ObFlCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS _. AUSTIN ,.., _~’ (&nu.DcMIlln ,, :~rlomsvau-; AS FeU pOlnted'oU4in YOUr brief,Art10 ESlB or tha wsridtiQivii i94a4u4.aprovidesthe aettot 0: t&ring thw ooWl~8tio.oenov8of oo& line schooldlstzlcts ti 4m0 is miati tttr(L8-40 unillremth ot w mrrtio8 ;%A web 04tmty of a bountyline eohcolaistrint. In AU&an Indop4lmnt s0hoo1Dlstri:t i. Enrs, 1931) 41 8.w. (84%)9, the quecticn was m3otbcr01 dtStTiOtOf n OOtAltJ paf XSC@Xd lolaw 0r a oountyrob001rqmrmac4ont, swh auprintendenthavlngw 0cntro10v.rtbo a.sairoafthc diatrlot. The oou.r%holdthat ft as, samr ! "It wwot be trtclosnrtil~ denied*mata tko i publio wh o o la o f evsq 8o h o o L distr io t in l & VW 1 tI 1 ~.a the 1~ rttqtires the o+int &&tendect to purS#a iAth0 abOW W&t1OWd hAVC dirsct ZOFssgsOtS X8kitiW ts~oohwl matter8of wmmon o&Morn tc all tLB*uo #Oh13018 Or the OOUAtF. . . ." The eon01u~i011i8 inemaapabls that :ke Le#shtura ~hasmade the booi of detorminlnga aouutpsiiperfn*wdantv8 oalarythe number oi ooholaatiooresiding in W coaty. We think tbia ls a rair and roaeonable baols01 det.e&WioAa woventhou&hsow or suoh rohola8tio residents are 2~ a counw I.&nosohooldfstriotuader tho oolltrol of cno-- ~0~~. 0. Qikthh Aaal~twt