OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ” 80t14tor8, and to m4kw every l4w mgul4tlng or ln any -ranor gorernlng the holding OS prlmarlee applloable to the holding Of pd54riO8 tOr the nO0in4tiOtX Of 4 08JIaiaatO iOr united stat08 Senator. The Artlole doee.not purport to make lawe eppllaable only to ths holding of primaries for the nomlnat1.x of caadi- dates applicable to general oP epaoial elsotioas, as dlstln- gulshed from prlmariee, for the alect.lsn of the Vnlted States Senator. A careful search of the statutes oi this State reveals no lar: authorizing o$ req,uiring any fee to be~colleotad b,,; .any .. ~Q.up,$twr. of.this Sta$e .fqo&:O~+&id8tea~for 814otibi ,tO i : '. $h& $&?ib$&g :.'I.; public'offl@e it~~~t'e~&lal oi;'gd~~~al.~s~adtib~nl. a8 is made for the oharging.of fees has,referenoe only to fees rOr the privilog4 or partioip4ti4g 48 4 04naiaate in 4 prlmcir9 lleotion for nominrtion to 0trit3e, 40nd~ot4d b9 4 pouti P-w. YOU 4r4 fhW4tore advleed th4t IU) t44 i4 ta Be oolleet4d trom oandldatee for Vnlted States Senetor at the epsoial eleotlon to bo held on June 28, 1941. With rogartl to the riling ot eampmign srpenee aooounts, Jour attention la direeted to th4 tollowlng Art10144 appearing In the 00diti84ti04 0r~xsggi Bovleed Clvll st4tutee ot T4x48, 198br *Art. SlU. Wlthln ton d4p 4ttor a timal eleo- tlon, all undltl4toe tar ottibe a tlaoh 414otlon 8h4ll tlie a wr itten lima iw ld tatomont, Pa&r oath, with the oounty ludge ot tha oounty ot their roeiden68, ot all the expbneee lnaurnd during the aanraee tor th4 ortim, and tor the momimtion, inaludbg 4.muate paid to newopqmre, hot41 4nd tr a v.Alng lxwnee4, 4nd eueh e?atemont 4h411 be euorn to 4nd tiled wEethor the oandld4k was rleotod or detutod, u&ah eh411 at 4lZ tlmee b4 rubBjert to the st tJm pttblie.” *ht. SluJ. Every pweoa who man4gee say politleal headq44rtere tar an9 polltlaal party, or ror 4a9 oandidat4 beton 4n9 lleotlon, and every olerk or agent of such meager for suoh headquarters or oendldate, and every other person whomsoever who sxg~nde money, halves any property or thing of value, - ., Honorable Wa. J. Law5on, page 3 OX prealeee to uee lzuluenae, or give 4 rutur0 re- warato promote or a0r84t the eleotion 0r an9 oandl- d4k, or to pr4mete or aete4t th4 auooess ot any politioal party at 4x19eleotion, ahall, within ten days .aiter such eleotion, file wit.h the oounty judge or the oounty in'whloh the political headquarter‘ was located, and with the oounty judge of the oounty, where euch manager, olerk, or other person, au the case may be, residea, au Itemized statement of all moneys or things of value thus given.or promired, for what purpose, by whom SupFlied, in what amount arid ho% expended, and what reward was given OS promieed, by whoa and, to.whom, ana v!hat i.fdiu8n08: m~s pro5i~ea~,~~,.~y~ w&p~~pxolqf~*a, ,~’ _., ” ._I :wh~~.said,~*.@&.N:~~: .was-.~giren;,:"'~~. shalt:-'~Bta~.d-whether he ha&'%een .lxi-' formed, or has reason to.bslieve, that the pereon thus 4iaag or attcrmpting to br84t 4 party or 448&i- d4te w4e an ottioer, etookholder, 4gent or lmplo94e or, or w4e aot ter or in the intereat of lay oorporat ion, giv % hi8 name, aa, it 80, da4t eor- poratien; and h4 ehpll it he h4e no poeltive knm- ledge, ‘tats the eouroa of his intormation or the season8 tos his beliet, 4s the oaee may be; all ot whloh ‘hall be eworn to and eubsorllmd b&ore the county judge, yho shall iii8 4na prsservs the SW, whloh ah411 at.411 times be lubjeot to the inepeo- tion of the publio.* Art1010 SlU, abova quoted, 014arly appllee to oandi- date8 tor the ottlee ot Unfted State8 Senator at the tofihoomlng epaolal aleation, whloh thaugh epealal la alearly a VlnalW elao- tion. Art1414 9146 re aira rsporte at reone other than the o4.nbiu4te hbuelt. lde Art1010 la appl raable to tie torth- oomin ep4olal eleotlon tor the ottloe ot United St4t44 Senator. This P IIolear, tor the 4rtlole Uses th4 word8 "any eleatlon,w whloh embraoee both general and epeolal electi4ne. In t4at, tM~wRbo$e 44ntelt of suoh art1414 inaioates that it use intanaea to embra44 )oth gener41 and epeaial llaotl4ne. Artlole 8516,-41 We, 1985,-provM4et "gash pereon *ho ah411 rec4ive 4119payment lionoruble Wm. a. i..awBon,page 4 air00tly 0~ bair00tip, tar politioal purpobxi in a oampeign before a general election ror unltea States Senator whether as salary or a6 expenees, shall with- in thl.rty aaye arter such payinent hae been Mae or proziaed mke a sworn statement detail said payment or ~romlsed payments, by whom made and w!mt servlaea were rendered for same. Thla statement sixill be filad with the socret?ry of State. Any par- son who 0OZ.88 x;?thin ths ~proviaions of‘ this article mr! fails to t?nke such statments, sh