OFFICE OF THi AITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN EloxlorableJohn s. Bahr county Auditor Dear Sir: tar , ox by ordex QnOX6' aQuxt at that tinm by Statute at Yehe pBpulation of l;arnarcounty, at the last Pedexal Cenouo, rolq&md &mu-y Xl, lQ4l. 3.0 60,4B6 MllQh roduaad tbe-Auditex'a mlary in thla cmmty fa that ao provided J;nA&, 3.646, R. C. 8. OS? Toxaa, aa asid Ax-Male existed January 1st. 1940. Honorable John S. Baker, Page 2 "The tax rendition in Lamar County for the year 1940 was $21,067,040 which, together with the Federal Census,.reduced the salary of Auditor in this County from $3000.00 to $2625.00. "Senate Bill as passed by the 47th. Legia- lature, provides for an increase of salary of County Auditors, as 1 oonstrue it, to an amount not exceeding that received ~by the Asaessor- Collector of Taxes in this county, or in any county affected. "Query: Should any increase of salary of County Auditor be made by order of the District Judge or District Judges, or by order of the Com- missioners Court alone? “QW3rg: Upon re-appointment of Auditor at expiration of present term, should the salsry be fixed by the District Judge or District Judges at the time of such appointment without any aotlon of the Commissioners/Court, e.xoeDt as provided in .E said Act of 47th. Legislature smendlngArticle l5461". Senate Bill l&Q, Acts of the,47th Legislature,. 1941, reada in part as follows: "Artiolr 1643. In any countyhaving a .~ population of thirty five thousand (35~~000) inhabitants, or over, aooordingto the last precedingFederal Census, or having a tax valuation of Fifteen Milllon~ ($15,000,000.00) Dollars or over, aocording to the last approved tsx roll, there shall be bienaially appointed an auditor of accounts and finances,, the title of said officer to be County Jmditor, who shall hold his office for two (2) years and who shall receive as compensation for hIa services to the county as stih County Auditor, an annual salary of not more than the annual salary allowed or paid the Assessor end Collector of Taxes In his county, and not less than theannual'salary allowe& such County Auditor under the/general law prb- vided in Artiole 1643, Revised Civil Statutes, Honorable John S. Baker, Pai;e 3 as said Artiole existed on January 1, 1940, such salary of the County Auditor to be fixed and determined by the District Judge or Die- trlot Judges m&Lug such appointment and hm- Lug jurisdiction in the county, a majority ruling, said annual sa1a.q to be paid monthly out of the general fund of the county. The action of said District Judge or District Judges in determining and fixing the sa&ary of such County Auditor shall be made by order and recorded in the minutes of the Dlstriot Court of the county, and the,Clerk thereof ahall certify thesame for observance to the ‘Commissioners1 Court, which,shall aause the mm to be reoordtid In ,its~mlqutes~ after the salary of the County Auditor has been fixed by the District Judge or District Judges, no ~., awe~5.n such sal.a~?yshall thereafter become effeotive until the beginning of th4 next ?g~u-. iag fisaal ye+r of the county. Provided~how- ever, any inorease in the salary of my such County Auditor, over and above the annual ssJ.sry allowed such County Auditor under the generti law provided ln Artiale 1643, as arid Artia3.e existed on January 1. 1940, shall. only be al- lowed ore pemltted with the axpress aoqsent and approval of the 'Coxmlseione~s~ Court of the county uhosq County Auditor is a$$oated or lsay Abe affeoted by th.eprovisions of this Actj suah aonsent and appr0ve.l of suoh Cammies~oners~ Court shall be made by order of su@hCourt and maorded In the minutes of the Conaulssloners* court 'of suah county. ” 1 .* . . . Artiole 1645, Vernoncs Annotated Civil St+tutes, as it existed January 1, 1940, reads in part as follows: "In any County hfivLng a population of thirty-five thousand (35,000) inhabitants, or over, according to ti4 preoedlng Federal Census, or having a tax valuation of Fifteen Million Dollars ($lS,OOO,COO), or over, aooordiug to the Honorable John S. Baker, Page 4 Last approved tax rolls, there shall be bi- ennlally appointed an Auditor of Aaaomts and Finanaes, the title of said officer to be County Auditor, ah& &all hold his office for two(2) years, ar&who shall receive as compensation for his servla6ti On4 Hundred end !Cwenty-five Dolliam ($126) for each mllll.on dol$ars, or major portion thereor on the assessed valqatlon, th4 annual salary to be ,computed from the Last approved tax rolls3 raid annual salary from county fUnds shill not exoeed Three Thousand, 83.x Hundred D01lpr~ ($Ss,6000).~. . . "' Senate Bill llQ),i~upra, ‘8Wong other Chlxgs,,providss in effeat that the County AWtor hall moebe a salary as aomp4n4ation for his ssz+vicea to the oolmty 0 stib County Auditor an annual salary of.not more thpn the annual salary allowed or paid to the Assessor and Colleotor of Taxes in the County; and not 144s than th4 anmaX rrlr;laryallowed such County Auditor under the general law provided In Articrlo,l&%5,' Revised Civil Stat&tea, as said article exiabed on January 1, 1940. Thu aa.laryofths County Audito~ls $a be ilxadand determined by the District Judgi4 or DI.+rlat Judges having jur3.sdiation In the county, and where there 1s more than one Dir&riot J'udge, a PrjOrity ruling must bo had la determining and rixiBg the aabry bf the county Auditor. However, ir there ia any %naruse in the salary of th6 County Auditor, over and above the annual mlary flowed the County Auditor under the general law provided In krtlele U4S, as said artiale existed on January 1, lQ40, the asme shall otiy br, allowed or permitted with the exgreas oonsent and approval of'the Canuaiesioners~Court of the aounty rhrse Oounty Auditor is affebted by the provisions of the aot and aueh aonment and approval of fnaoh Commis6ion6rs~ Court &mll be made by order of suah aounty and reoorded In the minutes of the Ccumaiasionera~ Court of suah county. In other words, the salary of the .County Auditor Is to be determined and fixed' by the District Judge or Distriot Judges having jurirdlotion inth4 county, snd l.f th4reie (u? iacrrease inthe salary of the County Auditor over and above the anq&. salsry allowed such County Aud$.tor under the gamral law provided in Artlale 1645, as said art&ale existed on January 1, lQ40r the inereaae in salary shall not be allowed or permitted without the ex- press aonsent and approval of the Commissioners~ Court of the county whose Auditor~la affected. With a referenae to any increase of the annual salary of the County Auditor as au- thorlsed by the above meritloned aat (Senate Bill 119). to be Honorable John S. Baker, Page 5 effectivefor the balanae of the aurrent year, it will be neaessaz-ythat m are available in keeping with the county btidgetEUIset up under Article 689~11, Vernon*s Annotated civil statutes. With reference to yaur aeuond question, you are advised that it IS our opinion that the salary of the County Auditor is to be determined and fixed by the District Judge or District Judges having jurisdiction in the county at the tims of the appointment of the County Auditor, with- out any action of the Commlsslonera~Court except aa dls- ausaea above. In ehort, if there is any inarease In the salary of thisCounty Auditor OVBT and above the amount allowed by the general lnw, Article 1646, aa it existed on January 1, 1940, before suah increase 18~allowed the aonsent and per- mission of the Comnlselonera~ Court must first be bad as provided in SW&e Bill ll9, supra. Trusting that the foregoing fhlly answers your -@J-Y, we aPe very tPuly yours Approved: OplsiOn GonnnitteO By Bm; cha- #WrGO
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion