Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN $Z=-- Xionomble Yolur Cuem Cz4slaal Mstrlot Attorney weat berrord , TIXM bar sir; Your re~ueat for rully considorod by this 60 quest RI rollowr : a been don8 bore, otloe, I Iua@ nnt- plra er guilty, la o~inal QWI end oh*g- ing 15% or the be foow6ing 1st or tk trial ree. Is this a log I tlrnate charge, and if ho 18 entltled to a oomission on fines oolleotod, what would bo hio ooniroioll, and whet wapld be hia trial re0 ln a plea 0r <y, in orlm- ha1 aaser? “(3) Qo you think tho mrriago ress oollootod by. the Juetloo or tho Peaoo would be the ream or the 0rrim xould they have to be eooounted for am other teoa’la This departctent has r)poaWlly held that Commiaalon- lr8’ Courta are mlthout authority to allow eOtmty and dla- trlot 4ttorne 8 to employ lhnogrnphsra~ wo hare llkswiss repeatedly l-u! od that Co~Ioalonor8~ CbUrts arm authorized to allow oouuty and dlatrlot ettoraoym to 8ppolnt olerka under the prorl~l~ns or btlolo 3902, V. A. a. 8. see opin- lonmNos. O-1874,04930 4ua o-2026 or this de~rtment oopiea of whloh are snolowd hbrmlth for year laforma~lan. Crlmlml di8trlot attorneya~ are oounty offloera 8x16wa undor- rrtand rr0m your letter thab you are on the salary system and that you are paid from ths Of’floOre’ Salary Pund of your 00unty. Seotion 4 of Article 39120,V. A. C. 8. applloable to all oountlea in this Stat0 oontalnlng a po at ion 0r lea8 than one hundred and hlnoty thousand (190,000 p”zinhabitanta aooordfng to the last prooeding yadoral Ceneur tho oraation oi en ROffioor81 Salary Fund* of :gdmr;%:i;: Thls reotlan further prOrid that 8UOhfund ii to be held and dA8bur8& for the purpo8e of paylog the alarlea or Orri- cora 8nd tho #dirlsr of deputloa, .4S8:8t4lltS CUX& OrriOe8 who are arawlng a salary, iron said rm4 an WPpg the authorized aspenoo8 or erri of aooh orfloers. Arti- ale 3902, V. A. C. S,, authorlsoa tho Conmlsslonars~ Court to allow suoh orflosrs to appoint dsputleis, WtSiStant8 and and 8ota out the method of authorization cad appolnt- %P In tumwr to your rlrrt que8tJ.on it la our opinion that the CJommlsrionen,~ Court of Parker County has authority to lllaw you to appoint 4 ahrk under the pawvi8fon8 or Artiole 3902 0. A. C. S., and pay mid olerk out or the Orrioeref Sai4z-y Fund or your aouDty, regmilss8 of the amount or reea aollooted by you. Howover, the Oommlsal~er8~ Court is without authority to alla* you to appofaf a steno- mwhor. The population of Parlcor %unty, TOI48, aaoording to the last preeedlng Fsdaxal Ca~soll of 1940, is 20,482 ln- habitants. ISonorablo Bolaa Queaa~ Pa80 3 Atii0ie 1052,f8xn0o~r Aahotated T0x88 uodo of Orlmlnal Proooduro; Fowl8 a6 follow *Three Dollam shall Da paid by the county to the County Juclgo, or Yuagb of:;: the Court at Law, and mo Dollars am rirw oats 8Jml.l bo paid br tho oounty to the Ju8- tioa at the Peaoo, ror e44h ariminal aotlon tried and finally dlspaed of barore him. Provldod, howavor, that in all oouutilor h&r- lng 8 popolatlon of 20 000 or 1088, tho Jur- tioo 0r the Pea00 8h4li noolvo a trial to0 of Threo DOllar8. Suoh Judgo or Justloo &all prenent to tho Wdaaione~” OotW of hi8 county at a reguku torm thereof, a wrlt- ten aooount 8 oolfying eaoh orlmlnal aotlon in whsoohhe 0! aim muoh rO0, 00ttirm w mob Sub&o 0r’Juatlm to bs oarnot 4nd filed with the County clerk. The Wamiesiouersl aaurt shall approve eueh aoaoant ror suoh amunt aa they find to be aorreot, and ardor a draft to be issued upon the Sounty Trsa8- umr in favor or suoh Judge or Justioe iOr the aniouut so approved. Provided the Com- mi88:0ner8' a0ut 8hu not y 4ny aooofnit m trial So08 in any 08n trr ld and in whlsh au aequitbal ir ha6 nnloar tho St&to of Ton8 -8 repreaontod in the trial or mid oatme bl) the aounty Attorney, or biiraarietant,Orlm- inal Di8trlot Attorne or hlr a8aiatsnt,and the oortitioate Of i8 4ht4Ob4d 60 84id 4OO#Mt OOTtiffinc: t0 t 0 faOt that uid mmo’ vaa trl8d, and tho State of Terkr ms reprooentetl, and that in his jud then ~48 eufrloiont srldonao in ml rnc04~80 to d@aMd a trial or mm.’ Art1010 951, Voraoa*8 Amkotet4d Ton8 uoda oi criminal Proaodum, reads 4m io11owrr~ “The 8her&ft, or oth+rdor+04f, a Jtmtloo or the pe*o* or his olere, leot8 money for the &ate or oouuty, Jury rems, under any provblon ol thle Code, &ml1 be entitled to retain riv8 per oent tberoor when oolleoted.” Eouonbls Holan Queeu, Pad8 4 This departmentha8 repeatedlyrulsd that a Jurtloe of the Peaoe ir not mtltled to ntaln fire per oont emuaIr- 8IoB oiltine8 oolleotod. o oplnloatNo. 0-1162 of thi8 do- pnrtmogd a oopy 6f'whloh 5"a euolosed heruelth for your lnformatlon. &I an8wer to your raoond question It I8 the opinion of this dspartmentr 1. rfUStiO08 Of the PetlOOOf :;ouT OOUllt are not urthorirrd by law to oharge a trial fee of #3.00 3IIorimlnal aa888. $2.50 18~the trial fee provided by ArtIDle 1052, Y. A. C. C. P., ror JustlOo of the Pea00 of Parker Gounty, a oouaty hatin< a population of ~;ore than 20,.000 InhabItanta aeeording to the last preoedi~ Federal &nsus or 1940. 2. The Justloe.. of the Pctaoe I8 not entitled to shy oo3~I3slona oh fj.nee or trial fees colleoted. Fs quote frosi*rtiole3891, Yerncuto Amoteted Texas GiVu 8tIAtUte8, (LB fO11ow8; =. . . . "The oonpeneation, lirmitatioll8 and MuIIu~~~ herein fixed &ill ll8o apply to all less and :oonpeneatIons what8o8rer 00118oted by raid ofPi- oers in their offloial .oapaoI$p, w!.ather aooount- ahle as fees of offloe undo? the premht law, end any law, gsnsral or speoIal to the oontrcry lo hereby expressly repealed. *he only %Iud and oharaoter ol' ompensatloa exempt from the provi- 8iOM Oi this f&t Shall be zSrald8 l"3OSiVed w zherirro for a~prehensfoa or orIminal8 or fugI- tIves rrom ju3tIce and for tho recovery of stolen property, and rxmeys rooelved by Countr JtaQea and Justioos or the Peaoe for psrformtnq rarrhige oer9mnles, \:Cich s'umehall not be uooouutable for and not required to bo re-;ortadRS foea or oi‘fioel" In EUISWOTto qour thI.rd pucstilou It Ia our opInioo at mrritqa f~os colleoted by the Justice of the i'uaoe nay k rete.ia& by him idltbut aooountily: for mne cc fec3 Of OffiOe+ Very t2ul.y youra