: OFFICE OF THE AmORNNGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 2i!tzv== ! -. b&~able to find; but both of tho60 ira ruditl-ku of the old hm8 Court of bmti8, dellvwed in th8 yW 1.880, and rrftt8n b7 OIU Of %%88’ plo8t -t And mawoOed jUdQ88, -8idi4~ ‘,: liozmrsbl@ wilt.t#rr tiee &81X, Page 7 608 "We are of opblan, howovw, that #a ‘th0 OViltbXlW :ddilOti 58 ~tU8UfffOiW~ in r a lw,ia o r & s pro p mr iwt. smw lpndr of the 0f?emo had bun Goduo8d, ln ft U&8 Mrt Of t$lO dO8Wf~tiW identityOf the OffonW, and should hay. boon proven. ml1 t; sac, at&O; kl ‘C-8, 2531 tt~tOn V. m %tBtO, 1 3-8 ct. Aw. 168) 3080 v. w Btato, 1 TWA8 Qt. Am. hOOi ttat8on 0. !fb tlbt+ 5 *@X88 ct. &Q. 12. lbder~tho authority of th8 above oare8, you era r88peot- ml3 Bdti8.d th8t ?OW third QUO8tiCUk UU8t b0 BMWl’Od in th8 WgBtfVO, U&O88 w BOOWOd rUpFO8fiy alOOt t0 b0 tlhd tULd8r the ~POV181QB8 Of th@ old hr. I[n OTOlXt Of 8UQh PUOtO eV8ZlttUb lity, th. tl’+ *Odd WDOO88W11J b. in th0 bi8tl’iOt OOWt, a8 th8t OO?Wt hU OSO1*8fVO jWi8~OthXi in f8104 -8.8. &i BMWaF t0 JOW fOWth qm8tiOlX it i. OUP OpLniOXl that’“pwdlug lndiotwnt8 wy b8 legally trd8forrod fran th8 dirtsiot court to the oaunt~ omrt for trial. See the 8ubdlvl- 8fon an Vmn8ier of %a~808 l 12 tax. Jw. 422* Sea. 135, et 8@Q) Ap$fO& 419, (lOti Of 0Phil.d ?POt%dlUW. A 8~08tOd fOl'B oforderappeaminl2liu.#ur. 433. Dar the WI re88oM s88igned in BMVOring mUr third qUO8t;~, it in UWVW t0 PW fifth OBW that i Del'- 8on~~Botle in the distl?lUt kWUFt for the . - 609