- , W31 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN BaacwabloGliffapd9. Roe OountyAttorney maala County Cart&age,Texas Your writt8ara been ncrelvedand eamide as iollwfs, a bottllag 11s tlmae &i&a out %srt Texas. otthlsmw3.d be llag or lottmy. buy l drink aad It ‘18 aot fop gala other than tb8 tated above, 18 sly . Artiolo 659 of tha Paral Code of thr State of TUW, 1925, proride as r0iollovsr "Xi say parsan 8hnl1 aatablish a lottely or di&908e Or 8tk~ WeAte, real Or p0rSmai, by lottory, km sbll be f%iwd not lese than 06 hundmd nor mom than OLD@thousandUollars~ QF ii 3~17 pOr8C$X 8hll 8di, OrrW rOF Bale OF keep for sale say tioket or part tloketIn any lottery,b ehall be fined not leas thea teut nor more t&n fif%y dollara.* This depmtamt held in op.SrUmRo. O-1918 that the olereaotr easeatialto a iottmy aya (1) a prize; (2) ohwoo; (3) a oamIdwatlQa. City or Ylnk vs. GrIfrIthAmuse- awt cacaslry (auprew Cow), loo 3. Y. d")f&! J C#rIyIth moment Cwpwy ~8. m, 98 8. W. ( d) It is olear the Pi~8,t; tw oletemta are preseatt the prize is a "cma" drini:to tuo su33essfLil perams out or tam&y-four ori~;itaalywohasero; li!cw&m the "abMo0" llo tmntobarly am-8 vhfttt the UddS a?0 camidsrad by 3fhi0htwo out 0r tvmy-ropr puroha8ers 0r drwca, aii my- iag ttu 8aa4 originai aoarido~ticaa, imp ii they me 8mll.d upaa by "Ladr Luok" raoelvothe fr0e' drlnk8. Ye belleoo thu tblrd alesamt,that of ma81dera~lCmlis llk~- V18e ik”eaGAt *mder the if&8 oubmlttorlsy sou. fn t&8 OCII- motion YO sa3.lyour attesltlan to tie diseumim aad author- itie ofted in oar oplnlat Ro. D-2&3, a so?g of uhloh ve are ea431083ng r0r your asslstanue. Ue belisvsthe authori- tie8 tboab dl80288ed sad olted we epuallyappllcrrble to POW 8ubnitt.d~08ittfXL. x0U wo thOZ?OrWtI lu8J?OOtw rdY%Wd at it i8 the Opinit%L Or this d8pWttWttt that fib PPOPO~O~ 8Y8tW Or 8ah4w, rubanitted in fo\tr P@qUkWt, CWtihUt08 * 1OttUy and 18 praUb;tcsd by Artisle:654 of tha Pen81 Cod. of the Mate 0r TUW, 1925. .
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion