Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AHORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable John C. Marburger county Attorney Fayette County LB Orange, Texas Dear sir: gent uhose wife ty county district ted Mamh 19, 1941, considered. we quote on on the Sof- to be acme contention that Court would not be author- illi.nsursnoesrolnthis e his~vlfe is a deputy .; receives her pay~as such. ', b,.:. ;a.':. ,~' "St keems to me that there Is no pro- )1 hibition of any kind vhlch vould prevent the. :zzpz OS such lasuranoe Srom this Insurance .,.~ It ceFtainlp 'is not 8 violation of of our Nepotism lav (Articles 38 P. G.), nor any other statutory law Honorable John C. Marburger, Page 2 or judlalal rulFng of thin state. I have been unable to find any direct euthorlt!es on thle point, but it 1.9my opinion that the Commiesloners Court could.l.egsllypv.r- chase Insurance for build,l.ngs zuulproperty belonging to the county even though the vise of such insurance salesmen js a deputy County Clerk." I Article 43%: Fonnl Code 01'Texas, reads as follows: "No officer of this State or any of- ficer of any dlstrl.ct.county, city, pre- cinct, school district, or other mun~clpal subdlvlsion of this State, or any officer or member of any State, district, county, city, school district or other munlclpal board, or judge of any court, created by - or under authority of eny general or special law of this State..or any member of the Leg- islature, shall appoint, or vote for, or confirm the appointment to any oSfice,.pos!.- tion, clerkship, employment or duty, OS any pereon related vithin the second degree by ~affinity or vithln the third degree by con- sanguinity to the person so appointing or so voting, or to any other member OS any such board, the Legislature, or court of which such person 80 appointing or voting may be a member, when the salary, Sees, or compensation of such Appointee is to be paid for. directly or indirect1 out of or from pub& funds or fees of ofF ice of any kind or &aracter vhateoever." From the facts given in your request, we are of the opinion that the agent and the members of the commlzwloners' court are not prohibited by the terms of the lOepotismLav of the State of Texas Srom entering into a Contract for the pur- chase of insurance to cover county buildings. Neither do we think that there is any prohibition under the Nepotism Law that the wife of the agent is a deputy county olerk of the county. Honorable John C. Marburger, Page :, We trust thnt we have Sully unsvered your inquiry. Yours vmy truly ATTORIiZYGFXERAL OF TEXAS &l#L-q 2zJ7s- liaroldMcCracken Assistant