OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Cmer Carrioon, Jr., Director,Pegs 2 Seotlon 3a of the above-Quoted&Wale 687a, Vernon*8 Texas Penal fitatutes, spooifloallyprovidea that “HO . . . semi-trailershall excoed a length of thfrty- five rest.- It follows that any semi-Weller whfoh by lotual seesurementexoeeds thirty-fivefoot In length, ournot be lawfully operated upon the pub110 highways ot this State. ‘fho etatute alearly oontempleteethat in de- terminlngthe length of a unit in a ooabination,oaah partloular unit auet be ocnelderedleparetely; as for ex- mpla, in determiningthe length of a leml-trailer,the measurementwould be the over-all length of ouoh seai- trailer end not from the baok nhoels of a truok-traotcr to rhioh it might be attaohed or from the king pin of the 8eml-trailer. The location of the king pin or pivot point on the semi-trtilermight aileot the over-all length of the aombination but not thr unit. Tour6 very truly I:EcJ~JN 30, 1941 ATTO- GEMXRAL OF TEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion