lionorableCarlo8 C. AuUer
District Attorney
Llam, Texa*
Our reacds rereal theitin rsgard to the bonQ
issue mentioned in your letter the CoaarLsslonors*Court
paased an order on Noranbor 18, lw8, oalling an aleotio4
to be held on the BZnd day of.Deoember,1938, at whfah the
iollowiag proposlt$onwas lubmittedto the voters of Llano
*sH&L the CommI.8alomm* Court 0r Llano County,
T.exa8,be authorired to lsmm bond6 of seld aounty,
to the amount 0r $75,000 bearing intemst not ii0
exosed S$ per annum, nu+turingin seriel:$4a~lmmtr
to be dcelgnated by oaid aout, the Last lnatallmaat
to mture not later than twenty year8 after date ti
aaid borda, far the ~purposeti aoaetru@tion,mainto-'
nanoe and operatlon~otzu+oadamked, grerel.ebor pred
road8 and turnpikes,or ip aid'thereot,tithia #mid
oounty, am3 apeolfla8llyPOP the purpoee Of aogniring
right of way lmldent to the aonatruotlonof the iol-
lowing highways: ,j
*(a) Braay tb LZaan to.Rowd lbouotalnHighnag,
ia Llano County;
f(b) Highway No;,a@,.$hrougbLlano Couatr, aad
to levy an ad ralorek l&z!on &lXCax~~blo roperty
within a6i.a 00utg atiitioiwi to pay the ! ntwm
artsaid bonds and $hc pi5~1olpkltheriof at maturity;
oaid bonds to be Laaued,&q the mnner provided b
the lawa of'the State of Texas, an& aa authorisei
by Seation SE of A:itiole$ of the Cond!tftutionOr
the State.R
We fiti tkmt pr,r20~t4 the eleotion the Oamnf8aionet8*
Court paesmd another order on Deoomber 1%‘ 1958, pror%3.i~,
in part, as followat
* * * * Now, Thererote, be lt resol+sd by the
CtJ~su~oneE6' eoutt~orLlrno county, TexaII,~antl
I: it,is hereby adopted aa ths pofiop aad plWp oi
this COWQ to use the proceeds OS the above omen-
.,.~' tioard b o nd
iseta lxelanl+Q ipr a fdllQUi@X
pulTmB.r, to-rrlt:
to the
or LlAno RlVcPX.
"Aclcptedla open Court on thin the 18th day Or
Dauember, 1938." (Undsreool4Jlg ouro).
ROVEDAUG 11, 1941