chapter Nl880 ta a lwgulationof the
prrotioooi madfo%nh There18 nothing
in this Oaaptev whiti pwhiblta tha sale
OS wmtmeoptivaa 852 nakoa It a penal
offenseal088 the abowo qtmted portim
or Ilrt. 740, P. 6. baa
OrrOot. YOU that
will ateto that P. 6. aeta oirt
Art. 7Jh0,
oi&aln exwptianato ‘Mm offanra eon-
MoCed dth tha pnotioe ar lwwdtto.
Awtiale 740, Peaal Code, aa amended, la aa rollowat
.Wtbiag in thlll Ghaptetahall bo 80
aonatmted 88 to dlaadminate a&ainrt any
partiaular school0~ ayataa or madhal
gmaotioe, nw to 8rraot or lwit in any
way the appltaatian VP use .0r the prinolples,
tot&a,- OP teaohlngaor say ehmah in tha
tdtmtwti0tt 8ththe 8i0k 0~ msir0attjw
pnpr, vithmtt th0 ore or q b2g VP mtO2-m
rsamdy, pmvidod aanltary and wamnthe lava
and squlAtiana are waplled witht and 3mnm.d
rwther, that all those 80 mlnlatwlng 0~ orfoe
fng 80 mfnfater to the alok or suffering by
prayer shall refmln froa mlntal&ng orfiaea,
exarptfor the pwpoao 0r exwaiaingtha min-
alpl~a, taneta, or to8e.bIa88 or the 6huroh 0r
vhbh they am bona ride aembora. The urovi-
aiona or thir Clmptardo not amlr to.dantiata,
guly qualified and mngiatorodunder the lava or
thiaaBtat0, who ooaf3ae their praatlae atriatlr
to dmtlat~; no~ to duly liaeumed optomtrlata,
who aonfLna their pnatiae ltpiatly to optomtry
na deftned by at#utm$ PODto -888, who p-a-
ties nuraSng only, ‘DDTto du4 lleenaed ohiropo-
dlata, vha aonflnetheir pwati00 atriatly to
&ropo&y aa dt?iined by atatutei nOs to pulB*~~
-9:' (Underaowtng a4wa)
of thla artble la an ateeption, 8Wtewgh It uamee at the end
ln Vernoni Amtotatad Penal~U6do88 'ewo9tlaua.R Znatead,
tt aoama to ua to bo an inebaltut a rwthe~ defbxltion or
* inX to thoae *et out in Artlale
Bat a aeriouaf4ueatlon rrlaea aa to whether. aaid
aentenuo la too vague and inbrrinih to defina a penal 0rm.80,
ao aa to me&t the mquiremmta or Artialea 1~8nd 6 or the ?elul
&de of 1925. Ihia qtoatlcnt appear8 to 0s 80 crloao that vo
think it improperr0r ua to pa88 on It, wUhout a pvaewnt
0r the @.n1~80r tMmbhl Armala.
Yrowa very truly
w. R. Allen