Honorable George H. Sheppard "48kaptroller of Public Accounts Austin, Texas Dear Sir: Opiniin No. O-37 2 Re: uFomobile ales Tax levied byArticle VI of House Bill No. 8, Forty-seventh Legis- lature. In your letter of June 23, 1941, you request our opinion in response to the follcwing three questions: "Should the one per cent tax bo'paid on a new motor vehicle registered by the dealer in the company's name, such as Johnson Motor Com- pany where said motor vehicle is to be used for demonstration purposes? "Would the tax be payable on a second hand motorvehicle registered in the dealer's name fcr demonstration purposes where said motor ve- hicle had been purchased by the dealerin a trade; that is, where he traded another motor vehicle to John Doe for the total consideration of $1,000,$500 of the amount being in cash and the. eachsnge of John Doe's motor vehicle having a value of $500. John Doe's traded-in car be- in,g the one registered by the dealer for demon- stration purposes." i In connectionwith your first two questions it is noted that you do not give us any information concerning what consideration, if any, passes in connection with the transactions inquired about. The tax levied by Article VI of House Bill No. 8, Forty-seventh Legislature, is a tax equal to one per cent of the tctal consideraticn paid or to be paiN to the seller by the buyer. In Section 3(b) it is provided that "the term retail sale or retail sales as herein used shall include all sales of motor vehicles except those whereby the purchaser acquires a motor vehicle for the ex- clusive purpose of resale and not for use.e We answer your Honorable George H. Sheppard, page 2 O-3742 :.-@!&stquestion by saying that if Johnson Motor Company pur- chases the automobile in question the tax will have to be paid. The vehicle has not been acquired for the exclusive purpose of resale but is to be used for a time for demon- stration purposes, that is in the business of the Johnson Motor Company, before it is sold by the latter. However, if the company which the Johnson Motor Company represents furnishes this demonstration car without requiring the latter to pay for the same there will be no tax due. Your second question is answered in the same way. Clearly the vehicle is not acquired for the exclusive purpose of resale and the tax will be due if a consideration passes in connection with the transfer. In connection with your third question rye direct attenticn to Section 1 (b) providing that "in all cases of retail sales involving the exchange of motor vehicles the party transferring the title to the motor vehicle having the greater value shall be considered the seller and nc tax is imposed upon the transfer of a motor vehicle traded-in upon the purchase price of some other motor vehicle." The traded- in vehicle mentioned in your third questicn is thus expressly taken out of the operation of the taxing statute. The use to which it may be ,put is immaterial. That question is answer- ed in the negative. Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS BY Glenn R. Lewis Assistant GRL:LM/-pam APPROVED JIJL 11, 1941 GROVER SELLERS FIRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEM GENERAL APPROVED OPINION COMMITTEE BY BWB, CHAIRMAN
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion