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Hen.B.~.wmltemm,pmgm 2
'8eo.L vhe aotult~l!~rintaIuleuktuaaouQt~
Smhoo% Y$omHm of the mwmral mountiem &.tblm W8tb,
g b ea tot th e
lp p wvuo ft2y a ta lkperintendent
L lfo liutzumtlan,armhmrm~ulthur~medto
mmle mot up thm 8omt roalmlmal mymtmm or trmnm-
?3mth gMam and hi&l lmhool pupflm - thmir, dlstriotm
anb wlela thmiYk'bimtPlotm. am 0
OS abaft aad the wotrant
- pqab
of urMmportotionPaad, on the totu trmwpottation earned
. vfm. the Uomntr not to .uwed the totaX‘approred oort
~.%a. I; Qouaty Boud8 of 9rumtm.m mrm hereby
eiit&wrisedto~~loy8w dritarm forolmfemrmn&thm
C.&i~wlm Co.mmplmd;, WMdmdi'wthmr; thmt.onl~
papui’orr pmrmmnm direotl~oaBnootodrlthfu'rulIixa
the.pro@emmbi ttrrirpoot*pltplln
t0.w fron the.
oahoolMd alq bum ,dtZTW'Tiol8tfIlg
riuoilm mhaliorfmuhlm oontrmmtulambmllbm
thm&nm~ M o? Ttwteem.
BoTaTat, malbibjeottothmpsoTlmtoamhmPmln* bum drbmrm
wao:umnthm~anibumommadu*mo upl~MykglTwl
a oQnttut iorapt to exaeed tTa (2) .yurm oondltiphed
.thatrudE~~Yerm qpmmtommkm hprowmmntm on
'tha~bumrr; 80 u to &ro adqqwte1r lammrm mafmr trmam-
p o tta t1 r o6t
Jle lmholmmt1om, mad thm rmtltm of mwh bum
am notohmaged fat the 8rnOarld~ym~ of the oontrmot.'
Xneopf@h No. 04031 we tuledthat andor 'the
00mltJ u&t myatea or tlwl~atioa, thmcwnqyBoardof
&ho01 Wutwmmlght employabua 6rlnrwhovam related
rtthFathep&ibfted&grooto8 me&or oftha lodalboad,
Utho~the lUuyof mwhdt%~ett*r paidfmmloaal fun&
wiarmia00atut ram notbm in rf*irtioa
0t htimlm8532,
433.a 435 of the Nnml Oode. Underthmmm l ta ty tee
th8.i00u Board or +rumteom a0tia not xoguly mmpbr a t4m8
dtljerrelatedwitMa the prahibiteddegreeto one ot Its
k :-
. ,
bum. ..
1omUmaWtenuibe ?tp@m o~th*8lmttSoti.The ocmmon amho01
trtutu~.ub smmponm@lm raw 'the prober lx&ndltvnm o? thm
100U ?madm of the* dlmttlotmd lthm~ mhUl lppote all
olnimmmgmlnmtl~hoo~.?mndmof tW.r dlmt*lot.8Art1010n4p,
a? him 0msiu dutlombmmmUm4iupmatopum rrpo~
rmfriragainmtblm amdimtHmt SnWimhhm 18 lntmremtti;
&ad thw plamo hlmmel?in lam~tlblo PomZtiQIu, but in e
'tooblQ8tb'thm lomU ?hwlm o? the dirtriot to pm7 u deflut
et any pottson or thb oo=P-u tlon Of l bum driver therefrom,
thmlooUWmsd.WoUdinm??motbeoCme m.gutftotke oontrmmt
vith muoh drivtir.ftim our opialonth4taoclurn ash001
trust00 amy not Be -1 u o mOhoo1bum driverwhere thm
100U ?a&8 oil-128 dimtrotmro
"p tok umedtOgayill0rm
put of him oompenmatlon88 mamh driver. 8me luthwltlem
Oltod in @inlonm I- 0-10X4,O-863 and O-878,ooplemof
*oh brb enm~ommd hmsdtbb.
The first lmntmnmo o? JoUr ?irmt qummtion 18
thorb~~e bm~ered in the ~affltaotitomad the meoond lentenme
of maid question18 mamYeWd ln tha Mmtlre.