$53 I1
County attoraer
Palo Pinto, Tuaa
Illyour lottexR4
roqttaetw ta a6smb as tr
poratb6 oity aa
be aad aoobo-
iv11 i5tatutbu.
bet ~9uC OppiaiQIl 111 t0 Whbthbr 8X’ A8t th0 v
aurp bum 3.lm in 80 opamatlng its baaao gn pamonger amr lfbanrer
4.btlol@ting Artlolb 805 of the Fend, Ood& Said Irrrtlele805 '~
rbada am..iollaws:
Honorable Sdgar A. Naddo~, pag4 a
*whoever operate8 upaa e public highmy a
motor vbhiOlb under a liaea8e, however obtalnod,
for a class other than that to whlob eueh -hi-
cle pronerlg belongs, shall be find not exaeed-
M two hundred dollars."
Tho registration of ~motor vehiol4s 14 prorlded for
In iirtiole;~blBa,Vernon'q Annotated Civil Statuto8, and Sub-
eaotlons (j) and (n) of i3ectIon1 th4reor read 8s fOllu44~
"(J) 'Pa444nger Car' m44nr 4ny motor r4hl-
ale other thsn 8 motor oyole or a bus a8 8bfiMd
in this hot, designed or us4d prhudy for th4
tranrportatlon of per40n4.w
"(A) Qotor Bus' ah411 Inolude mry rehi-
cle exobpt those op4rat4d by maaoular pwer or
excluslrely on stationary rails or traake, whloh
14 used in transporting ger4onr botnssn or thra h
two or more Inaorporat4d 4ltie8 c&Ad/Ortown8 and7 OT
villages for otnspsnration(or hire) whether op4r-
oted over fired route8 or titherwire;except mob
or said rehIole8 a8 are operated ereluslrely rlth-
in th4 llmlts at incorpomted bit148 and/or tumor
or suburban addition8 to 8uch tovme.w
.The vEhlQle8 In que4tloa do not rau wlthla the abme
derlnitlon or a Wotor bu8*, 8inbe the 68410are not u4ad in
tran*porting peraorr between tro or more
towns or villagee. They do fall 8
or a *pa44enger oar* and are there
;~~G.I.ows that there is no
We note the dotlnltlon of a "motor burreompanf' In
artlols Slla, Seotlon 1 (a), Vernon*8 Annotated Ciril Statutes.
k eonoem carrying persons rot aoapsluation or hire bsaome4 a
motor bu4 oompany, subjeot to regulation by the Railroad Comb-
aion, when lta motor vehlclee operate bctyond the limit8 and out-
sIde.tha suburb8 of an inoorporated alty ar tam, whether they
enter any othsr alty or town, or suburb8 thereof, or not. How-
ever, the re@atratlon is44 of theme vehloles are governbdby
Eonorable Blgar A. Yladdox,page 3
Artlole 667&, according to the plain and unambiguous term8 of
whlah the vehicler in queetlon must be olaeaed aa passenger
Tfoure wry truly