HcmorableRalph Lap& Page 2 &ld for iSSUb l'Wdpt8 OC OeFtif%~tO8 Of redslaptiar fOF 8hWfIkm tb PlmWl PZ'OpOl'ty delinqwmt list, the tax collector shall be entitled to a fee of al3 dollar (&oo) for eaah COlTMt a860888Wlt O? l8tidt0 b 801d, said fee to be taxed 88 oosto 8glrrin8t the de- linquent. CorPeUtM808~tU horein UeOd OsglS th0 &kV~torjy Of ali pl'OFIWtie8 oyllbd bgSn IndIvid\ulfO~~ CSIOPW. RlOVid& th&tianO MS. 8&n th0 8-t. OF WWtyk liable ror acid see. Pbrohwkingup8ndtak- iagOffdsi%1~q~3iOjr~ 8OPIbI%ting~d~8oIwLtJ VIziOW tlWOt8 OF eaah U8,8~t;JZ'&lWb~ the la%.8 thwem, osrvpgine 8tlSOtnWbW8 1OtUtdblOOk XMAEbW8 ad Or OOS- pilingtaedelalqu8atturocarrdhorola~ tobeo~iledvhawvovtshare 8haUbeuuruy M tuOJsrrr8 Of~ktU@8tbtbTO~Ot~ laoludedln the&lsnquQtrooo%l, the tuoel- leotor 8b11 b pCra out of the mrrl iuad of the wunty, flrt,eat8 icarwchnittrallne of the wlf#Sal O? 8uOhdO~inqgart ZWOOzd, not ttb UCr+Od tV.ZktJ-flV0 Oat8 f8l' w Gil8 t‘%'Mt W tLb8tlocrt l'Wt.Wd, ~tU#QWd ddilkfJtW%t ard Q#L@d by am tupayery mwh fw to bo taxed a8 owt8, andtobopaldbaekiatetho~e=lfwdoithrr 04nMty when oollmotod. Ibr tam oolleotlm of dO~qtWlttUW Ofi- 08trtO~fOX'~~ftW5- &q &Illdutler Nbtla# to ruch tW.8 f6~ rhioh no Qm8tifRl18 OthOZ'Vi8Opllovidd,thil tu oollector f&all 29ceive tivo pe oat oi 81X belinqUSZlttu.8 OOlbdXd~hiSl.* iil'tlCd.0 7343, %RLCZb'S hn~trt.6 ciril 8trtUtO6, rea& In part II followsa **** "al -8 Of this %tStb f'OZ'th0 pWPOS4l Of QOllWtin8 dollnqumt 8tate and am=%ty ISXOO 8PO by this lavwde rvailebla ferr,eadvhen inwaked shall be rpplled to, the eollwtlar or dellnqurrt t8xe8 oScities aadtonrrr and hla?8mdotxt8ebml districts in80ftU LB such 3.8lf8 - &pP=crblS." I It 1s OW apiai~a that the W mUO88tX &id oolltmtor of'an independent aah dirrtrliot Is required to gwrfcnm t&e duties of Artlale 7331, auprs, vhen maId statute ia lnvokod by the board of'trWtee8 Of the indepepdwt school di8triCt, In- 8OfU a8 the SIBDeoI?Bapplicable to 8Wh (L school dIetrIot. Your aeoand queetim relate8 to t&e compensation pl'OV181anSOf &'tiGle 7331, SW. Thi8 dbpsrtarnt X'Ubd ill OpiplCil!tO. 0-2727 t&&t th# tu UMb88OlP Md COllMtW Oi M independeat 8ohoo1 dI8trIot WU 0ntitl.d to aO1l.at t& me dollav Se. aa p~ovidmd ia 8ald titlale. A copy of 8e.Idopio- Ica la aolwed. ~thb)8~l'OUCQMtPXpFO88~intb ObOYdtOpietW, VO M Of th. OPblttX%tbt th. tU U8088Of md oolleotar of M lndepaardentr&o01 dI8trlat 9.8atitled to the 0mnpewatlaprwl&dIa 8aiclAstlalo fos,amll tha dolinqwnt tax roll, eto. Hovevor,he roriL6k paidYL 84haolfuad8ratherthM~uyoew~fwd8. EeI8alra (LZLtitlOd t0 ii'!* PO? 0-t Of ti dOIlPpP*at tru8 0OlbOt.d by him m aw8tiOa iOr th8 OOllMti~ oi dOl3.xkqUmit -8 U&d fos.perioraiaga dutier Pd.Stim#jto 8Wlhw8 fOPWh%oh PO '3~~WtiW 18 OthMWi80 ~OVidOd. In MW'W~ YOW thild QUO8tIaP, WO to from Artlale 2791, %Bl7.l~‘8 Annotated Clrll Statutea, W lo19"owea I “%kO di8tX'iiat tXkX U8*88QS Wtd OOllWtOl' almllhwethesupovsr~dahallpsricpAtbo 8ILBI dUtie8 With NrOP8QOO t0 t&I U8088WItt ~6 OOlhCtitXiOf t8XO8 fOrf%M 8&001~*8thrt are oeafemedby lw upon the oItyamr8ballof in- mrporatedtwna ar vIllrgos,midko sbllre- WiV6 Swh caaqMl8atiCIOfor hi8 8Orrioe8 U t&MB board of trwtees nng 8.llaw,mxaapt In altlos 8m!l tme provided for,notto exceed four pw mait of the vhole of tutB8 r welvd unctwllt b y h im. l l + ff It ahsll be vlthln the dlroretiaz.of the board of'trwte*e of soy indepectd~tschbaldl8- triCt t0 nSme 0 8888811OrOf -8 Yho 8ba11 U8W8 the taxable poparty within the liattr of the ia- dependent school dietrlct vlthln the CIm aad in the w&mm provided by ex.MtIng lavs, in 80 far u tbeyars~~li~ble,iUad~he~ 8ridMs~6W3ElthM bean equallmdw@bovd ofoqyali~@tioaapp0Int0d bythebuard Of trtnsteO8forthrtpurpocle, 8hrl1 prepare thb tax ~olle of arid Wtriot and rhrll duly alga and certify 8am to the oountg tax oollector 88 provided for In the 8Wt3tMMibl8 artlole. The soid amwmor of taxes shall re- ceive 8 fee of two per amt of the vbole amowt of taxes M8eeeed by him aa OhaWn by the om- pleted certifUd tax rolla." w. PORtAt tbt Ve 08\11111)thbt the OftiM Of tu O88088W &I& t3Olbf3tOr18 OUO O??iOe ad i8 ocauplod w th8 II- );#N1101. I? this b0 trub, hi8 CMp8Q+tiOa ?OJ. &88.88- in8 4nd tSOllttCti.Zk8tUeS M if011 U a1.l duWe8 motrining thereto 18 provided for in &tIole 7331, 8Upm, ead in the fir8t 8enttmoe of Article 2791, aupm. Houever, Af the tUM W 888Ci8S.d w 8 8pOOi4L1U8088Or Of tb iadepead4nt 8choOl &8tti@t, bat COllWted w the OoUatJ tu OtikMtW, tha It vould 8ppWr th8t tbe l.Ut two 8atmOOe of btiole 2791, supra, vould oartrol e8 to the emomt'oS aw@mutIan the UIOSaOP 8hA11 SWCOiW. t'h@lUt 88ZltfUkOOOf 8aid ~tIOl0 provid.8 that"tha sridama88or OS taxe8 8hall~oeIirsr ?# Of w0 pr CtOIttOf the win010 8WNbQt Or Tae shoptalr k88i8tMt
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion