Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN T8B IIUxmmploymnt kmpsnrat ion Brown Building Awtiin, Texae (a), -(b), or fi3)of S8OtibXI6 or the Aot, enoh &8’3i- don diSpO88a Or all rights Of tb8 olf+iWlt t0 beno- rit8 &Luringhi8 b8n8rit year. Ii, ,~1683!th8 1IBp8 aubseotlona mentionad~.s ho is disqualified for fSr8F , ,’ + T8X~4atbmIUph3y‘m8nt ~Omp8nMtiOn ~Obi88iOn, page $3 P@@-pJ or aouree, tpponthe lnltla%lon or a 88 8S, h8 18 ontit1ea to reoeire b8nerit Oh8Oka ti88S di8qUalifl8d at thrt tiE8." 2W~.-heldinkour Opinion Hod O-89218that a di6qualifi- amtlon 69 the Qommi8doa or w Court or an Individual to r808lv8 b8iI8fit8dw111& th8 b8n8flt 3hiOd8 Or hiI5b8n8flt 98ar ai8pO88d Or allright Or the iadlvldual to r808iV8 aI%9benefita during that b8n8flt year. Thlr holding was baaed upon the asmmption that, On th8 h818 Or the fndiVidMl’8 initial Olaim iOr b8n8- flt8, he Wa8 dbqtUiiri8d rOr ill the b8Mrit &Wr1068 Of his b8I¶8fit98ar. Your Interpretationor our Opinion Ho. 0-57SS, a0 r8flbOted in POtU l8tt8r addr8tIO8d t0 a r8Rr888lltatiV8Or the Sooial S8aurity Board, is 6orreot. YOur8~ very tNly APPROVED APRIL 69, 1942 ATTORBBT OEAERAL 09 TBx4s /I/ QNV8r 88u8N FIRST ASSISTANT ATTOMEY W4HBRQ APPROVBD OPIINIOH coMMlTTE% BY BWB cBIIBMAI!I