OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN , Bosw8ble T. S. Rl&6or, 3ooroQary State Doant of Rogiotmtion for Frore8doasl Tt@aoerr Aqatin, ~sxas Dear 81~: : oiont on thzl 8SOY4 ata (61 rrorpthb 4rr40tir4 hi2 for tat&8 state, isicna to ih@lgo In ldiag, Hera publio pub~lo saraty is ki~oltnb idoUifon6 have boon prepa& I oontstruot44 uador th4 supervision itoot prcwlded tfiaa nothhq ls this apply to any pub110 building whorein slrpon4itura fbr tha ooznleted pmjeot l'hroo‘Showmad (~S,OOO.d) Dollaru. ?rovlded further, that nothiag in thla Act ehall bo held to apply to any publlo buIldlugwhersln the plan0 oad egeolfiuations have boon approved by thu governing body or any polities1subdirl6Laa,a8 enmwated in thle metion, on or before t&4 data nhon tiair Aot boomor 4rr40tiY4.' Xonorablof’i.a3. Rlghkor,pago 8 ~34ation 19 ot Artiol8 38718,Vernon'8AMotat4d __Civil atatutoo read@ a8 rollon *mblio Xork. - Artier ths rlrat bay or January, 1938, it shall b4 unlawfulr0r trde state, cr ror any of it, pol.it1oa.lruhdivlaiono,for any oounty,oity, or town, to oagage in the oonatruotioaof any &bllo work involvingprorat38ional sngiiaooriag, mere pub110 health,’publiawelfare or publlo saiotp ie involved, usleso the engfiieorlas plan5 and spoffloatfoao and. erthatea have boa prqmrod by, aId tho angineerlng ooastruotionla tb b4 srooutod uader the direot 8upor- vision of a registorod I)rotesolonal englfioor;provided, that nothln&in GM Aot ohalL be hold to a $10 to say publio *ox% rrherola ths contanplate4expeaJ ture r0r the oaaplatedprojeotdo- not exowd Tht‘esThousand . (~3;ooo.00)Dollara. 'Prootidee, that thir Aat rhall not appl’p’to any road mal+tonunoo or bottommt work uadertalcon by th.8Couaty:Cammissionors~ Court.) %Zindlyadriae if tha provisionsor SoOtion g, 3. 3. 247, will superseda,or We lwtfeotlve, la n&y way, th4,provisiom oi Soot&on19 or Art1010 327laP seotioa11 of Artiolr g499a,~Vernon~a Annotatad cfvil stetutw, read8 la part a8 r0n0w *Any p4r605, or rtm, ~20 r0r a r04 orothor direat aonpnsation tlofsfor,shall engci~o in the planning or dealgnlnq,:orauperrialngtko oonetsuation or boildfngrto be 'oreotedor altorod in thin Stats, by or for other paraanh: t&m tbePerlvoa,as a proresrlon or bualnoes,and @all,rspreasntor advertleeUmmel~res a0 arohitsot8,arWte@tural d48igner8,or other title or proreosioaor buriaerswlag (10metorn oi the word *araSlteot*, shnll be' goaslderodas praatlaing the pm- r46f3i03 or.6xat40tur6 in tads Stats, aad 4adLi br roqulrodto amply with the provisions of t2.d~ aot. . . l ” seotion Ib0r lcrciola 3271a,Vernon'5Annotated. civil statutes, made In imt 68 r0li0wr: *The tern proieseionalon&mer as wed ln this 'Aot &all 34~ a pereon who, by reaoonof Xi&a kaowl@dl;;s of mnthooatiO6,thOghysiOa18016~o8, and t&s prinolple# of engineering, aoquhod by prorosslonal eduoationand praotioalsxserlonoe,is qualifiedto ensas in ,,on&merin& praotloeae herolnaft~rdotinod. 1 . BoAonible F. S. Rightor, pace 3 *he praotloeof prorossl0nalen~inoeringwithin the neanlng nnd intentof this Aot incluclcsany pro- 'fosaional88~1~0, s-ah ao ooxmltntioa, inrostlgatlon, evnluatian,planning,deai~A~:, or rec?Onsiblesuper- vision of oonstruotlo3in conmotion ulth shy publ%o or rivn40 utilities,Otauotures,buildi;lzs, zachinea, oq15pent, prooe8608,works, or pmjaote, wheroiathe pub110 vtelfare,or tb oaie,urdin~ of Life, healthor property is oozmrned or involved,when such protassional sanrloesrequiresthe apglicotionof enginoerlng prin- oiploa and interpretationof en&ncarin~ data. . , .* It will be zoted that the above aentlonedstatutes In oonnsotloawith seotlon2, attt0 ml 247, A0t9 0r the 47th Legislature,will in oertnininstanoes,roquiseboth aa arohitcotand an en&ear. After carefullyoonsidering the above wsntionedstatutastogethersith LeotlOn2 of Senate 2111 247, supra,it io our opinion that there is no oonfllotbetween Seotlon2 of Senate Bill 247 and Seotion 19, hrtiole 3271a. Therefora,you nre reapcctrullyadvisedthat it 1s our o+lon that Seotion2 of ijenete Dill 247, will not sups- sede, or 1lakt3 inerreotive,the pmvi.slonaof seotion19 0r Article 327la, Vsrnon*e Ahmtsted Civil statutes. Trustingthat the foregoingfully amwere your inquiry,we are Al?dell7;illlsno A8Siskint
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion