OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ronorablo Temple Shell county Attorney wichit8 county Fiehlta Falla, Texas Dear 83.x-r carefully 00n8iAa your request as io him orztcs spaos stall hl!dAsak and @hair. Re to it BB not beiw caeassalble a it is ns4essarg to pslsr ire lenah ai the ttouft TOQIE "He hae suggested that 8 more m&table and aooessible roo:nnow ocaupled by the Tuber- culor Society be aaaigned him. FsvcrabLa aotlon on this suggestionww not taken by the court*, "1 have rendered an oral opitiionto fi. McPhereon, etating that in sayopinion, the HonorabLe Temple Bhell, Page 5 provisions of Art. 5S99b, Sea. 5. oi Title 61 - Fees of o?fice, uow govern, and that it is discretionarywith the Comisaionerr* Court uhethar or not they supply the County Surveyor with an ofries in the Court house, or whether or not they ere obliged to pay hie officesrent in the event they do not 80 supply him. %P. MaPhemon, on the other hand, has been advis~adb cwnssl that Art. 55SS, Qar- non's Revised gtatutes, still gwems, and that the Court is obligad to either furnish an office in the Court house suitable for, condu&ihg the bualnesa of a Gouuty h~veyor, or to pay the rent on an offies outsids the Court house, es provided in this Artiols. Ymmfore, Ipcopound ror your eonsidera- tion end opinion, the following questiona "1. Is it obligatory for the Goma1i8- sionsrs~ Court to supply the County Surveyor with a suitable orrloe ti the Court house, providing one is availsble or can be iwade available? "2. If the above is antnamed in the a~firmativs,therimust the Court supplyan 0l=r10ssuitable r0r the carrying on of the work of a County Surveyor; i.e., large enough for his eguipnent and the County bvey Rb- oords, end aoosssible to the publio9 *3. 11 No. 1, above la answered in the' arfirmative, then should the County Surveyor, being au eleotlve offioer, as provided in theConstitution, Sea. 44, Art. 16, be given preference in seleating an office over Per- sons who am not SO elettedf i. 0~ JustiOes or the ~eatte,Constables.W. P. A., and re- present:;tivesof charitable isstitutloas? . .. i38 Hmorable Temple Shell, Page 8 "4. If No. 1 is answered affirmatively, and the Commlssionsrs~Court finds there is no suitable available office apace in the Court house for the County surveyor, then, are they obli~atad to pay a reasonable lrnt for an offioe outside the Court houseVW We do not here pass on the authority of the Corn nissioners'Court to provide office speae in the oourthouae for the V!uber#ularSooiety" as we do not have suffioitint tuats to pass on same end said question la not direotly raised here. Article 6883, vernon'a Annotated Texas Qlvil Stat- utss, reads as fol.lowsr *Aoounty mrveyor shall be slsoted in eaoh oounty at each genewl election for a tern of two yeara. Be shall reside la the county and keep his office at the aourthoUse or some suitsble building at the county neat, the rent therefor to be paid by the eossnia- sionere* court on satisraotoryshowing that the rent is reaaonsble,the offioe necessary and that there is no available oifioe at the courthouse." Article 3899b, Vernon*6 Annotated Texas Civil Stat- utes, is a much later statute than Artiole 5283, supra. Sea- tions 1 and & of Article 3899b, V. A. 'P.0. 9.. read ae fol- low81 "Seotion 1. There shall be allowed to County Judges, Clerks of the District and County Courts, Sheriffr, County Treasurers, Tax Assessors and Gollsetcr6,6Uch books, stationery,InoluUing blank bail bonds and blank complaint%,and office furnitureas may be necessary for their offices,'tobe paid for on the ordes of the Colrrmissioner8 Court out of the County Treasury8 and suitable offloes shall also be provided by the Com- &ssioners court for said ofiioers at the .. Houorabla Taxple Shall, Page 4 expansa of the county. And auoh books and stationeryas are necessary in the perform- ance of their duties ehall alao be furnish- ed Justices of the Peace by said Gommiesioners court. Provided all purahaaee hereia must be aPprovsd by Commissioner8Court, and must be made under the provl~ion8 or Artiola 1659, Revised Civil Statuterrof Texas, 1925. “Sec. 2. Suitable orrices and etatlonery and blanks necessary in the perrormanoe or their duties may in the dlearetionof ths CommissionersCourt ale0 be furniahdd to reivi- dent Dlatrlot Sud5es, reeidant Dinti‘iatand :;; County Attorneys, County Superintsn anta and County Surveyor%,and may be paid ror on order of the Comml.ssionersCourt out Oi the County Treaeury.* It is e settled rule of atetutory construction that where two etatutssare in pari nuteria end OSMOt be reaonailedthe older statute will ba held to baIrpe&sd by impliaationto the extent or the contllOt. eircumstanceeit lsrpraeumed that the tegieleture inteall- ad to repeal all laws end part8 of laws ClSSFly ill0Olb eistent with ite later sot. (Sea 39 Texas Juri6pFudenea, page 145.) Seotion 1 of Article 3SQQb, avlkaeit th6 duty of tha Gommi0l6ioner~’ Court to provide ror 06rtain oounty orrloere, to wit; County JUd5es, Clerks 02 the County end District CoPfte, SheFiffS, County Treasurerrr and Tax Aaaesaor-Collaotora. Seation 2 of Article 30QQb provides that it is disare- ;l.;na;’with the CommlssionerslCourt a6 to the-d- suitable arricee for the following OfriOeFiU: resident Distriot Jud&es, reeidant District and County Attorneys, GoUnty Superintendentsand County SUrWyOS8. Thus we sea that Sections 1 and 2 of Article 3899b Bupra, are eonprehensiveacts dealing with the pro&ding of offices for oounty and distrlot ofiiosrs,making it mandatory to provide officr!sfor certain named oifioers AYU @marable Temple Shell, Page 5 and allowing the Conrmissioners * Court discretion to deter- mine whether or not other oertein named officera should be provided with suitable offices; You are respectfullyadvised that it is the opinion of this department that it is discretionarywith the Commissionera'Court of Wichita County as to what kind or office apaoe, ii any, either In or out of the court- house, they may see fit to allow the county surv6yor. Very truly yours BY Wm. J. Fanning Arsietant APPRO~EUMAR 15, 1941 k.W ATTOPSEY GENERAL OF TEXAS c . .
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion