OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN j :or conuty ooPllrlssion*r, bat all. said money 8Ef.l bs used for the oonstxuation and msintumnae of lateral roads and suah aountpunder the mpervb Sian of the oounty engineer lr .there be on. and ii there is no such engineer, then the aounty a&mnlssionus~ court 8hsll ham the authority to c onmsrid the services of the divisionen&near of the State HighwayDe lnentforthe purposeof stapervisiag the aonstruc r on .pad surm of lateral roads in their respeatlre counties.9% funds alloaetedto the counties the provisions of this Pot (Artioles667~1 to 667 z -14; P. C. Artlals 807a) msy bs used by the aomties In the ptaymentofobUgationr,lf any isruedand lnaurrod in the wnstnsotiou or inprovw~ of all roads, ineludSng Stetehi&sys of suchaountles snddlstrlats therelq u the iraprovements of the roads compris%ngthe ooamty rod system.~ < m0ra dan b8 no tranrrer of the80 fmds into ‘some other fund far the toFth& enual expenses of the county* %Tg This is the ho &prtment In our opinion Ho. O-937 urdaonsirknt;LyfollandinNboeqwatopinioProf~s~- tration. The ao5nlasio&ers~ aourt has only such onr8 as are set forth and deflnodin the Constitutionand at.8 ?I¶ ks of this St8k. !choymayIlotexpendforoIleptlrpose tsxmoneyr8lsad ost8nsiblyfor snother see am-0l.iv. ullllams,202 .S. 1. 5041 AuTit v’r Ha-e'Cotmty,ll6S.1.3~; Tw Jtir., vol. 11, p. 609-104l; ~enduson ve ~a&, 262 8.1. 94. Apparan~ your qwstlon IS posed ior the purposa e? securing additlonsl Sunds to bs expended by your aomslssionars~ court for the general expenses of the county dudng me yesr Xn our Oplnlon Ho. O-2942 dated Des. ll 1940, we 2Ethst the aouuties have no p&m to issue tlple warrauts zpztge the motor vehleleUeense fees in psyment~ofsaid Wefurtherheld inthstoplnion thatlleensefees to bs aoberrted in the future oaunot bs eonsidbmtd as aurren$ iundsiFolnrhiahyoupiythera2i~conntpoblisati~. The lianesefees must be expendedIn the scanner set out in Artiole 667~10, Vernon’s RevisedCivil Statutes,and in no other manner. ue are enaloslngaopies of our OpinionsNos. 2942 and O-3171, upan this subjeat. In our opinion revenueliaense . . Hon. WilllamW. Allen, page 3 fe&aoI$l&uring Xareh and April of 1942 am not tmmnt of Artlale236& Vernon*sRevimd civil Statutes,Sor the7year 941. ? Yours very truly APPROVEDJULY 23, 1941 ATTORNEXGEiNERAL OF TEXAS /a/ Grover Sellers By FIRST AsslcsT4NT /a/ NorrisHodges A!l’TORNRY Q- Assistsnt APPROVNDOPIIiiON COHMI!CTRE Hl!IWR CNAIRMN
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion