Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. OFFICE OF THE ATI-ORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN llionarable E. F. tonnlny, oo?uaI AtafteP XardlB county Koullt80, 48xaa ,. ‘. : .. ~UO5tiOB rr;bOd by your ~60 of th0 mu'6 *llablow. V?o rooontly hold in our Opinion lfiu&or o-3760, a copy of whiah ia omlomd, that H. B. 688 of the yorty-BirthLag- iaimturo,l!M, would agrin b6ooplroperatln it oubno- tion (11 of Sootion6 thonof was amud mo am ta nekr fucds ateilablo for tho purpo~w of tho law for the on- suily blonnitaa. Therefore, aa5umlng that suoh an amend- mnt ia adopted and no other change is arads in the law, we are or the opinion that such of roux bond8 as uo lligiblo ior PUtiOiptiOB iB the fund8 *oUld b. Ontitled to tho pro rata prt lpproprlntoQby tho Aot, erd that the dla- ltwnmnt or moh.fuadrlr raAatmqg+nthoBewd.