Honorable Jaok Hooh, pgo rC
Of euu8limtioa of any oab of la idunit*, md
oofopenBatlo8 to bo Sired and barno pslw$b b7
Dh. tkrea taxa unlta.
Thlr proposal inrolroo the ooaotruotioa of
&tlolo lb, tkotioa 40, of tha Conotitutioa of
Toxar, whloh provl&ao that with o uta ia lxrp
tiozu, no puroa ohm11 hold at the aasto tlmo
ohor*thaa one olril off100 of m0luaeiat, and tha
rub at OoIpMll lau tb 4 O th e lM0 mooa o a mo t
hold o? lxuoiae two inoompatfblo offiro#,
"Your opialoa is reopertfully rbquosted oa
the following quootioao, to-wit8
*l. Wo o ull
a r b er r h i~08 l Joint boub of
wma lix a tiol ar ving two o r a o r * mo b o vul8p p la g
unita oonotituto tho holdlug or lruoi~iag
ta x ln6
at thr same time of more thu, one aivil offioe or
omolumoat wham laah metabs? of ouoh board rooeiro4
Only auoh ooaponutfoa &I ho night bo llfowod for
ludng o a the lwmliut~o~ board o fa a fo a a o ? o uo h
*a .w4 ?Uid
-h ip OA a jOh IbtOUe Of
-0 luoh 0-h
tro ow Or
tdi^ag unlw eoaotltut* the bolelagor mu0 P 8ing
of insompatlblo 0fri0w
*IA th. OY4lUt it is fOW O@iOA th4t th0
firat QU~OtiOA 8hoa be -rod iii the UrirnatlVe,
your oplaloa on tho 800084 qtmtion till not bo
Ymm the grollmlaary *ta+*at
la your latter, we
t&k0 it to bo that t&e u~eduo Of the
Of mlld,iUtiOA fOrBOOard
lob OS a0 r*opeot;ve t8xlng Blaarlo8a hold Offloeo Of amlu-
&ant WitbiA tb. ~VitbAO Af h68iOA 60, &%iOlO m Of tb.
Constitutlan froa rlriohit uvuld follow u of ooum. 110per-
ooa aould hob mmbowhip 15 aore thaa oao of the botrda ot
Bowwu the TMX QuotiOA pSUOntd by your ia-
QUA 18 not that 0) U-1 oiiioo hdlddfo#, urrdu 3eotion 40 but
rather it im tha quostlon ef whather or not tho author
law f sU
tbo UOabiOA Of l board Of AQUAliSAtfOA, WhOA. dUtiU mt&
to th elpuall,rrtloe
,mfthe Val~a Of WOpOrtY fOr the thrU
taxlag unlu noationo& . 7f
Tudry unlta, sock aa you asntlws, -* aruturu
of aU&uto, and
the 05000 just auoh pwua so are evn-
r0m0d llpm thao by L Sad liOA* other, Th. law ax~oo
authvritra l&e eroation of boar48 of lq u6 llutloror
a am T
auoh reapaot1** taxiag UAtt Ma deflnaa a-lo duties vf 8uvh
boar48. Thoaa dutlao part& to the affairsor tb partlou-
luu!dtwkIohthy aurn* Tbue Is no atatuta authvrfxlng
the o fa b a udo flswliratioa
a r utiva with pamo la reqaot
to prvputy la any mnlaipali8~ or dlotrIotother than the
oae eraU%ng Uha bvu&-aera turitvrlalpvwua~ &oh a pro-
~Ialon i5 the La al&t ba a wioo 000 iron the otmdpolnt of
SovAmy aAd ualfvdty ia T8luauloA or paw-, but w ire
no8 oonoua86 wltb U!!t quoattoh We are a~ertna8 only dth
intorpraui~ the hw a8 it is written,