OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAE AUSTIN 3SE oaut of alcohol by wofg;ht,aad &hall aot bo ~AUb3iYO Of' 6AY bWCirU@B d68i&Ut6~ by 1Ub.l .vr othmwira by any other maa that% b4)of.’ 'Theoaurt8 wlL1 take ~udloiat knoaludga that beer aad wine are iAtOXfcatin 11QUCW8. SW the 0(18@8 Of urifth v&. iiute, l&S 8. 'I. (86591lW (barr) and Tarry TR. State, l&B Ij,ii. (&A) 19108(rim). You are rropr0tfull.yUdVi8eu thut it ia the opinion or tbir aepartnmntthat a oorporatlon incorpore86 unaor 8ub- diri81OA 19 Ot h'tiOl0 1806, %rAOA'8 h&lOtUtQd %'UUO CiVil Statutar, way not legally *wag* to th8 hialhm88 OS buylly m6 relliA13 bsrr and Wine.