OFFICE OF THE ATfORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN at hi0 market. a.ueetion 16 69 folbue: 6 NId OpBFat66 a FBta%l g[reOem onndotion tharevith a rrtall He b66 not aoubply with ~Ftlolefa 6904 ore 6908 R. G. s., nor with ~rbl6166 1447 to 1484, p. 6., buaurr he Uuer not butoher or slaughter mlaals F&a~slf,, exoept 66 harainafter stated. E. 5'. owes 4. B. an aeeount of $39.00, 681 Hon. F. v. Winter, Page 2 and ha6 an ani6al whteh he io willing to beliver to A. B. in 6ettlement of the aooount, an8 whloh b. B. 1s willing to aoospt ln'rsttlement of such aaoount. In order to avqld~harlngto oomply with the abor4 oite& Artl416r and to rlnpllf~ th6 operation of hi6 bulnem, A. B. then ha6 0. D., ?FOm whom h6 Usually pUFQh688 bUt8hBFed oar4a6een for retall purporer in h&6 MFkrt at an agreed prio,e-per pound and rho ha6 oOmpll4d with the above alted dolea, to go and pur0ha64 the anl- ma1 from 6. r',at the apeml prior of $iYJ.OO be- tween b. B. A K. 1.; aster whiah 8. D. then rlaughterrthe urim61 6m2 d611~4r6 the aar4a66 to A. B. at the-agF64d prioe between thws for b$hhs;ad oaroi6646,~lesr The 830.00 hue by JL b. . for whloh A. B. jjiV68 E. F. oanaell~ilon of his aoocmnt. WnUer the above Statement oY Faotr Bo. 11, 16 k. B. a 'krtoh6r' or 861atight4r6r'. within the. meaning ,oZ the above altbd Artioles so Anita make il,ne04s66ry for hi16 to ooaply thrmw%th?' Art1014 0904, fierireclOlrll Btatute8 of Texan, read6 am~tollow6: #Each person in tblr State engaged in the slaughteranmd6ale of.anlmalr for nrrket shall make a regular sworn report to eaoh regular m4etlng of the 4ommlr6loner6 oourt of the ooun- ty, gltlng the numb4r, ooler, 6ge, aurIs an& bran&a of every anlm41 slaughtered by hi4 shoe ~th& lart term of 6aid aouFt, to be filed with 'md kept on flle by the aounty clerk. Eaoh 6ald report shall be aooompanlsd by the bill of male or written oonreyanoe to the butaher for every animal that he has purchased for slaughter, If any of the rnim616 slaughtered hare been !. ral688 by himself It eb6ll be so stated in the report. Said report 60 made to said court may in the dleoretion of Bald olerk bedestroyed after a period of five years.' Artlole 0500, Rsvlsed Civil Statutes of Texas, 1: read6 ab fOllOW8: 'Every person, before hs shall set up and oamy on the trade OF oooupatlon of a butoher or . Iion,,P. W. Mnter, Fage 3 rlaughtersr of cattle ia thlr Nat4, sY34l3. file a bond to be approwd by the county 5uQp of th4 oouaty,in whioh he~d44Lree to aarm.0~ th4 burl- u446;,ln ~a 6~16 mot lea4 than Wo hundred nor more than on4 thoumaiM doll&m, payable to the 'state oi T&as, obnditlon6d that 94 shall k*ep a tm4 and falthiul record In a book kept fgr that pur- ~064 of all OaPtzle pIWchB6d OF rlaughtBr4d by him, with a d464r%#h~ian,4i the aninal inoltlding mark6, branar, age, oolor, wright, and from w&x@ puroha~ed and thendate~tberebf; .that he will ha+* the hid4 and ear of auoh animal inapeo8ed by~the lnrpe,etor, or 6~oone maglebrate of the aounty, within Wreatg day6 after it is alaughEered, and thab.'hs will not purohaea~anJ oattle that ha8 been slaughtered by another unless the h%de and bar8 of rueh slaug&tsred animal aooompany said LWiI6a,~Off4F4d iOr aale, a@ that.h4 till not purohase any animal that ha6 b6~bn' rlaughtered by another when the esr.mBrka, or brand6 on .the h%d6 aooompanJlng suoh aniy+l,.;wh4n offered for' sal4, &3vz Been changed; mutilated or destroyed. Any butaher or slaughterer of oattle who shall vlo- late anJ oondition of 8aM bond may be sueb upon hi6 bond at the instanoe of th6 oounty or distrlot attorney of the oounty where suoh bond la.g%ten. All sUma rsooversd by suits upan said bonds ehall b4 pafd into the countr treasury and bQaeme a part o? th6 avallable sohool fund o?.suoh gount$." Th4 oonstruotlon of the64 aam 6tattIt80 war oon- aldared by this department in oonfersnoe OpinZon Tie. 2017, by Attorney General 0. W. %reton, datsd April 2, 1919, atlilremsott to Honornble 0. C. Jackson and appearing at page 556 of the publlrhed biennial r4port of the ,Attorney General of Texar for the year6 1918 - 1920. We are 'attooting here- to a OOPJ of this oplnlon whloh we bellets'oorreotly rtates the law upon the queatlon. The opinion of course refers to Artlole 7179 Oivll statutes of the lb11 oodiSlo&m which now appears as Artiole 6808 of the %vlsed sivil statutes of 1925. 683 Bon. P. w. mnaer, Paw 4 Applying the rule annouaaed in the baton opinion to the iarrh situat%on rhioh you hare preremted, it tr our opinion thaO I$ ir not aaarrrary for A. B. to oozply with the proririone of Atiiolra 0904 and 6908, Rwlwd Clril Btatutea; lQLoI10,or Artialea 1447 to 1454, Inolurlre, Penal cod*, 1926. FIRST ASSISTANT ATTSRXiY GIQJ~L Walter n. ; A8UilJ
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion