Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN See LA-23 E LA-106 Honorable &mea U. Btravn County Attorney uIllso~ county Ra~ondvllle, Texas Dam sir: for a written opinion from your requeetl that the exoeptlon in the constl- abeence of mmh a oonatltut~onal exception, it warnheld In the oaae of Mate v. Martin, (Ct. Clv. App.) 51 3. U. (24) 815, that the offiae of s achool trustee vsa not m office of "emolument." Thla offioe ha hold in Opinion IO. 0-3308 that a deputy aherlff may aerve at the aame time aa a aahool trustee of a common aahool dimtrlot and that the roapectlre duttes of Honorable &mea W. Stravn, Page 2 each oKIce are not lnoompatlble. A copy ~31’ that op:nlon ie being enclosed for your oonalderat~~on. In Oplnfon Ho. O-2164, thla department held that s juatfce 0r th e pmce ma y lerve am a city seemtaX 31 the city of Muleahoe at the laae tixaa urd that the reapeatlve duties of each oflice me not Incompatible. A copy of t:rat oplnlon ;a being lnoloaed for your oonalderrtlon. We have oarefull~ oonaLdond the ~apectlve dutlea ineambent upm a juarIoo of the per00 and l trustee of 911 La- dejmnlent school dlatrlot and ve oau oamoIv~ of M mound hale upon vhich lt al be meld t&t their napeatlve ofrIce are ln- com&Wilble. Relther of?Ioo ia aooountable to, under the dorin- Ion of or 8ubordIxde to tha otlurf malther ham any right to interfore vlth the othar in the performme of my official duty. Wflcoa arm ino~tible vhen tha dutlea of arch my ba lnoon- aIateGt or oonflloting and vhan the porfomuWm of the dutlea of on8 office may Lntorfan vlth tha perfonunce of the dutlea of tha other oft IO*. Se0 Oplnloa lo. O-2188 for additional alta- tion 0r authorltlea, 8 c o p yo r vuc hla lmloaed. Slme mlthmr l deputy aharlffrvr l aomon school dla- trlct truetee are o?flcera to be paId out of the State Tre&aury, va do not bellove Artlola 10. Sootion 33 of the Texas Conatltu- tlon la 8pplicable to Tour propoaltlon. opinion no. o-3308. It la, theefon, our opinion, and you arm reapaot- fully edvlaed, t&t there la no prohlbltlm la the lava of thin State vhloh vould prevent a juatlce of tin wee from lemrlng am a truatm o fa nIndep endent lohool dlatrlot.