Mrs. Violet S. Greenhill, Chief Division of Child Welfare State Department of Publia Welfare Austin, Texas Dear Madam: Opinion No. O-3379 Re: Does Artiole 604, Penal Code, authorize the following pro- cedure; filing a complaint h the justice oourt and immediately thereafter filing an application in the district oourt for the defendant to appear on a certain date and show oause why he should not be ordered to provide for the support of his wife and children, and hearing the application and the court make this order there- on, this prooeeding in the dis- triot court being taken without the issuance of a warrant from the justioeoourt, hearing in that court or aation by the grand jury. We acknowledge receipt of your request for the opinion of this department wherein you enolosa a letter peoeived by you from Mr. Fred Ward, Chief Probation Officer, Juvenile Court, Hall of Hsoords, Dallas, Texas, in which the following question is raised: Does Artlole 604, Penal Code of the State of Texas, authorize the following prooedurer filing a aomplaint in the justioe oourt, and immediately thereafter flllng an applioation in the diatriot court for the defendant to appear on a certain data and show oause why he should not be ordered to provide for the support of his wife and ohlldren, and hearing the applica- tion and the oourt maktng its order thereon, this prooeedlng in the distrdot oourt being taken without the ieeuanoe of a warrant from the justioe oourt, hearing in that oourt or aotlon by the grand jury? If suoh action is authorized by statute, is the statute oonstitutional? Artiole 604 of the Penal Code, whioh Is inquired about, provides as follows I UThe Court during ,Its term, or Judge thereof in Mrs. Violet S. Greenhill, page 2, O-3379 vacation after the filing of complaint against or after the return of indictment of any person for the crime of wife, or of child, or of wife and child desertion shall upon application of the complainant give notice to the defendant of such application and may upon hearing thereof enter such temporary orders as may seem just, providing ,forthe support of deserted wives and children or both, pende~ntelite, and may punish for the violation or refusal to obey such order as for aontempt." We have given this matter our careful consideration and you may be advised that it is the opinion of thLs department that Article 604 of the Penal Code of the State of Texas contem- plates that after the filing of the complaint against or after the return of indictment of any person for the crime of wife, or of child, or of wife and child desertion, that thereafter, at any time before the trial, upon application of the complain- ant, after notice to the defendant, the court may upon hearing thereof enter such temporary orders as may seem just, providing for the support of deserted wives and children or ~both, pen- dente lite, and may punish for the violation or refusal to obey such order as for contempt. It is the further opinion of this department that the actual issuance of a warrant for the arrest of the person against whom the oomplaint is instituted is not a prerequisite to the validity of the complainantrs application for support of deserted wives and chjldren or both. However, we are of the opinion that the Code of CrLminal Procedure contemplates that in the due order of proceeding upon the filing of a complaint that a warrarxt~ for~the arrest of tk8 person against whom the complaint is made shall be issued forthwith. The order of the court providing for the support of deserted wives and Children or both, pendente lite, is not a criminal proceeding, but same is an ancillary action to a criminal prosecution, See Gregory v. Sta;e, 41 S. W. (2d) 838, Russell v. State, 37 Tex. Crim. Rep. 503. Suoh an action is not appealable from the district court to the Court of Criminal Appeals for same is only an interlocutory order from which no appeal will lie. However, Ff the person against whom suoh oomplaint has been instituted and who is ordered by the court to comply with the order of said court and to contribute to the support of a child or wife or both, refuses to abide and comply with such order and is oomoitted to jail in contempt of the CoUrt’S order, the courts have held that such person can seek relief by habeas corpus prooeedings and in the event that relief is denied that the aotion of the distriot court oould be reviewed in the Court of Criminal Appeals. See 8x parts McWhorter, 45 5. W. (26) 977. ma. Violet S. Greenhill, page 3, O-3379 Over a long period of time the courts of this State have issued orders requiring in cases of child desertion or wife desertion or both, that the person or party against whom a complaint has been filed or sn indictment returned contribute to the support of said wife and/or children. We find no cases holding this statute unconstitutional, nor do we know of any provisions of the Constitution which it violates. We are, therefore, of the opinion that the statute as above construed is valid and enforceable. Trusting that this satisfactorily answers your request, we remain Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS s/ Edgar W. Cale BY Edgar W. Cale APPROVED MAY 8, 1941 Assistant s/ Grover Sellers FIRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL APPROVED opinion committee By BWB, Chairman Ewc:EP/cg
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion