OFFICE OF THE AmORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN .- 4Y9 Umorablo A. J. Uailsy - p6ge 2 ll.That ft ehall be the duty of any baud of'oduca- &ion, school board, board Of trusteea, dflclrpl or q person eloated or appolut0d to Oarry out t&o ptidonr, ot t&m law of Texas relating to the gublio eohools of'maid State aud wstod with the gorers OS dealgnating tQxtbook8 or d pur- or oontraottnp,tor textbofiksand/or%+ and/or teaohers~submale, mder ibuthorltyof Chap- ter lB of Tit16 do, Rerimd C¶,vllPtatut98 of 1928 of the State of Tfssae, or under any artiole or aubdivl8ion o? aaq artiole of said Chaptar, or under say mm&fmt themof, ior the use or beuef%t of'the piblio s6hOOlc OP th&a St&e, fo (in all ai%& ptwoha80s or nXOb eOrItm&a hereafter sM.e 0~:entermi i&a) glw p‘aterenos to textbooks and teaahew / @m&lswhiab8re ont&elywrUtm,oor lmd,
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion