*BelleYingthat the iqertl~@ or the infoaaatlon
aboat U8 tatontlanoi ?iU.q thaDocmplalnt by the
Ceputy, *to., nap hwo wfi0d to oon8titutran erred,
tha Xustiae of the Pease aI.Lowd the arnatlna; ia, oi
$8.00 but dlrraUowed any isa ter aotitment or raleam.
Th& deputy had mado a return on the warrant ohar,&q
$S.OO for 6rrfmt, $1.00 for o6nmitmontend 41.00 for
‘(a) +a# t& deputy entit1.d to the $8.00
Ron. AlSX mllg, page 3
&‘tiClb 1066, VOW’8 &Ul5tatbd TO-8 t?bdO Of
Crimimt> Prooehre, read8 in part a8 folla8:
"The ?ollorinfJ?808 8htil be alhW8d thb BhWiti,
OP other peace offioer perforahg the oeuw B8miee8 in
mlsdekanor caeea, to be taxed against the de?muWat
on convic+don:
"1. For exeoutingeaoh Mrrut o? wrert 812onp%ao,
or @Using uTe8t WithaUt WaXl%IRt, two d@l.larr,
*. . .
"6. Tar eaoh OomitmbRt er r*18Ci8., onb bol1.u. . . ."
AFtiOlb lo66 V. A. a. a. P*, &#?4, prb8clribO8 rbb8
60 be peld oherirrr rrndother pbaob of?laoIW, 00fkaitted up&
the &~~?or&aaaoe of c b r ta l
B t8.
*A per8on is bald to be arroated whm he ha8 aatually
been gleoed under restraint or taken into ou8todt bp the
orri~r or person sxebutflngtihb warrnnt or nrrb&.*
Arrtmt on a oriminal ohar@e ha6 been defined 811
tthe qprehending or deta1nia.g or the per8m in order to be
iorthecvainy to enewer an alleged oc suqmoted 8&m . . .
In orlminal oeeee the gurpoee km to arrsure the enewor o? the
epprohe&ed pbraon to % ebrgo of the eolPrPiesion o? orime."
(4 ‘3!UX&t8 ;Turlegrudeneo,Page0 %%%%o)
Bon. Alex Sun&, page 4
*A poaao of?iaor or any other p8r8on, may without
w&rraRt, arrest an offender when the OrftBQ80i# mm-
m$ttedin his prosenoo or withZn hI.8vie*, ii the offon
. is one o&mod a8 a felony, or au up 'oftoaaoagainat
the public poece.(* (4 TercraJurisprudenao,Boat&on 6,
p. 745.1
Th5.edopartmnt hoe I'opsatodly XU18d that 8h&?i?f8
and CixMtablesare not ontlt .+I to an arrest roe Un2088 a
bglal arrest 1% aOtUally i&%14"
E and h8aSlikewlao hold that 8U8h
oftioora are not ontltlod to a oumuitmunt in wxle88 aa aatual
and legal ommitnent is made.
Opinloa Wo. 03788 deals with arEo8t, oummltamt 8&d
xolea8o i-8. WO QUOt@ troer Slrid Opi?biOiS a8 fOlbU8,
The eonrtable i8 batitlti to $ft.oo tar MOh
&&‘88t iaeb. a$ i8 WItitlOd t0 110 ?808 fOX m@gd
-a. The C3OIX8ttIblO iS,attu8d t0 $mC fbf OUOtr$i~
rnoh valid t%om&teunt ia ti8dOamJMr oaBe8, m* OOUitE8At
iaruo8 only after oonvictiaw of a dr?ondanb. The *6om8lt-
msntg or authority ?nr ir~maBentt whioh th8 ran8tablo
ueoutm Ia ni8d-MOT oa808 where a 3b8Ouai8~ rho ha8
boon adjudged agabot s+dofeadsat, and when the Uafendant
is present, fs a oortifiod Bopy of 8Wh jud~nt, a8 out-
lined by Artiols T89, C. C. P., oupra. If lo 8uoh Oa8o
the defsndmt be not pr88~t, the capia8' authorirod
and de8cribod in Artlolos '1&3and '109,G.O.P., 8Npm, i8
the *oo~amlBmsnt‘ wbioh the @W8tsblo OSoQUto8. *hero tb*
judgslrnt is iaprl8onaent in jail, Artiol~8 YQb md W3,
supra, apply, a38 the *oom&tmant* in woh oa8.8 rotid
be either B oortifisaespy e? the judlIpla8nt ot a *oaplu*r
Pop-dent upon the faot8 in~olvod thareia. The oon8tablo
would oxomito $ho 'eotitsont' by plading the defmdant
in jail as diroated in the orUor; when thte was dona by
rlrtuo of a valid.oonmitmant t&a oonstnblewould have
earned his Pea :iadbe entitled thereto, if, as end when,
BMB was oollsoted.
“4. The oonetablo fe net sntitlad to a rslscaae
f&s unless he ka the defendant in his aotual and legal
ouetod at t?ietlm the defendant pays riisPine and
608 ai or eatisrles 8em6 br 1ia~im-x It out lziSail and
the oonatable then nnd t&m k&see the deiesdant
f x c ath er 0r c and
e lffeot 0r B juLe;wentrestraininghim.
Thlltsm 'relemne'oontmi;llatss 4 full, final an8 oam-
plot@ rel.~aeeand disahargs fxom the jude;nent restraining
the defendant."
You state in your letter with rstereneeto the
alleged erxeet that *the deputy had aalled the attentionof
saoh party to the Paot that he wea going to file the oompldnta
but did not aotuelly take either into oudxAy, nm did lm take
a bond.* YOU also m&s in your latter that the deputy 8befirr
procured a waxrent but never ror?& ft. Clef&~, the aere
statement of t&e deputy rheslfl that ha wae going to file a
oomplaiatwould not oonatitute a13 amftb.
Slnos the de ty #briif aeither arrested, ooeualtted
nor ralearod the, derc IFant he could not la*riullya1al.mtee8
rm tmme.
You are tharefofe respeoWuul.l$f
acMead that under
#a hot.8 stated the deputy shariif rrould not be retitled
t0 U~Y reef9 da50dver.
Vary tl$JJ yours