OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF T- AUSTIN Eonorable Marvin B. Post County huditor Yp-& c;",;: . Dear Sir: Opinion Xumber O-3593 Be: Can Yoakum County issue $10.300 tinii warrents to pay the brlanot on a contract for oompleting Righwey 214~without rouoring the prc~isionr or Article 2368a, Revised Ciril Statutes or Texas) Ye ackncmledge receipt of pcxr letter of recent date Wherfh you rkqueet our ojh.ion on the above otated ~uuestlon. The facts as wo understand tb*m afe substantially es rollows; YoaW County ismiad~ +t50,000 bold*, dated April 1, 1940. Said bonds a&e knclwo es the Yaakwn County, Team, Road Bonde, Series 1940, voted and issued on the faith end oredit oi Yoakm County, Texas, under A& by virtue of the proriaiolu of tie Colletitution and laws of the Sttts of Texas, partfoulu- 1~ Section 62, trtlole 3, of the Constitution, and Chapter 16 of the General Law8 gassed by the Thirty-ninth Legirlaturr of’ Texan, at its First Called Seamion in 1926. Said balbs UWC* issued for the purpose of the aonstruotlon, maintemaoe ud operation of naaad&mized, gravelled or paved roads and turn-~ piker, or In a id thersot, in YoalcrapCounty Texas. !Mg noun- ty ie ntnf short 0r runds In the amount or 4le,soo on the ria payment or a aontract let to Fare Highway 214 of said coountf. Yoakum County now wishes to issue &lS,300 time waxra~tts to py the balance of oom9ltting said Eighway 814 without ocmplying with the term or Artlule 2366a. The Bond and $farrant Law of lQ31 (Artiole 2366a, R-C*% , or Teraa)~ regulatesin generdl th~.,fi_mnoiag or pubtio ir “2: mn$e by o~ties 3ihd priXv-iib,hb"the ste9s whloh 'WMt bs if4 prior to the lrmmncs ot rvidenors af i.adebtedmm ?w maoh lmpror0want8. &id iot pro idet tbt vrhan it i8 the i&ta8- ticn or the Sodrsiowrs’ 1 ourt to lseue the WIJMU&B r0r tb 9ement oi ell or any psrt of e oontrnot for publlo wwk, within the oontemple tion of the Aot, they shall air0 notloo to biildors an& ahall recite that iaot retting out the rnrrirrr amount or the propostd tir warrukt lndebtednrra, ttw ntr 6f intomat mob tlw warrant0 are to bar, and thb ma&mm maturl- ty date thereof. The Aot aleo &we8 the voter8 tht polvllo by prqpz ystitioa, or rubmittirato a refwa&am the pweatr*oa or tht lsmaanee of 8aid uarrantsr Mtsr oarefully ocruiderin$ the qumtion, itim cmr o inl~n that bbforo Toakun Oount~ of&nissue aa sddltloti de,500 warrsntr for Wit purpwe ai tompletiag Eldhry M.4 tkt provialona of Artfult tS66a smut be l trletly ee lied with. It I8 true tkst 0totfon 6 or aala krtiole la8 the r0 Yl wing w otptionr "Ttm prmtrio~ of thf8 Att ek&l not eftaot pmjeotn ror pub110 0vaswt.a themior~t law- fully authorirtd, t mtrhtmtrttif bt ltw- fullf wthorired by 8 v8to Oz the potplr, e,ad where tktm may be a ddioitrref OS fued t to oom plete mme in eaoordenet rith the planr aaadpur- poota authorfztd by the w&4rl,w fr these bondu had betn voted ror a rpeoftia projeot or a speolrfo highwey then we bekiert the 6xetption in 8@tlon 6 ab hrtiale ZSb%a xoul& apply. &wever, M do not btliew that this azoqtlon oowra th tltattmeat 02 ffmte in gaur m- In this ease there was 00 prrticulaz 9rojeo9 or DO ~kalar plans and pwpoeer author&atd bg the ?oterr ot aaid eleotion. The rokert rinrply rutheniaad th0 fr8u6umt t& f&i@,- 000 bollbe, the prooteds ct v&lob wtm to be rprall ror thw pw- port of the aonstmction, zaalnteoenoa and gporation of -oak- &ted, gravelc& or pared road8 and turnplkerr, or in nld thereof, fn Ion&m County, and the aout had the authority to eptnd nid a#ney on any rosd in tkt ceuaby. , at..: ‘,r. Boaarable l&arrla R. Poet, pa@ #S ‘Ke reallne that thl8 ia R very oloro queotloa a* to whether or not this excsptfoawould apply to the rtabe- meat of fasts mubsltted by you, but there 16 a leriou~ doubt la our aindr a@ to wbthar or aot thir uoeption rp- pllra to your pfMdular 8ftuetion. ft La our opinion that la view OS said doubtthe oouaty should atriotly oo~lply with tbt terns of Artiale 836&. This opfaioa is based on the frnotr*t&ad by you Man you rirlted thlr oftios axaddlrowred the matter with W. Your oorreapodleaos,however, iadio&ea thet probably the aoatnot has beea oompletmd. Under either #et ar faot8 the oounty m#t lure &riot- Iy complied with thr term of Artlelr EJO%a a8 te Jwtieo, eto.# 11 brforr tlam warnat my be legally irBue6. This oplaion m4mly &ate8 the smthed Wmt saaadbr rollowed la lmuiag time warranta and we are ia.aa way pam- :~~~oa the validity of aaid Warrat& i? and w&WI tlmy mm . Am pr your reqwa% we are retumilry the oontraot ntb- rltt8d with your oplal0~ request. i w I
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion