon enjoys exiatsnce as a legal entlty~ and, Indeed, the statue of joint steak oompanles is reoognlud : by t,he statutes. . . .* It is our opinion that the U. J. 8. Company, 811un- Inoorporated joint atook aompany organized and doing bu0Iness under the provIsIons of Title 105, Chapter 2, of the BevIsed Civil Statutes or Teua, 1925, Is em wessooiation of parsonsv such hs is competent under our State Oonstitutlon and statutes to qualify for exeroising the pourers enumerated In Artiole 4982 by aomplying with the requirements of ArtIoles 4982 and 4983. &estion Hoa 2: *Ia the Board or Insuranoe fXum&sloners legally authorlsed to issue to the U. J. S. Company its oertlrloete shoring suoh oonoernla complianoe with Articles 4982 end 4983, and of its authority to exerolee the powers presorlbed In Artiole 49821" .Fie are or the opinion that the Board or Insuranoe Commissioners has legel;i~ authority to issue to U.‘J. S. Coma pany a certiflaate showing suoh oonoern has aomplled with Articles4982 and 4983, and has authority to exercise the pourers presorlbed In Artlole 4982. However, auoh oertirioate should not be Issued until the Iloard or InsUranOe CommW@Ioners has been furnished proof that suoh oompfiny is authortied .by its oharter to engage In suoh business. In this .aonneotlon we refer you, to our answer to @.zostion No. 3. Queetion NO. 2: *Is U. J. S. Company, having oomplied with ’ the provisions of Artloles 4962 and 4983, and hav- ing received the oertlfloate or permit therein mentioned from the Board of fnsuranoe CommIssloner8, legally authorlaed to write as surety the bonds required of insurers and orflolals of Insurers by the provisions of (1939) Senate Bill 13 Sootion 5, (Title 78, Chapter 22, Article 5068-1, 3 ection 517" Although Artlole 4982 etates that any of those namsd therein, upon a oomplianoe with said &Mole and Artiole 4983, Honorable 0. P. Lookhart, Page 4 “may exercise the following powers. . .v, ywt, we think It la not to be assumed that a mere eompllsnoe therewith authorizes any peraon, assooiation of persons, or oorporation, not other- wise qualified, to exeralse the powers therein named. For instanoe, an ordinary domeutlo oorporation, although It might othersise exeroise the powers enumerated In Article 4982, must meet the further requirement of being so authorized by Its c;;.arter. In the oaae of Henderson, et al Y. Soott Oil & Re- fining Co., et al, 258 S. W. 1082, the Fort Worth Oourt of Civil Appeals pointed the way for the determInatlon of the po>!era of an un.lnoor,poratsd joint s took company. We quote rrom that opinion: “It is quite olear,~ we think, that the essoolation was not a oorporetion, and we agree with appelleea that as Instituted it was not a Massaohusetta trust. See McCamey T. Holllster Oil Co. (Tex. Civ. App.) 24.l a. W. 689, where the subjeot Ia elaborately disoussed. Nor was it a partnership either general, or a lImlted one under chapter 1, title 102, of our Revised Statutes. On the oontrery, It is evldezt that it wae intended as an ~unlnoorporatsd joint-stook oompany, a es designated In ohapter 2 of title of the statutes already rererred to. Indeed, the art:cles of asaoolatlon and dealsration of trust so designate the oompany, as well as oontain provleions whloh olearly difieren- tiate the assooiation from an inoorporated body or a partnership es generally understood. It rollows; we think, that the appellee esso- oiation is without legal existence, entity, or authority, exoept suoh as is given It by our statutes and by the terms of the agree- ment between the parties. It ie provided In said ahapter of title 102, article 6149, .that such oompa~ies ‘may sue or be sued in any OOU% of this state having jurIa~iotion Or the subjeot-matter In Its company or dtstin- gulshlng name. * But the status or puvers or such association are not otherwise given. We oan therefore look only to the terms of the I” Bonorabls 0. P. Lockhart, Page 5 e.greeioents between the parties to amertain its powers. . . .* (Note; Title 102, referred to above, is now Title 105; and Artiole 6149 is mm Artiole 6133.) Our opinion, controlled by the holding in the above case, is that the ternis of the agreement between the parties ?ormlng an uninoorporstsd Joint stock company suoh as the U. J. S. Oompany, determine whether such a ooageny, upon oom- plianoe with Artiales 4982 and 4983, is legally authorized to write as surety the bonds required of Insurers and officials of 3nsurces by the provisions ci Article 5068-1, Section 5. If by the tarns of such agrseuent the compaay is 80 authorie- ed, and it has oozplied with Artloles 4982 and 4983, then it Is our opinion that the Board of Insurance CommIssionem is legally authorized to issue to said oompany its oertlficate of authority to exercise the powers presoribed in Axtiole 4982. The amendsent of the articles of association, se- lied upon by the ooapany, hs authorieing it to traasaot ,suoh businefls, (omitting the signatures and substtitutiag fioi%tlous names) is as follows: “AKWOWNT OF ‘ETEORIGINALARTIDLESOF TEE U. J. S. COKPANY “1%&%3h~T TO OPlGWl’BUNDERARTSCLX4982 WAneeting of the stookholders and officera or the U. J. S. Ccmpaay, of Palo Alto, Texas was held on Deeember 5, 194l, and the meeting was oalled for the purpose of adopting the following amendmnts: WAnotion was made by Lee Marvin, Vloe- President of the company, to amend the purpose- olauses of the articles of assmiation. “Since the campany had deposited the etat- utory deposit with the Irlf%lranee Departmeat to qualify to write fidelity, surety, ana warantv uader Article 4982, the amendment is to provide th,e segregation oi asset8 of the oonspany as zco:Llows: “1. All asaets and 1iablLitier under all. other purpossa are to be kspt entirely Honorable 0. P. Lockhart, Page 6 separate, and a separate statement mdde to the Securities Dlvlsion of the Secre- tary of State. “24 All premiums colleoted ana other assets presumably liable I’or the payment of the company~s obligationa incurred during its operations under Artiole 4982, are to be kept and re- ported to the Insurance Department in the following manner: “a. Unearned premium reserve b. Claim reserve 0. Investnents to meet requ.irWente of the insurance laws d. Cash e., Contingent reserve, tax reserve, : etc. f;‘, Acccunts Reoelvable “3. The oompany*s operations under Article b982 shall be acoordlng to Statutory provisIons which are as follows? ‘ai Quality as guardian, curator exeoutcr, administrator, ass i gnee, reoeiver, trustee by appolntient of any coutt or under will, or depository of money in ccurt, without giving bond as euch, Beoome sole guarantor or surety In or upon q bond required tc be given under the laws of this State, any other statute to the contrary notwfthstandlng, *A vo:ta was taken and the amenbent carried, there being si%ty Percent of the outstanding stook =&resented, and the foXloWing off’iaers were &re- Tent and votedt Li Mi Barretti President1 Lee Marvin, Vibe-President; and Jsmes Ci Wcsterfall; Secretary-Treasurer+~. “In siQness whew,thfs aptwntient is aimed b:r the companyrs President end attested by its Seoretar@‘masurer, and Its seal hereunto affixed, Honorable 0. P. Lockhart, Page 7 this 5th day of December, 1941, A. D.” (Under- suoring ours) Section 16 of the original articles of association is as follows: “The fiscal year of the Orricers shall end as of December 31 of each year. Annual meetings of the stockholders for the transaotion of busi- ness shall be held at any orfice of the Company in the State of Texas, or any other designated o:lfice, on the first Monday before Deoember 31 in each year beginning with the year 1939 of which meetings notice shall bc given by the Secretary by mail to each stockholder at his registered address at least ten days before said meetings. Speoial meetings of the stockholders may be called at any time by bm days notice as above stated when ordered by the President. At all meetings of the stockholders each holder of shares oi stock shall be entitled tc one vots flor each share held by him and each stockholder may vote by written prosy. 51s of the votes o’ast shall determine any question under considera- tzon or the election of any 0ffioer.e l&wever, Section 22 of&d articles provides: "This Agreement shall not be altered or amended by the Ofrioera, btlt only by the stock- holders at any regular meeting or special meet- ing oalle-d for that purpose and then by a vote or rl$ of the outstanding shares of the oonpsnyvs s,took.” Thus, while Section 16 authorizes the determination of other questions by a vote of 51% of the votes cast, yet Section 22 requirea, for an amendment of the Arti= of Agree- mnt, a favorable vote OS 51% of the outstanding shares of %‘e note that the amendment submitted doee not Zx3Oite ao s &wing w* that notices of the stockholders* meeting of Deeembcr 5, 1941, were mailed as provided ior in Section 16. It &OWS that that 60$ of the outstanding stook was rep=+- sent& in the meeting, but not that 5l'$ Of the outstanding stook WCIBvoted in favor of the amendment. Nor does there appear to be any other evidence of such fact8 before the board. Honorable 0. P. Lookhart, Page 8 We think the amendment, if it wae passed in aoOo+ danoe with the provisions of the Article8 of Agreement, i8 sufficient to authoriee the oompany to engage in the sotlvities provided for under Artiole 4982, but that the Board of Insur- anoe brOlUiSSiOn0r8 8hould not reOo@lize it until it 18 proven to be a valid amndntent. &mstion No. 2: "fn making exfmhetiooa of the arialrs of this oompany se provided bylaw, and partloulafi ly in satlefylng itself' in ao.oordanOe with Seo- tion 2 of Artiole 4983 88 to whether euoh oom- pany '18 8olvent and ha8 made the required do- posit' 18 It (1) the legal duty (2) the legal privilege of thie Board in its dleoretion, to eramine all Of the assets, liabilities, airair and oondltion of the oompany throughout Its ao- ttVitie8 both under Artiole 4982 and OtherWi8e and to determine ite solvenoy in the light 0r till such matters, a8 this Board Oonoeivea it8 duty end right to be, or 18 thie Department restricted by law to en examination or the assets, llabilitiee, airairs and oonditlon or 8u0h cam- pany only in 80 rar a8 they are dlreotlyinvolv- eld in Artlole 4982 operations a8 contended by the Gompeny?v Seotion 2 or Article 4983 requires that, before the oompany operate8 under the provision8 of Art1016 &982, it shall *aatlsry the Commissioner 0r its 6ol~enOy.~ Under Article l+682a sll the powers, duties and prerogatives formerly vested in or devolving upon the Oommissioner of Insurenoe are nom conrerred upon the Board of Insuranoe Commissioners. Seotion 2 does not limit the question of.' 8OlVenOy to a detemlnatlon of the financial status of the Artiale 4982 busiNs of the company, stsndlng alone and without relation &ti ita other business. On the oontrary, the import oi the language used is that the oompany must be determined to be solvent as a whole. This partioularly le true In view 0r the fact that some of the oompany'e pmspeotive aseets under Its Artiicle I+982 operations (for instanQe, undivided profits over 63 above the statutory deposit and prenium reeerve) will be liable for Its debte inoarred under other operatione. we are of the apin%on that the Boati of InsummJe Commlssloners has both the prb~vilege and the duty to deter- F Honorable 0. I?. Lookhart, Page 9 mine the eolvenoy of the oompany a8 6 whole. They may do thi8 by an eIciaclnatiOn Of all Of the 888et8, llabllitlee, affair8 and condition of the oo:i~pany throughout Its aotlvltles, both under Article 4982 and otherrise. guestion No. 10: “If you en8wer in reaponee to question 9 that this Board 18 either required or aathor- lzed to examine a.0 assQt8, llabilitles, airairs an8 oondltion ot 8UOh oompany involved both under Artiole 4982 and other&e, and to deter- mine llss Bolvenoy ln the light OS all suah mat- ter8, then please ailviee ~8 whether in deter- it8 8olvenoy thlr Board 18 (1) required, or autherleed in its dlaoretlon, by law to apply the OrdhWy telrt or 8t6ndCLrdof 801ySgOy by epprovfng as 'admitted aeset8' at lcQ6'of their 6j926i8dt value all 6rS8Qt6 Or the o'arPg8i1)'under its *other operatl on8*, as oonknded by the oom- pany; or (2) whether, on the other hand, -68 oon- osived by thie Board, our examlner8 should ,de- termine eolvenoy under .what may be denominated tthe lneurenoe 8tandardt, both under the 4982 operation8 end it8 other operetione, by admit- tjng aasete 0d.y of the OhS8Q8 end with th8 margins or safety in value provided by the ln- 8UrtUlO68tatUte8?” Artfole 4986, whloh relate8 to oompanlee operating under Article 4982, provides: *All articles of the 8tatute8 80 far 68 the 8ame are applicable and not lnoonsistent with the provisions of law governing banks and bank- ing OOrpOrEitiOn8 8hal1 6PPJJr to d.l 0@4lPtie8 doing busine88 hereunder." The ~inaur~~~oe standardv la886 in determining 8olV~Op oonsl8ts ln the praotloal epplloatlon of the requirement8 Of Artloles 47,705, 4706 end 4993, Revised Civil Statute8 of 1925, a8 amended - at least, we so understand your u8e of the PhrdSer In our conference opinion NO. O-958, addressed to Honorable vrata c, woodward., Chairman or the Board 0r Insuranae Com- r&+sfoners, we expressed the opinion that Artiole8 4705 and 4706 applied only to intturanoe oompenlee areated under Chap- ter 2, Tftle 78, Revised Civil Statute8 of Texas, and th8t &tiole 4993 applied only to oasualty .$mU’W@em~onap~~e~ Honorable 0. P. Lackhart, -8 10 oraaterd under Chapter 18 of Title 78, We enolose herewith a oopy of opinion No. 04958. As pointed out in your opinion request, the company here under oonslderatlon ia organized under the provl8lon8 of Chapter 2 of Title 105. We are therefore or the op5nion that the Board of Insursnae Commissioners 18 not authorized to apply suoh "in- surancre standarda in determining solvenay under the provision8 or Artiole 4983. We believe that the Legislature, in using th8 w8rd v8olv8noy" in this rrtatate, meant that suah aompany anut satisfy the Cormlsaioner (now the Board of Insuranoe Com- mls81oner8) that it is pO88OsSed 0r assets equal to it8 lie- bil%isr, aoupled with an ability to meet its obligation8 68 they mature, and that its debt8 oan be oolleoted by legal Woodley, et al v. Cottle County, 52 8. W. (2d) 530 w"?z:?;. Crlppen 282 N P 9 722; Kennedy v. Burr, (Wed. f l@Jl Pm 1022. 9%; term ~130iv&tt when applied to a person, means that he has property suSSlo!.ent to pay all his debte, and that all his debt8 oan be oolle8ted by legal prooeso,* 39 Words and Phrasss 475 (oiting nuraerou8 caserr). Thi8, in our opinion, 1s the etandard to be applied In determining 801- venoy,, The method of epplytig the standard ie left to ths judgment and dleoretlon or the Board of Insuranoe ~ommisaionero. And the deoielon of the Board a8 to solvenoy or insolvensy 18 oontrolling, unless it app8an by oonvinoing evldenoe that it8 a&ion la plainly arbitrary and made in bad faith. United States %Ving8 Bank va lbrgenthau, 85 F8d. (26) 8ll, 8l4. We have re8 otfully deollned to atlswer ymr qUOQ- tions numbered 4, 5, r , 7 and 8, for the ree8on that the80 inquiriesevidently are the oonoern of the joint stook oom- pany Itself, and do not involvs any question whioh is ourrant- ly before your department in it8 offiolal oapaolty. YoWC8 V8l.J’trtily ATTORNKYGKNKKALOFTKKAS WRAIQO KNCLOSURK
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion