! O+FICE OF THE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS I AUSTIN I mar SenatorD&emyt Your lettar oi Fe0 abcm atated,La aa to11686 trol to foil oonksaot8have axlppooe that the the ea8e of .rpot the total amottat or znotwy imoltea traot or8.r er 8poQ pumh8me ordm 1 mat to follow tam prowhremt- oprnionwould aasti -xtobmme al@uQt5nYe~Yell. ytnufmbleToEDOI)B~~ - page 3 a ONP frtrasr OpsniOnOouldbe takea,d &ouliibe frlrarain ww OpM O$ d&aUlf, WI fhe crrfent Oh w reply &a the dd8ulting contractor(uhethartm oontraot 8.mspot oont~aet) and tba paroba8t~by t&a I5cw-defthe 5qpllss ~rdered~vtkero me #aa rsy ba ptlrcrhured on the mwket. Morewer, if wch ~~plioe are oatuoll~ls~rehsedby the Uoard, then yeU okmld f#&JAePnotify the~contr8atur of the ez6QSEtoet if StmIlwp- p&&earif aq, an2 that the eontra.etcr vcmld be chr~ed rith mtoa esM88. Srmb proeedurewe~ldcppewtobootanWhu~ mt OBIly,ana shmaldwith proprietybb fOllcvedTinall otwbdl oi doaulf . Imar qa45tien3 ia not 00 emSly amsverod,t@ XXIall inetanuaswhere maw b&de are t&an aul the ~oxoo8sd5fference,ifemyI hsaebee~~chnrged to the arzQ$nal 6en$CMter, there arlsas 8 I.s.abiutyoa tha part es the OOOI tmaatw upcn his tarn cantreut or bin epot-yorobuso awtrwt for mauhditYerwce, aad no alfioer c~.boamtof tha Gwern- m8nt may roleaso su& liabil%ty. Xf,'$,n su& 6 caoe, however, the amwnt of uueh d&f- imnce in uost of 8upplier by way or unwed lMdl%w ta the oentraotw~e liabU.%tyio 50 Owl1 86 that inuoprnwDl7 tb0 co8tibso~wy tea preparatlcnrodonbmlapieoof them&&or te W Attorney Wmex'al f'~rOmthn wouZdes6eedthe amtW8thYOlYO8, tJmI* it is the opJaionefthis DepartmatyourBoanl dmuldtmt innrrr U&I cost, and uhc~l& rrOt mbdt the amtiter tc the AttorWy Peaeral for aathnat oil. DA thir aeuneotion, we vauld odd tWt whexw them B~YO been rerpertod &&au&to br 8 omtraoter8 and the+ wegate at ouch cuper-ulbodlllrbility wmld esooedt-hocoot of p*epar&g mid. uubudttf~ to tbs Attorney Uenewa1 a utatweat ef
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion