OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hozorabls Omer Burkett, Chairman Ccmmlttes on Federal r\clatlone House of Repreaentativra Austin, Tsras Dear Ylrt et4 ths ridare on lslon 0 vet0 pOw4r 0r th4 OOV~S~~OF is r0abd this 3tate. " Ii any ball prosonto to theaGovar- nor &t&.&3 ~ovoral ftsrUS of 4ppr3pri4tiOn hs may ob jeat to on4 or mm4 or such item, and ap- pxov6 the other portion of the bill. In suah 373 gooorable Ghwr Burkett, CheIrmaa, Pago 8 Case he shall append to the bill, at the time of aigm%ng It, a statement 0r the Itwis to which he objects, and no itsm 60 objeoteA to shall take srr4ot. . . .- The Go~4rnorts power under the Constitutionwith referenceto an appropriationbill is Aesaribed by l4r.ruetioe Dibrsll, apeaking;ior the Supreme Court al Teralr,In Fulmorr 7. ~0, io4 mu. 499, 140 s, w. 408, a6 r0ibf8i qowhere In the Constitution 14) the author- Ity given the Gowrnor to apprQWb fn part aad dieapproveIn put a bill. The only additional authority to Qlrapproringthe bill In whole Ia that glvoa to objeot to nn ita or iten whaze a bill aontalaa sovera Iteu oi appropriatian. It follows eenolurivel~that where the veto power is ettempted to be lxeroloed to obfeot to e para- gra h or portion Qi'a bill other th8n UL Item or f tema, or to lmgwg4 qwirying ai 'jappropria- tlon or direotlngthe method of it8,uses, he u- oeda the Oonatitutlonalauthority recrted In him, ~6~~:ebJ~~"~~~g~~*~~~~~;~~ &f:z:: tlca, or ciire0tIn(: the nothod of its we, beotxmr non4rteotire. . . . ” If o bill pas8eA by the Legislature cumta&*rs;~.xal 1tomal0r appr0priation,the Governor Is authorizedto object to 084 or more or rush ltem6, atidrruchItem or Itcmu 80 obfeoted to shall not beooaa a part oi the law, unles6 the Legislature bo in seadon end mOh Item or items objeoted to be reaonslderedand apprOY4d by two-thirds of the m&mzs 0f both HouOes, . . .r Ho partfoular Sow, or method, or verbiage, Ir :mquIreA to conrrtltute an item of appropriation. A prori- &#&.In e+ appropriationbill whloh dael not lI& poaitfsns or otitain speaffied Items 5ey none the 14~4s be sulrioiant BI an Item of appropriation. It mar oonetitute a suifioiont appropriationalthough It doe6 not n&me a oetiain sum or a naximllmsum. 8ational sisoult C~mgenp vs. State, 135 9. W. (al) 387. Honorable Oaar Burkett, Chairmen, L’age 5 &a Item of appropriationBhould not,.?foour~m,,be aonfueedwith provisionsIu an appropriationbill whioh quall- ry an appropriationor direct the ae%hod of Ite wage. Typloal ot the rI8er8 to vdilohyou refer In mu.? letter IO o&4 which reada aa iollowsr *In addltlon to t&e muma hereInaboveappro- priated out or reoelpta aocruingunder Artlole 603R, Revi44d Olvil Statute@, lQR5, anb any amwd- mants thereto, thers Is hereby appropriatedfram said receipts, for the eniorcrement or the Oil and Gas Conservationand Regulation laws, inolad- in6 salaries, travel and other neeemrary expeamea, a mu8 not to 8XO4eb 0n0-ha12 ($1 or such fee8 aoorulng each fisOa1 year over and abole the to- tal ltomleed appoprlatI0a for the respeatlve year8.* It Is our opinionthat a rfder OS this time eon- 8tituteran Item of appropriation with&n the pumlew of $eetion14 or utiole Iv or th8 Coolrtltutton of Teraa md ia rubjeatto the veto power or the Chler Sxerutive. Yours very trot