lu p wln-
eoth e o mutty
say lu th o tity
o a Ov8Psu o ds
1 OJzg
to f0~00mJla o h o el
or Penton
Eio.4B9 ~essat% by t&e %rty-
rsoeiPe4 a raise la salary. La-
ast Federal CeKleurr our pcpulatfon
e,HIO, therefore,I CM of the opiaion .
y ghtx;; not be dry&iythe money allewe blmundez
.. . .
"After reading the aese at Boustoa %timxsl
hulk rt al v. khool idstrict kc. lg8
i&rrla county, 198 s. ii.869 (Cfv. App. 1910) 1 aoll
wondering it it le paydirtyto paw on tba matter.
eon. Guy Turner, page 8
"Eleaee advise ii ? have any autborSty or
superpisionOS rundr belolying to Common sohool
i%%@te Bill %O. 4Q9 (hctl lf#sT, 45th Lagi8$&ul'a,p. la%,
Ch. 4771, reS@rred to in your latter, tins carrid Sornar8 in
~ernon*a hnotate4 Civil Ltatutes es Article WOO&1V. ikg-
tion 1 OS thle Artlole provides in part OIJSollourr
"~0ctiOn 1. In all oountiea OS ths stat* OS
Texas having 8 population OS not lerr than 8hir8y-
,two thoueand eight hundrad (55,800)au4 not more thn
thirty-two th:~uIendeight hundred thirty (8lt,B50),
. the salary of the County hiuperintondmlr of
k&lo Inatruotion@hall be not le.8 than ‘ho Thoruud
hwen Hun8rod glfty ($8,780.00)Dollar8 cad not mi3ra
than Three Thousand ~~050.00).Dollirr per mm,, the
amount OS *Ioh ralary ehall bo Slxod by tha order 6f
the,CountyBoard OS tiuoatlon Sor the rerpsotlve
oounties, and the Uounty Board OS Wuoatiaa~for oeah
OS the oouutiocr eomin$ within thin Ml1 still, by
order entared in ltr mlnutoo, met tlu oalary tar eao&
OS their rempeatiro uuuntie8."
The oSfiola1 1940 Cermur report dlaolo~er that Danten
County now hea a population OS 83,488, be-, a8 rtato& in pw
letter, in exoe~~ OS the Se,550 maxImam vdthln tb lumimbow
mntiomd aot.
You are, thoratom, nspaotiully a&leWd that it 18 th8
opinion OS thin Department,uador the faota &at&l, that ~a#
are oorrect In your oonaluelonthat the salary at the eount~
8OhOol superintmatent OS Dimton County 16 no longar to h d&or-
mined Srom the prwleiloni~ OS Artidle t900d-17 for the reason
that said kticLI) no long.srappllrs.toDenton Couut~.
IQ the cam'oi Eokon' National Exohanga Bank f . s&m01
DlstrioC H&L,ze5,&rrir County, 1.85S. i';,589, the &d.Te88on
Court of Civil Appeals in 1516 held, thet the oounty euaitor
wae not authodeed or requlreb to approve vouohers drawn on
?unda of the aoamon aohool tistrlot of the county. It was
observed in this aame that school Sunde em not fun&e "Sor the
use or, or belonging to, the aounty," over whiab Artfole 1051,
8. c. s. or 1985, premoribes the oounty auditor's duties, but
- 340-
tbrt tbe eoze 6re state fund& r;biaD8ro hsld by the county
merely ac truotoo Sor the publio Srso sohoolo,and that ouob
oobool funde are mbjeot to the ouporvlolonOS tbo sohool
ofslcors, ouch aa tmoteoo, euporintsndento, oto. -
Under Article &327s, Vernoa’o ~~0tiit8a ClrFl Gtatuteo,
the salary of an aleotire county rohool euporintondontlo
pritlout of the 8ttatonvail.ableSchool 3~6,
POU ore, therefore, roopeatiully advised t&at It is the
Q inion of Wil8 Dopartmont , under the Slats stated, thot 8lnoo
t Eo oolory of the oounty oohool ouporintondentOS Donton Coti
i8 pclid Out 0s OOhOOl fund0 #budBOt OUb Of fuRdi3"for th0 U80
or, or belonging to, the county,* the emttu OS ma8ing on the
omwnt of salary to which the euporintondentie entitled 18
lM&rt OS the dUti88 required of the county auditor or sala
#e are onoloOing herewith oopio8 OS our opini~on8 so8.
04038, 04TS4 and Q-P954a. hero0otoro rendered by the
prorent Wi?AnimtratlOnOS this Ds~putaient,
whhioh,we bolloro,
will Sully fmowor yoiirlast quest&on.
Very truly yours
APPROVE DJm 23, 1941