. 304 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonorebl* Btyaa 2. Xillllamr city Attorney GBlveston, Texar Deer 3irt o ba lswrd, the used for puurpoarr t, sralusi*rly ior f th eltraot8, aro- lotr Insaid olty, Yrrrlorr and for rrouring h filling, or, to put it dit- s granted bf that Aot be wed otion with bonde Ot the aity whlah 06 Qriw to its rdoptlon?" The prrtlnent part sf I?. b. ez, Of thr Yorty-tirth Legislature, Realas 3emloa, reads to follmrr t CsptloLt- *AB Aot to AzOnd ChnQttr 36 th. AOt8 of thr Rag&w 3e#rlon, of tb 89th Legialatura, thr Honorable Brpan P. ~vllllamr, page .?g aem% being AD. Aot entitled: ‘Att Aot to Sid the City of G&vcaton In elevating end rairr- fng such city so a.8 to proteot it trout oelaat- tous o~erflors by donating and granting to it the State rid vslorem taxes and a part or the oooupatlon and poll taxae aolleoted on property and from persons in Galveston County for 0 period Of teA Jr(lATCi,@ti to FrOVida tr p’3tlAlty tOl! th%ir ~~~~‘~~t”~~~,~t~~d~~~~~~~~~~~ -zziEirT m, a eo%Frlng~ *nerifiYiE~ . 3eotion 1 of the emendatosy r;ot rcsds aa follows t ‘“seotloa 1. TAet Chapter 3 of the Acts of the Regular Session ot the 39th Leglals ture, be mend- ed so as to hereatter read ae follows m ‘Seotlon 1. TAat ror a pbrlod of forty yeara, commolng with the riroal ye&z b&ginning September 1, 1903, end vrding September 1943, there be and there ore horeby tomted end wanted by the State or Tares to the City or Galveston the net emOUnt of money, or 80 mob thereof ar ray be n%ceaea%7, collected Prom the ,Collcuk~g taxes: (here the law enumeratea the various taxes donated) ( “Sactlon 2. (The mm es the prior law). “Section 3. (The Saw 4% tA% prior laN), “Station 4 l (TAe same as the prior law). “s6+otlon 5. The monev hereln and hereby grant- ed and donsttd to the City of Galveeton Are beolared to be a trust fun6 OS89emzerated therein. It iS tI'U8 thCt th8 emorgenay clause r8fCrs to obll.~otlocstnaturlnl; botweoa the years 1938 and 1946, but the well-settled law on the subjest of ezersency clauses Is to tho effect that suah alaus 93e UOt added iOr th8 puS$Ose Ci alarltylng or deakrlng the ln- t8ntiOn Of th8 x8.~;8lat~8 DOr t0 8~leiE the eQr899 leti- guage ussd. fn the CD38 Of Y-X-T “Ft. CO. v. Thoaaaoa, 280 8. i’i, 325, the covrt mid: “.?arg;enoyclawes are added to Set forth reason5 for susrsnsloa ot rule requiring read- ing on three separate degs cod to put the bill Into lmedlst8 erfect, not to declare la&la- t$va lntcnt". Generally, an erzar@nojr olauve 1s rc@rded as Iasuf- tialeat if there 1s no inat event or state or condition of sftSIr8 aentloned which the Legislature detkmlnes creates the assrgenay. see 25 R. c. L. 601. r8 think the proper ooa- _ elusion to b8 t&t tke danetion oovered by E. B. 22, aupra, was lctended to pay cl1 bonds 1ssusS ~rlor to the efitatlve date of tho aresedntoryAet, the prooeeds o: -vhlchhad bdcn used 9X131USiV81y iOr the FUr~OSSS cnUntrat9d in the :..ot,It appcsrr tht the issue or sorles of 1923 provided puqoses not oontenplatod by the tsx donntlon act, ?nd ii such pro- aseds were u38d for ~rposcs cthe? than tkO58 8nWi8rattebln the Act the bo&ls could not bc prop8rly pcld nith the tax89 donsted by said Aot, but in mr oplnlon such funds oould be used to retire the bonfis to the extant the proceeds thereof were ap:Fllc?d tward .thc aaconpllSlunentof the &urposes enu- m8rfit8d ll3the ilot. Ii, a3 a mttor of fact, the prOC88dS of this isa were nsed for ~Ur_DOSOScontmp~stod bg the Act, therl It 19 our oplnlon thet all 13 sold doaoted funds UY be used to pay the lntcrest r&d oiniAzg fund requlraor,entr OS suoh lesue. Tru3tlnc,that tie fOra+pin% aatlsfoatorI~y IIcsXersyour bl&l7, I?8 W8 Very truly ycurs
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion