he eormyea- ._ mre
+0 oar priraner,
Artlola 1029.
part aa fol&w*a, 1
"2. lp0r
or aappia* l .
mile for rash
6a in g6:ng to the pus6 et *meet; aaa for ooa-
voylng oaah primmer to jail) he ehhrll remin
ta meU68g op r o r fdr
indluM ir i8io4 n.
Bon. a. A. Bodg@m* Qage s
Unbar the oonetructian pl8aad upon tha ?orsgehg mileage
pr~viclionmor Artlale 10089,mupn *od ~r8rlously ibUm Or
thim Deparwmt, the o??iaer im ailo*ed ?iva oaatr pu a118
inigand a tote1 or twenty-el@t ouitm pu rtl* rstur~~ing
rrourtoen oantcrfor the oiilaar atidiourteen aantm for tb*
rianor) for oaoh &fro motually ma4 a8aemmarIly trsveled.
binford T. iroblamon, 844 5. 3. &O?)
Artlola lOe0, aoa0 of Cririnal~Pmeaduro, roabm In part
a@ tollarm:
*Shrrrirrr ati
Conrtab188 meming proaar8 and
8ttradlag any eraratningoeurt in the exaalnation
of any rsloay oaae, 8hll be wtftld to muah ?oa8
am are fir04 by lmw for mIml&r 8onio88 In mlm-
dmwaor oamom la oounty court to bo aid b tbo
&ate, not to eta006 Tbar aad Loo/l00f44.08f Do&
trm In my on* same, and milugo aOtu8lly ca4
neaommadlp traralrb in a;oiu to the pleor a?
erramt, and ?Or 4enrrtin& the pri8OaU or prhon-
lm to jell a8 provide4in ArtiblLu1089 aBd 10.090,
Ccde 0r Crlrtfml &oa*dur4, . . ."
The oounty o??Ial~l8 o? ~ilU8m8on County are oomp8mate4
on an azmual la la berim
r y 8ne tha proaiaat o??ieer~ uo am-
Q~##t86 011 a fw b8818.
Am the mbui?? im aompen.ate4 on ma aaawl m&lazy bed@, ho
in mati tlml LO RO fw rrtrrtmoeru rolmtlr~ to the above moatton-
e6 Qw8tioa8. 3eotfon S, Article SOlPe, Vermm~m Amotatod
Civil statut*mr
Ylth rs;teronam to the ire8 that the oonrtablo rho l8 001.
pwmatea on a roe ba.828 I8 ontitlod to, rolatlm to the 8bore .
aentionea gUomtio5ll, we *amwu your lnpufry em r0iLa8r
1. Tha fonmtable I8 *atILl* _ to'flra
- sanL8 per mile
going to Lhe plwe or lre8L In a raMmy aaim.
2. ina returning the prironor in a telony 6858, tho
ocnstablo 1~ entitled to fourtaaa omit@ for hilareL?8nd tour-
tern oentm additiorial icr a~ prtmenu, a tot81 0r twenty-mtght
aentr for convrylng the prlacner to jaf2. Pmvlded, however,
the conatable is traveling otbarwi88 t&m by nilroa6.