C The State o? Texas 0 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL.OF TEXA!l P Austin Y Gerald C. Mann Attorney General Honorable H. B. Virgil Crawford County Attorney Terry County BrovJnfleld,Texas Dear Sir: Cpinion No. O-3616 Re: When will the County CommIs- sloners of Terry County be entitled to start receiving oompensationat the inoreased rate? Your recent request for an opinion of this Department on the above stated question has been received. We quote from your letter as follows: "1 sm writing this letter for an opinion as to when our CommissionerswIl1 be entitled to reoelve additional oompensatlon. I am sure that Article 2350 will be the statute whloh will oontrol. Terry County has a total pupulatlon of 11,1&j aooordlng to the oensus count last year. Our raluatlon for 19&l Is well over 6 million dollars, and aCOOrdhtg to the law as I see It the oommlsslonersare entitled to reoelre $l,&OO.OO per year, The question in my mind Is when will the commissionersbe entitled to start receiving oompensationat the Increased rate? The statute states that when the assessed vsluatlon for the pre- vious year, iron time to time, shall be a certain amount then the compensation shall be suoh etc. ._-. "Also I should like to know If the period of In- -orea‘s%d compensationvi111beGIn with the fiscal year or 'the current year? I think that our fiscal year starts In October ot each year. I will greatly appre- ciate your ,adviceIn this matter." Hon. H. 8. Virgil Crawford, page 2 Article 2350, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, reads in part as roiiows: "In counties having the following assessed valuations,respectively,as shown by the total assessed valuations of all properties certified by the county assessor and approved by the Com- missioners Court, for oounty purposes, ror the previous year, from time to time, the County Com- missioners of such oountles shall each reoelve annual salaries not to exoeed the amounts herein specified,said salaries to be paid In equal monthly Installments,at least one-half, and not exceed- 1nC three-fourths,out of the Road and Bridge Fund and the remainder out of the General Fund of the county; said assessed valuations and salaries app- llcable thereto being as follows: Salaries to be paid "AssessedValuations each Commissioner 6,000,OOl and less than not to-exceed . . . . . . $lLOO.OO . . . "In countieshaving assessed valuation of more than Four MIllion Five Hundred Thousand and One Dollars ($&,500,001)and less than Six Million Dol- lars ($6,000,000)each commissioner shell receive Five Dollars ($5) pel,day for eaoh day served ias commissioner,and a like amount vhen acting as ex- officio road superintendentIn his CommIssloner~s Precinct, provided In no event shalPhIs total oom- pensatlon exceed Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1200) in any one year. . ." Article 2350 (1) and Article 2350 (2) read as follows: --,"Thesalary of each County Commissionerand each County Judge may be paid wholly out of'the County General Fund or, at the option of the Con- missioners Court, may be paid out of the County General Fund.and out of the Road and Bridge Fund in the following prcportlons: County Judge not to Hon. H. B. Virgil Crawford, page 3 end exoeed seventy-tireper oent (755) of suoh salaries may be paid out of the Road Bridge Fund, and the remainder out OS the General Fund of the County, and eaoh County CommIssloner'ssalary may, at the dlsoretlon of the CommissionersCourt, all be paid out OS the Road and Bridge Fund1 provided this Seo- tlon shall not apply except in counties where the constitutionallimit or twenty-five cents (256) on the @ne Hundred Dollars ($100) 1s levied for general purpOses.W "Art. 2350 (2). The CommissionersCourt at its first regular meeting each year shall, by order duly made and entered upon the Minutes of same Court, fix the salaries of the County Commissionersfor such year, within the limits as provided for In this Act.- It will be noted that Article 2350 (21, supra, requires the commissioners'court to fix the salaries ol'the county oommIs- sloners for the year, wlthln the limits as provided for In Article 2350, supra, at its first regular meetlnc each year. Article 235C, supra, provides In efreot that the county com- missioners shall each receive annual salaries not to exoeed the amounts specified therein tobe paid in equally lhonthly Installments based on the total assessed valuations of all property certified by the county assessor and approved by the oommlssloners~oourt ror county purposes for the previous year. For the year 194Og Terry County had a total assessed valua- tion or all properties of $5,807,775.00. The ealarles of the member0 of the oommlssloners'oourt of Terry County must be based on the 1940 assessed valuations and the salary to which each la entitled to is as provided In the last paragraph of Artlole 2350, supra, whloh Is quoted above, provided In no eeent shall the total oompensationof each commissionerexceed :51200.00for the year 1941. ._- 9ou u$ate in your letter that the total assessed valuation for 1943.Is well over $6,000,000.00. This being true and pro- vided the assessed valuations do not exceed !j10,000,000.00ror the year 1911, the oommlssloners~court may at its first regular . Honorable H. B. Virgil Crawford, page 4 meeting In January, 1942, fix the salary of each county oom- missioner ror wuoh year at a sum not exoeedlng$1400.00. The oounty oommlsslonersoennot increase their ealary for the year 1941 based on the assessed valuation for said year, but ' as above stated the salary for the year 1942 must be based on the 1941 assessed valuation. Trusting that the foregoing fully answers your Inquiry, we are Yours Very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS BY /s/ Ardell Wllllams Asalstent AW:N APPROVED J-UN7, 194l /s/ Grover Sellers FIRST ASSISTAIJT ATTOFNEY GEXERAL APPROVED OPINION CObMITTZE By BWB Chairman
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion