e askmd a6 ror
e* or noticor
on that only mob
la, the partIn@ OS rrotioe
dtrtriot,mu all the law
e Baoretarg or the Board
wa sla a o te4
b ythe mo ent Le g i~-
qulrlng mtiee by publioatlon a8
ing 0r not100 r0r the irmanoe at fn-
hoor dlstri6t bonds. Xi WV& a JAW
wa8 paased aame has not aa ye@ becm readrob here.
lWill you thereore pleara a&rise whether Or
not notiee by piublloation 1s regitriwd ror the
mtloe or IIQePe&lon to Be hdb for the i88wmee
or boadm br an la&ape&eat rohaol bfrtriottw
Honomble We ir.&fuller, pa@ #2
The question submitted by you ia oontrolled by
Article2789, Vernon~s Annotated Civil Statutes, which
reds, in part, a8 r0lim8:
* * * * On presentation 0r oald petition,
aald orriaar or orrfoon rhall order an eleo-
tlon for auoh purpo8e, and order the lherlrr
to poet aotioea thereor in tbroe (S) plaoe8
in the dietriot for tea (10) days prior there-
to, or if r0r an inds~naent dmriot, the
seoretary of skid board or trustees #hall poat
auoh notloea. * * **
Thererore, you are re8peotfully adrlsed that the
oalg notice required is that rtated In the above quoted
artlola, whioh requires said notloe of the lssuanoe oi
bonda by any independent rahool district to be posted la
threa pub110 plaoee ten (10) &aye prior to the elcotion.
In uonneotlonwith this request wa have oatefully
studicb Hour8 Bill 195, Fwty-seventh Legislaturs, aul we
are of the opinion that this bill does not apply to lnbo-
per&e& school Ulstrist bon4 eleotione.
very truly purs